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juke gave victoria one final kiss before pulling away "i'll come check you tomorrow?" she smiled 'okay' he rushed back to his car waving goodbye to his girlfriend before heading on the main street. "addie, where you at?" he said as the call connected "im at home" she answered in a sleepy voice followed by a yawn "alright wake up i'm coming over" she hummed as if she was falling back asleep "adeola wake up" juke repeated. he reached adeolas and used his spare key to get in, the apartment was it's usual star - a mess - no one was awake even after his repeated orders so he quietly he walked to adeolas room.

"wake the fuck- he stopped seeing aidan fast asleep at the end of adeolas bed. she shifted a bit at the noise kicking aidan in his head "adeola move your foot" he said softly trying to rearrange his body "dude what the fuck" he jumped at the sight of jukes frame in the door way.

"good morning to you too" juke says with a smile making himself comfortable on the bed, adeola groaned at his body weight trying to push him off but was unsuccessful waking her up "i fucking hate both of you" she said getting off the bed "we love you too addie" aidan responded.

both boys followed behind adeola who wanted to take a trip in the city "how's your girlfriend" aidan asked "yeah we good, nothing crazy" aidan softly laughed "i know adeola mad, glad you happy though, i gotta meet her" juke wanted him to emphasize on what he said but left it alone when adeola called them over "which one?"

"hold up let me take this" juke excused himself making everyone go silent "hey vic" he answered aidan looked at adeola trying not to laugh at how his voice changed, she rolled her eyes continuing to watch the tv with it's lowered volume. "guys we gotta go" he announced getting a confused look from both adeola and aidan.


"to his girlfriend"

"do we have to go?" aidan asked not wanting to get up when he was already comfy, juke sucked his teeth grabbing his car keys before slamming the bedroom door, aidan gave adeola 'we bought to get our ass beat' look and they both got up following behind juke rushing downstairs.

"hey guys" victoria said entering the car "hey" they all said in annoyed like tone, victoria didn't say anything about their weird vibe just enjoying the car ride. in the front seat adeola and juke took glances at each other knowing they was upset at one another but neither wanted to bring it up. "let's play some music, in here dead ass fuck" aidan said grabbing the cord "can i give a suggestion" victoria asked taking aidan's phone, juke and adeola continued being tense but eased a little by the sound of music to distract them from their feeling.

"bye guys, it was nice meeting you aidan" she said hoping out the car, juke held her by the waist planting light kisses on her neck before fully kissing her "have fun" he said letting her go so she can be at work on time  "yo! let's go eat i'm hungry" adeola announced once juke was back in the car "now you wanna talk"

"yes i'm talking to you, can we get food?"

"all that attitude for what"

"i don't even have an attitude, you wanna be too busy worrying about your girlfriend to even remember about your friends"

"look how you sounding right now, what the fuck are you talking about i'm with you right now"

"just fucking forgot it man" she yelled in his face now that they were basically touching foreheads "and kiss" aidan said trying to be funny but instead both of them sent him a glare. juke huffed turing on the car to get adeola food because he too was low-key hungry.

juke placed xander on his toy mat turning on the television to keep him entertained while the little one gave his attention to the toys. adeola texted him apologizing for early making him smile knowing she was never gonna stay upset for long, he wanted to know why though but left it alone seeing victoria calling him. "hey baby, how was work" he asked once the call connected, victoria groaned moving around in her bed "i wanna quit" juke chuckled "to bad you can't" she sighed "unfortunately, anyway what are you up too?"

"watching xander, oaks and bella are out somewhere being a couple"

"oh let me see - he's so cute omg i haven't seen him in so long, look at him he's walking"

"you wanna know what's crazy, i remember when adeola came over to help me baby sit and she was playing tag or whatever with him. he was at his  crawling fast stage then boom he stood up, adeola didn't stop bragging about it for weeks" he continued cheesing remembering the whole interaction, victoria laughed thinking about adeola going on about a baby walking. "oh speaking of, are you guys okay?" a confused yet understanding look formed on his face wondering the same thing, he never opened up to her about it but he could really see the tension between them especially when victoria was around "yeah we're good."


@xoxoaddi 9h

+ let's pretend that anit the us of a flag  💋

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+ let's pretend that anit the us of a flag  💋

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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