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adeola got her things together watching the clock get closer to the lecture being over, juke joined in after getting his last sentences of notes on the paper then pulling out his phone for the next 3 minutes. "you're dismissed" they both got up rushing to the door like if it was a competition, both groaning in pain when their sides collided with the heavy door a bit too hard.

"where you want me to drop you" juke asked once she was buckled in "just take me home. i'll hop on the train if i need to do anything after" juke nodded starting the car and heading to adeolas "i'll see you tomorrow" she said waving him goodbye.

victoria played with jukes hair while he got some of his work done, most of their days have been like this, going to eithers homes and enjoying one another presence "you want something to eat" juke asked looking up at her "yeah" she responded "what?" victoria put a smile on her face before saying "you" making juke laugh a bit "i don't support cannibalism" he says putting his laptop to the side to shifting his position from in between her legs to on his knees facing her as she sat on the bed. "come here" victoria sat up moving herself closer to him, cheesing very hard when he looks directly into her eyes then to her lips "why not" she asked with a pout, juke shook his head  pulling victoria by her waist into him, leaving no space between the two and began covering her in kisses as she giggled at the ticklish feeling.

adeola finished her assignments with the help of juke - she copied - and got herself together for the rest of the night. she would probably be at a party right now but she's actually trying to graduate and not be on academic probation. again. her phone pinged immediately as she went to pack her bag for class again tomorrow.

aidan 🤷‍♂️

wys rn?

waiting for you to text me
took you long enough

my fault didn't know i was needed

you shouldve felt your adeola senses tingling

| you shouldve felt your adeola senses tingling
these are taking a bit to get used too

mmhm sure
what did you need aidan

me and my mandem heading out later, wanted to know if you wanna come?

adeola groaned knowing she was planning on staying in but he offered so why not, she got up from her desk heading into the kitchen for something to eat before she goes to a party and gets wasted on a empty stomach

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adeola groaned knowing she was planning on staying in but he offered so why not, she got up from her desk heading into the kitchen for something to eat before she goes to a party and gets wasted on a empty stomach. in the kitchen she stood leaned up against the counter staring into space in her head about anything and everything. she was a bit surprised at how much was on her mind but once she was one eating it all went away, no wonder she doesn't let herself idel.

not too long later, aidan announced he was outside by his loud speakers getting an eye roll from addie as she rushed around her to finish off her outfit and grabbing a bag that went with her outfit. she walked up to his car reaching for the back car door seeing one of aidan guys occupying the front "addie come in the front, chris switch real quick" aidan says making him suck his teeth hoping out, adeola rolled her eyes at his attitude 'want to ride in the front seat like a little bitch' she thought to herself trying not to show the smirk on her face "i said it was a hang out, you dressed for a party" aidan says looking over her outfit "thank you aidan, i picked it out especially for you" the guys in the back chuckled at her sarcasm while aidan shook with head "you are something else"

just like aidan had said it was a little get together, making adeola a bit disappointed because she did want to party. cars lined up in front the house with some guys, majority of them in tracksuits mingling amongst themselves with blunts and bottles. everyone hoped out the car walking towards the entrance aidan dapped up a few guys along the way, he held adeolas hand as they entered already noticing the eyes wondering "you want something to drink" he half yelled through the music, she nodded following behind him "who died" she joked when they entered the kitchen seeing more black tracksuits or just all black outfits with hints of color. aidan tried not to laugh hiding his face as he poured some liquor in two cups "you need to shut up" he playfully warns handing her a cup followed by rapping and arm around her neck "just keeping it real" aidan hummed drowning the whole drink and tossing it in a bin near by.

the morning that followed she rushed out of her bed realizing she was late for class "ah fuck fuck fuck" she said trying to put on her shoes while searching around for her book-bag that she had packed the night prior, she's never partying again when she's in a school mood. she slowly walked up to juke as he was waiting for her at their usual spot "hey" he says pulling her in for a hug "i missed class" she whined looking up at him "very much so, but you can just copy again as usual" she smiled kissing his cheek "this is why we're best friends, bonnie and clyde" juke chuckled walking her to her next class "text me when you finish, i'm gonna go check on vicky" he waved goodbye then headed for his car, adeola on the other hand low-key felt a bit sad at the mention of victoria, brushing it off seeing her classmate, madison calling her over.

"imma need the run down on how you found him" adeola forced a smile knowing that's not how it is, the him she's referring to is her best friend, boyfriend to another women who she introduced him too removing all hope and chances of her believing they could be a thing.


@agtaylor 3h

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫

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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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