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adeola laid on the backboard of the jukes bed with his head in her lap, she played with his hair as he slept with the music they've been playing from earlier still going. left alone with nothing to do, she thought to herself about how confusing she's been making her life these few days, such as letting her and juke become on unannounced good terms but feeling like their relationship was a sneaky link then best friend. adeola realized she never fully got to hear what he had to say the day she confessed — maybe jude would've said he liked her back and they wouldn't have been in this situation.

her phone began ringing breaking her thoughts when victorias caller ID popped up, her heart dropped not knowing what to do and ending up answering anyway. "addie?" victoria says once the call connected "hey what's up?"juke began shifting from the sound of voices, she quickly shushed him with her pointer finger. "have you talked to juke today, he's low-key been ignoring me. your his best friend so did he tell you anything" adeola and juke looked at each other with wide eyes "no sorry i haven't seen him, he's been dodging me as well" she lied holding eye contact with juke while victoria continued speaking, adeola thanked god that was worked well under pressure otherwise this conversation would be filled with lots of stuttering.

"could you let me know if anything" she hummed hanging up the phone. adeola let out a heavy sigh, both her and juke sat up knowing they have something to talk about "what's going on juke?" she says with an annoyed look on her face, conflicting with his nonchalant look "nothing."

"so ignoring your girlfriend is nothing, where's your phone" juke sucked his teeth reaching onto his nightstand got his phone not seeing the for all this. he handed her his phone and adeola tried turing it on realizing in seconds it was powered off. "juke you know how bad this looks, like what the fuck is going on with you" she groaned flinging his phone onto the bed.

juke knew it looked bad but in his dumb defense, trying to figure out your feelings for your best friend while having a girlfriend isn't easy and prioritizing both is even harder. "whatever your going through right now get it fixed, yeah? the last thing i need is for victoria to think we're more than just best friends because-"

"i wanna be more than just best friends" juke cut her off bring shock to her face "what?" are her ears deceiving her? is it time to invest in hearing aids? juke repeated himself even slower for her to hear him clearly but she m didn't say anything  and got off the bed "are you joking right now" she asked getting up more angrier than happy to hear that her feelings for him are mutual "juke that's not how this works, you can't just say things like that. dude do better" adeola left juke stunned slamming his bedroom door and left the apartment, "fuck" he screamed knowing everything she had said in the past 15 minutes were right.

a couple nights before, juke wanted to really see if he had feelings for adeola and came up with the bright idea to spend more time with her on a emotional and physical basis, removing the best friend title out. it meant tarnishing his relationship with victoria but he hoped it would be worth it.

3 years of friendship over a 3 month relationship is worth it. everything was working out in his favor, he spent time with adeola making up for their fall out but also checking on victoria. he came to realization, the more time he spent with her, the more he realized maybe he really does see adeola more than a friend. she knows him like the back of a book, she been there for him since forever, even when she joked about being the best thing that happened to him, she really was the best thing to happen to him — a guilty feeling began to eat him up, juke wasn't always the best at with his emotions especially when it came to others, so having to deal with telling victoria would be the hardest thing to date.

he looked outside his window watching adeola hop into her uber heading down the road, he huffed grabbing his phone to text her, the sooner this situation is resolved the better.

addie the baddie 😽😜✨

adeola i'm so confused right now, it's like i think i want to be more then friends
but you know i'm
not the best with dealing with other's emotions so laying it on victoria would be hard , please just try to understand where i'm coming from


adeola didn't know what more to say or how to handle this, she thought it's best to let juke do him since he's doesn't work well under pressure, she knew he would take his sweet time to get his shit together and as best friend, she'll be there alo...

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adeola didn't know what more to say or how to handle this, she thought it's best to let juke do him since he's doesn't work well under pressure, she knew he would take his sweet time to get his shit together and as best friend, she'll be there along the way to help him.


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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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