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they all sat in the restaurant indulging in senseless conversation — mostly coming from adela and aidan — "right so anyway" juke says switching the topic because he got tired of their foolishness "last day tomorrow before the real deal. how you lots feeling?" adeola huffed taking a bite from the bowl of fries avoiding the question
"yoo i can't wait for the party tomorrow night" juke shook his head in disappointment, not surprised that's the first thing that came out his mouth "i just wanna make graduation" adeola said softly knowing her grades aren't the best, aidan nodded in agreement "that too" making both juke and addie chuckle "dumbass" juke says.

"walk me home?" adeola asked now it was just them two in the restaurant since aidan had left to deal with something; he gave no details as to what it was. "you done?" she hummed putting the napkin on the plate as juke got up holding out his hand for her to take.

"you coming to the pool party, right?" addie excitedly asked, she loved the water and with the weather getting warmer, all the pool and beach events are being hosted "maybe i don't know" he responds getting a eye roll from adeola "your coming" she opened the front door letting both of them in before juke could say "no i'm not" she turned on her heel pointing her finger at him "keep playing and see where it gets you" juke chuckled pulling her into him by the waist "shut up" he said softly leaning in for a kiss that adeola dodged by leaning back quickly switching the mood "can we go somewhere, i don't wanna be cooped up right now" juke sighed not wanting to get into it with her and just agreed with whatever she wanted "go get dressed, i'll wait."

juke smiled seeing her put on their matching tracksuit "wanna be me so bad" he says pulling out his phone to take a picture which made her smile "you wish, it was the easiest thing to find" juke nodded not believing a thing she had said "sure it was." they left adeolas house and headed for the train station to go to piccadilly circus just because theirs usually always something going on. juke and adeola found intriguing desert shop that sold ice cream and boba tea together in the form of a milkshake,"if this don't hit im blaming you" adeola scoffed watching juke hesitatingly take a ship from their shared cup.

"i wanna window shop, let's go" she interlocked their hands and began making their way over to one of her favorite clothing stores not surprising juke by her choice. he smiled seeing addie go against herself by picking out many items that she definitely didn't need "this is your idea of window shopping?" she hummed looking at another rack "better get them now then later" he shook his head trailing behind her to the cash register. "i got it" he says pulling out his card, adeola squealed not really wanting to spend 250£ "look at you spoiling me, you should do this often" he let out a breathy laugh at her comment picking up the bags as they headed out the store.

"thank you" she says giving him a kiss on the cheek when he rested his head on her shoulder to take a nap for the rest of the ride home. not too long later, juke was shook awake by adeola since their stop was next.

he kicked off his shoes and threw his sweater somewhere in the room before throwing himself onto her bed "i'm going to sleep" he says in more of a mumble then actual words but non the less adeola nodded removing her makeup and changing her clothes. juke was now fast asleep snuggled up in her bed while adeola had the urge to clean, jukes phone began to ping but she ignored the first couple keeping her cranking mood going but another followed and another taking her attention his phone that — in her defense — wanted to be checked as usual victorias name showed on the notification banner and adeola opened the phone to see what they were about; they weren't good.

juke continuously blink for his eyes to get use to the light shining into the room, he turned over seeing adeola fast asleep and planted a kiss on her forehead before quietly trying to reach over and grab his phone from the night stand. "fuck" he says softly to himself seeing his girlfriends name pop up in his notification bar, he tapped her message and immediately sprung up as he read, this wasn't the way he wanted things to go, this wasn't his ending and for some reason his chest began to tighten.

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