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xander wiggled around in his bouncy chair while juke kept him entertained so he wouldn't become an issue for isabel as she cleaned up the apartment "you know how long oakley said he was going to be?" she asked sweeping up any last minute dust "nah, he left around 10-12?" she sighed knowing that oakley wouldn't be back till nightfall if he left early "look it's mommy" juke cooed pointing to bella making xander copy his actions "oakleys been on my ass about his second birthday like if he anit just had one 300 an somethin days ago" she says shaking up a bottle.

"it's up to you, your his parent as well you know what i'm saying"

"yeah but he's our first child so i want him to exprecence things even if he won't remember them"

juke softly laughed shaking his head "what?" she asked "you think too much" he handed xander to his mother so he can be fed for the evening then went to clean up his play area giving isabel less work to do. with alexander taking his nap, juke and isabel had time to themselves. isabel went on her computer looking for party ideas and juke just stayed in the living room for company. here and there his phone would vibrate but he would ignore it knowing who it was "your still busy" isabel asked "yup" she laughed at their little inside joke.

ever since adeolas confession he hasn't been on his best thinking about how differently the conversation could've went, he chose to just ignore it and everyone focusing his mind on other things like watching xander and helping set up the house turning it into an excuse for all his absences — it's been almost two weeks since they moved in.

she fanned away the smoke that filled the space between her and aidan. he laughed taking another hit but blowing it out the window "im gonna kick you out my room if you keep doing that" he chuckled kissing her forehead "im sorry"
adeola smiled enjoying the feeling of having close company with someone after her and juke basically 'fell out' - "what we doing later?" she asked getting up from their comfortable position making aidan groan "why you gotta get up" she rolled her eyes going through her clothes "let's go somewhere" aidan put out his blunt letting out the last pull "okay"

they got themselves together going out for a walk "you know how jukes doing?" aidan shook his head "nah anytime i call, he's always busy with they new place" she nodded moving from the topic "you got any more?" aidan nodded taking one out of his pockets "your gonna smoke?" he asked and adeola nodded "no aidan i'm gonna eat it" they sat on the curb 'smoking' mostly adeola coughing as aidan was on his way to high from all 3 blunts that he had today. some of aidan friends joined them since  they were near his ends, no one complained about the silence watching the cars and people pass "i miss him" addi says taking another hit and resting her head on his shoulder "no gay shit but yeah, i didn't think it would be that bad" adeola hummed - juke gave up on everything disconcerting himself from his circle until he was ready to get over his fuck up"

"y'all ready?" oakley asked everyone who was in on the whole surprise, he got an in union 'yeah' as they all walked into the house to help clean up  "soon to be married" anti said holding up his phone for a picture "who would've thought" juke says taking a sip from his cup "you got the ring?" oakley nodded "the plans in motion"

"i got xander" juke says starting oakley proposal plan"bae can you grab the thing in that box for me" isabel hummed picking up the tiny box and giving it too oakley, he got on one knee watching her shocked expression turn into a big smile. juke recorded as isabel was on the verge of tears trying to cover her face while oakley did all the talking "isabel, i want to thank you for everything. for bettering my life with your presence, for my amazing son, for this growing family, for your support and for your love. my life is..." isabel didn't let him finish his sentence with her over excitement, cutting him off by pulling him up to place the ring on her finger "didn't even let me finish but i'll take it" he joked pulling her in for a kiss.

"she said yes!" juke says as everyone came out from hiding to congratulate the newly engaged. juke ended the recording to hug isabel as she continued crying "congratulations"


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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫

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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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