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victoria held jukes hand dragging him around the shopping center and picking up anything she saw and liked. they've been in the area for a good couple hours and although jukes legs and arms were hurting he didn't complain enjoying her presence and the time they're spending together. while victoria was in the dressing room, he sat outside scrolling through tiktok and texting a needy adeola.

addie the baddie 😍

so anyways
come over ?

ina bit, cooped up rn

fucking loser.

| fucking loser.
you want me to come or not

no shit dickhead
let me know when your outside


juke waited till victoria exited the dressing room to announce his leave "i think im just gonna get these two?" she says unsurely, juke hummed taking out his wallet and passing her his card to go pay "i gotta go, something came up" he told her as ...

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juke waited till victoria exited the dressing room to announce his leave "i think im just gonna get these two?" she says unsurely, juke hummed taking out his wallet and passing her his card to go pay "i gotta go, something came up" he told her as they waited in line to cash out "alright, can you drop me to a friends?." victoria grabbed all her shopping bags and gave juke a quick kiss goodbye "call me later?" he said watching her step out, she he hummed waving goodbye and walking up the steps to the supposed friends house. when juke pulled up adeolas apartment, she was already outside waiting for him fully dressed in going out attire "addie, i just came from outside" he says with a sigh as she hopped in "too fucking bad, i was bored up in there" she sucked her teeth buckling herself in and checking her makeup through her phone camera "you gonna drive or what" juke rolled his eyes taking the car out of park.

"oh picture picture" adeola pulled out her phone to take a picture of them on the self checkout camera, he chuckled as she continued taking more while he scanned the items. 3 hours later, they were finally back in her flat to do what they originally planned for, chilling on her bed. adeola put on her new favorite show, 90 day fiancé, after one episode she began binging the entire seasons. aidan called in the process but juke silenced his phone sending him a text "should i invite aidan?" he asked beginning to write the message "only if you want" she responded not really caring.

"he's coming?" adeola asked looking up at juke "nah i'll go check him later though" she hummed continuing to eat her snacks and laying on his chest. they soon fell asleep not aware at all the hours passing them by, juke woke up surprised to see if was pitch black outside "shit" he says rubbing the sleep out his eyes before picking up his phone to see the time, 20:12. he tapped adeola awake so he could get up and she can sleep in a more comfortable position "it's late, i gotta go" she nodded in between a yawn as she watched him get ready to leave "can i come?" juke nodded putting on his sweater "how you gonna get home?" adeola shrugged putting on her shoes and trailing behind him to the front door.

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