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adeola was filled with in joy after her finale day of classes have ended and they were officially on
"spring break bitches" juke chuckled leaning off his car and grabbing the door for her "aren't you excited" he says closing the door "fuck yeah, don't gotta open a book for a good week" juke sighed walking over to his side and starting up the car to go his place.

"who all you think gonna be at this party tonight?" adeola asked scrolling through instagram seeing tonight's flyer get reposted by many of her mutuals, juke shrugged keeping his focus on his game "couple 100, it's a big venue with a pool, so i wouldn't be surprised if it's more" she hummed in agreement before putting her phone on the charger and sitting up from her spot on his bed "how's you and victoria?" adeola asked making juke pause his game at the out of blue question. he turned his chair in her direction with a confused look on his face "uh we're on a break i think, ion even know" he said truthfully, ever since that text, him and victoria haven't spoken. "a break? really?" she responded with a knowing look "i don't know man, it's complicated, she's complicated, let's move on from her" juke didn't want to be hung up on his and victorias standing point, he just wanted to chill with his best friend / unannounced friend with benefits.

"three two one...adeola" both boys yelled scaring the deep in sleep adeola awake. she looked scared before falling back down when she saw her friends laughing at her "fuck off man" she says in a tired voice "we got places to be bruv" aidan pulled the covers off of the bed making her groan from the cold air hitting her lower body. juke on the other hand sat in the bean bag chair letting it all happen. adeola took some pictures in her mirror of her outfit while the boys sat on their phones waiting for her to finish.

"omg this place better not be a bust, i've been looking forward to this for months" she says fixing her makeup one last time, aidan nodded in agreement putting his phone in his pocket "worda, they've been saying some DJ gone be there and all that extra shit" adeola scoffed knowing that was total bullshit because her friend bekka — the one throwing the party — is always lying. juke was too zoned out on twitter to even care about the conversation in front of him, adeola smacked his leg taking him out of wherever his head was at "you ready?" she says, he hummed hoping off the bed and throwing aidan his keys "catch"; he was getting tired of driving.

juke and aidan occupied two pool chairs filled with adeola and her friends items; they were on watch duty. both boys sat on the edge of the chairs drinking and scanning the area for who was at the party that they knew other than one another. "you think she gone show?" aidan asked making juke think, would she? this is her kind of scene but then again he's here and victoria had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with juke, for now. "wouldn't be surprised" he responds throwing the last drops of his drink down "oh well, let's get you wasted and laid, sad boy hours no more " aidan patted jukes back before they both got up and went to get refills.

as suspected victoria found her way to the party, with someone else, taking aidan by surprise as he almost chocked on his drink but juke was unbothered, so unbothered that his eyes followed her every move as she dragged her date to the other side of the lot. adeola came rushing over soaked in chlorine after spotting her "hey, you okay?" she asked watching juke take little sips at his drink "calm scene" he pulled her into him by the waist giving her a peck on the lips catching adeola and aidan off guard "okay" she says dragging out the kay trying not to show how giddy she was inside "lets go" juke took off his shirt before taking her hand and running into the pool with her, aidan sat at the edge of the pool watching the two splash each other.

juke wasn't jealous, he was more so happy that victoria basically told him what kind of break they were on. he doesn't need to worry about her anymore since clearly she's being taken care of. victoria didn't even care to notice his presence until he pulled that stunt and kissed adeola, she came to this party for a good time not to worry about her "ex" hence why she brought malike, one of her old rebounds. they both wanted one thing out of tonight and it didn't consist of juke or whatever the fuck he got going on so victoria mentally blocked him out of mind, taking a few glance here and there but still blocked.

adeola rested her head on jukes chest fast asleep in his car from all the time she spent in the pool. the trio was too drunk to even drive one another home, leaving them with the only option to get comfortable in the car to rest. thankfully juke had spare blankets in his trunk from xanders picnic party that he gave one to aidan and the other shared between him and addie to keep them from catching colds; their bodies wasn't fully dried.

juke woke up letting out a groan from the uncomfortable position he was in "you okay?" adeola says sounding more like a mumble then words "my legs asleep" her mouth formed an o quickly getting up for juke to get comfortable "that was really a party, god never felt that good in my life" she says with a breath of relief already reminiscing on the moment hours before, juke chuckled humming in agreement as she went on about everything that she did during the party. juke watched her yapped with a small smile on her face making her feel a bit embarrassed by his stare "what?" she asked taking him out of his trance "addie" he started taking a hold of her hand "i'm sorry for dragging you into all this" she let out a small chuckle, giving his hand a light squeeze "it's okay i lowkey chose to be in it anyway" juke pulled her into him for a hug "love you" he said "love you too."


@whoslilbro 6h

@whoslilbro    6h

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