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the professor said their final words before dismissing the class. everyone rushed to pack up wanting to make it in time for their next class or to just go home, juke nudged adeola awake so they could head out together.

she woke up noticing everyone was leaving and began packing her things "can i get a ride?" she asked as they walked out, juke checked his phone for the time before agreeing, he had to pick up victoria in a few but she wouldn't mind if he was a bit late. "can't wait for this week to be over" she said looking out the window "for real, we have finals coming up too" adeolas brows furrowed at the mention of finals, juke scoffed at her reaction.

"maybe if you wasn't sleeping you wouldn't be confused"

"we don't even learn anything in that class, i'm only taking it so i can make it to next term"

juke nodded lightly removing his feet off the gas pedal as they came closer to her place. he waited till she entered the house before speeding off to victoria seeing she had sent him a text 'just got out'

she got in his car leaning over to give him a kiss "hi baby" juke says watching her buckle in "how was your day" victoria sighed giving juke the impression it wasn't the best "talk to me" he reached over rubbing her thigh making a smile form on her face "so basically..."

finally home, juke took a shower before getting to his class work. oakley came home just in time with food for everyone to eat for dinner "yo juke" he yelled out, juke poked his head out his room to see what his brother wanted and oakley pointed to the bags off food on the table, juke nodded going back in to save his work. "how was school" oakley asked "calm nothing crazy just gotta finish this piece on modern day arts and shit" isabel gasped "we should go to a museum, it'll be good for your paper and for xander let him out to see stuff" oakley and juke chuckled at her excitement "you know he's one, he anit gone remember all this"

"yeah? so? it's the thought that counts plus he needs to see outside more"

"we'll take him to the museum"

"you hear that xan, mommy taking you the museum" juke said in a baby voice to his nephew that sat next to him. after dinner, he went back into his cave (bedroom) getting call from adeola and began half listening to adeolas rant about her updated grades, they dropped lower then before. "ion know what to tell you, you did it to yourself, maybe if you listened to me this wouldn't have happened" he said "right so anyway" addie completely ignored him going back to talking about herself. she later hanged up to get dress for some party that was taking place on campus, juke was planning on going but he chose to finish his paper before anything else.


we heading to the free?

ion know man wanted to finish this real quick

you got mad time fam
bun that and let's go

aight give me like 20
read 7:48pm

juke got up saving the document then changing into more party appropriate clothes, double checking that he got everything and looks good before leaving the house

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juke got up saving the document then changing into more party appropriate clothes, double checking that he got everything and looks good before leaving the house. in his car he pulled up her contacts tapping the facetime button "yo addie, you dressed?" he says once the call connected "where are y- your coming?" a big grin formed on her face as her and friends got their things together "come outside, i'm a block away" she said a quick 'okay' before hanging up the call.

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong placeWhere stories live. Discover now