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needed me by rihanna blasted through the speakers as adeola pushed past the many intoxicated bodies with three red cups in her hand trying not to make them spill "look at that you made it all the way through" jared, one of adeolas classmate — that she lowkey hated — says giving her a pat on the back, she forced a smile immediately removing the interaction from her memory and finally got back to juke, aidan and maddison.

"i'll take that, thank you" aidan took one of the cups chugging it down then taking a hit from the blunt maddison was smoking "man on a mission" he says leaving the group to bother the sea of women "someone is getting unlucky tonight" maddison and adeola chuckled at jukes comment, for the first time in forever adeola was not drinking tonight, she was too excited about graduating tomorrow that showing up hungover was not the right move. she and maddison later got up to go dance with some of their girlfriends they saw entering the venue, leaving juke and aidan to yap about aidan's achievement of bagging a girl for the night.

"is that?" aidan got up making sure his eyes were not deceiving him "yo that's vicky, brotha. love but the prize has arrived" aidan dapped juke up before making his way over to his ex girlfriend, juke shook his head finishing his cup after endless sips. "you mind?" a girl said pointing to the empty seats that used to be occupied by his friends "nah you can sit, i was just getting up anyway"

"that's a bummer, i came over to talk to you" juke chuckled at her confidence staying put upon her request "what do you want to talk about" he asked turning to face her "well for starters, i'm addy" he snorted catching him and her off guard "sorry, hi addy. i'm juke" he held his hand out for her to shake — which she did — before going back on topic.

"girl im getting tired, let's go back" maddison said feeling a bit drowsy as sweat started to form on her forehead and adeolas "yeah definitely" they held each others hand going back to the lounge era of the venue to find juke.

"who's that?" adeola poked her head out from behind maddison seeing juke indulged in a conversation with a girl neither of them recognized "whatever lets go sit before my legs give out" maddison basically pulled her towards the two on the couch "scooch" maddison sat in between the two stopping the conversation they were having "come on addie, sit" she patted the spot in between her and juke, adeola sat down resting her head on the back off the couch before placing it on jukes shoulder "i'm ready to go home" she said getting a soft 'ok' from juke and a confused look from the addy.

juke sighed getting up and pulling adeola up with him "sorry addy i-" adeola gasped interrupting him "that's my name" everyone softly laughed "shut up" juke said before continuing what he was going to say "i gotta take them home, i'll see you around." maddison got up waving goodbye and following behind juke and adeola.

he did not see her around

juke tried his best to not wake her up as he carried her bridal style up the stairs, coincidentally the elevator was out of order. he kicked the front door open with his leg gaining the attention of isabel and oakley cuddled up on the couch "is she okay?" oakley asked he hummed keeping the convo short, his arms were falling asleep and walked past them, again using his foot to open his door but being more carful cause his nephew was right across the hall. adeola groaned in her sleep, shifting around trying to get comfortable, not even realizing where she was when juke placed her down. he shook his head taking off his clothes and changing into something more comfortable before heading back out the room to get something to eat.

"juju?" alexander softly called out, juke peaked his head into the little boys room that was being dimly lighted by a night light "wssup lil man, go back to sleep" xander shook his head getting out of bed and walking over to his uncle "up" juke thought for a second before giving in and picking him up, isabel is going to be mad.

"why is he out here, come on juke, you can't let him get his way" she shook her head to tired to even fully care "sorry, see what you did" juke looked towards xander but he was already falling back asleep with his thumb in mouth. juke made himself food surprisingly with one hand, joining the couple on the couch watching luther.

"addie move over so xander can lay down" he whispered placing his needy nephew in the middle of his bed since he was on the verge of tears when juke tried to place him back down in his own "ni juju" xander says hugging his uncles right arm and falling right asleep, juke on the other hand sighed just looking at the blank ceiling above him.


@xoxoaddi   4h

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫

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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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