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victoria continuously tried shaking juke awake, accepting defeat when he didn't and the fact that he was basically a goner. so to pass time she laid next to him on her phone until he woke up.

he groaned when he shifted and felt someone blocking the open space in his bed, victoria smiled watching his nose shurnch up as she stretched "what you doing here?" he asked trying to get the sleep out of him "you've been ignoring your friends and me as well, i gave you your space but this is now too much space" juke scratched his head knowing she was right before letting out a yawn and falling onto victoria lap, it was too early to deal with this right now "thanks for coming."

juke and victoria sat on the couch watching some random kids tv show with alexander, who was playing with his big lego blocks. juke focused his attention to his own thoughts from what victoria said earlier leading him to get up and grab his phone "what you doing?" she asked as her eyes trailed his movements until he was out the living room "give me a second" he says loud enough for her to hear.

addie the baddie 😽😜✨

Mon, May 8 at 13:04

hey are you okay?

Fri, May 11 at 12:38

text me whenever

Today 14:13

sorry, i've been MIA.
just trying to get things together

glad that your okay

you busy right now


alright, i just wanna hang out nothing crazy text me when your free
read 14:16

adeola felt enraged by her light conversation with juke after he proceeded to ditch her for basically two weeks and came back with no 'apology' for what happened in his room, she closed her phone not even bothering to respond

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adeola felt enraged by her light conversation with juke after he proceeded to ditch her for basically two weeks and came back with no 'apology' for what happened in his room, she closed her phone not even bothering to respond.

"where you going" aidan asked watching as she got her things together "somewhere" she answered in a nonchalant tone "alright, i'll see you later i guess" she forced a smile walking out of aidan's flat heading for the station. she actually had no where to go but just wanted to be alone for right now.

should she be mad at juke? no, maybe, but even so after she said her true feelings he basically -- he did -- leave her with no answer to what she said and ignored her using the 'busy with the new place' excuse that he also has been giving the others. honestly adeola from weeks before would forgive and forget, but adeola now just doesn't know, their life's changed by the smallest percentage.

as adeola got closer to her flat, she felt like she was being watched and quickly reached in her bag for her keys plus pepper spray just in case shit goes down. "adeola" he yelled making her groan at his presence, she pretended she didn't hear him and sped up her walking "come on addie, don't be like that" juke grabbed her waist turning her around to face him "i missed you, i missed us" he continued she basically eyerolled to mask the smile that wanted to form "now you know i exist"

"what's been up with you" she rummaged around the kitchen to look busy "nothing, just needed some space-"

"clearly a lot of it" she says softly "with the new apartment and stuff" she turned to look at him with a forced smile like she was paying attention to what he said "what about victoria?" juke shifted a bit in the couch at the mention of her "yeah we're good"

"so they still together?" aidan asked making adeola more annoyed that he isn't paying attention "no aidan they together, give me this" she took his blunt throwing it on the floor to put it out "that's 10 p's gone right there thanks addie" she should care less and went on to vent "why you care so much, my guy moved on. lowe it fam" aidan sucked his teeth getting up from the curb they were sitting on "ina bit yeah? luv" adeola hummed getting up as well.

once again juke waited outside her flat for her to come back home "why are you here?" she says taking a glance back at him while opening the front door "came to see you" she scoffed "no duh but why?" juke didn't say anything taking his shoes off and getting comfortable on the couch like normal while she cleaned up "go bother someone else juke" he chuckled not moving his feet so she can get to the other side "are you still upset" he asked pulling her down to sit with him "yes i am and stop doing this you have a girlfriend" juke looked at her confused as to what he was doing but didn't ask any questions and instead got up to help her clean up.

"are you kicking me out after i just did all that work" juke touched his heart, hurt that he was used by adeola. she giggled nodding her head "get out dude, you'll probably come back again-" jukes phone interrupted her, looking at the caller id, it was victoria, he muted the call looking at adeola who showed a soft smile "it's okay, i'll see you later" he nodded walking back to his car.

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
this chapter has been edited

author note ୨୧
this chapter makes no sense but i'm too lazy to rewrite it right now so bare with me, i started writing it then postponed it came back and forgot the plot.

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong placeWhere stories live. Discover now