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adeola giggled to herself as she struggled to contain the never ending smile plastered on her face from her and jukes first official kiss. she didn't even get that much sleep, she just bragged about it to aidan — he was more interested in knowing if victoria was now up for grabs — but non the less, she woke up that feeling well rested and ready for the day which is why, for the first time in months, adeola was able to go to the gym — she later regretted that decision — followed by doing her skincare, shaved, did her makeup, picked out a nice outfit, all for an hour class that was shared with the guys she had kissed.

outfit as header
it's a calm fit, normally i imagine her wearing sweatpants and a random sweater to class.

she walked into class searching for juke in their usual spot; the middle row and he wasn't there. she brushed it aside as him bring late and tried focusing on the lecture for end of semester exams, that  have started and she needed at least  a 78% to pass which hasn't been easy considering she barely pays attention in any class. juke entered the room in his typical all black fit "you okay?" she asked once he sat down, he hummed pulling out his materials "you okay?" he repeated she also hummed. they both softly smiled facing forward to ignore the butterflies created in their stomach by their close presence.

"head back to mines?" juke asked as they walked to his car hand in hand "yeah" adeola got in the car and played music from her phone for the 38 minute drive. she sat crisscross on the seat since it extended to give more space for tall people. she pulled her computer out the bag and began doing something, juke looked over trying to see but could only catch glimpse "look at you following in my footsteps" he joked, she sucked her teeth filling out the tables for her econ class.

juke opened the front door with a satisfied smile seeing the place was empty, isabel and oakley are away in new york to meet her family plus oakley being in NYFW, xander was with his aunt nichole. "make yourself comfortable, lemme take a quick shower" he said dropping his bag on the couch then entering his bathroom, adeola changed her clothes in whatever juke had that could fit then layed on his bed watching tiktoks to pass time "this all you good for" he says seeing her sprawled out, she scoffed sitting up to look at him.

her eyes followed his movements basically gawking at his apparence "did i ever tell you
you were good looking" she says watching him dry off his hair in the mirror, he paused his movement surprised and let out a small laugh "okay" she shrugged "just saying, victoria got it nice" he smirked looking at her through the mirror "why you say that" adeola sighed "cause she get all that" she says tracing his frame "what about you" juke turned around to face adeola, he pulled her up on her knees as they made eye contact "what about me" she said softly getting a bit shy when he wrapped his hands around her waist forcing them closer, juke placed light kisses on her neck getting soft moans out of her, adeola moved his face from her neck connecting their lips as juke pushed them down onto the bed.

"juke chill" she said when he started getting lower "why" he looked up at her pulling at the hem of her shorts "because" she moaned "becau-" his phone began ringing on que making him let out a loud groan as he reached over to see who it was "because of that" adeola says as they both looked at victorias contact flashing in the screen "sorry" he sat on the edge of the bed sending victoria a text with adeolas head on his shoulder "it's okay, it was just the heat of the moment. it meant nothing" he shut off his phone throwing it on the bed before getting up to get dress and take her home, he was a little hurt by what she said.

juke yawned being awaken by the doorbell ringing, he scratched his head looking around th room for the time before going to answer. "you got a package" victoria says holding up the box, he yawned nodding his head as she let herself in "it's 10am, why aren't you dressed?" juke scratched his head confused "juke seriously" she whined literally stomping her foot in frustration "i'll go get dressed give me 30 minutes" she scoffed falling into the couch.

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