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he entered the class disappointed at the sight of seeing no adeola but his and hers graded papers on the desk face down, his nosy self wanted to take a look but held up the urge. 80% was written on the paper, he had no reaction to his grade since it's been the same all semester, the professor dismissed them and collected the papers that weren't claimed.

juke looked around campus for adeola thinking she might be skipping or in another class. just as expected, she was coming out of a near by building saying bye to the girl she was walking with and placed her headphones on, he jogged over to her pulling off the headphones "yo what the" she quickly turned around "oh hey juke" she says giving him a hug "we skipping class now?" she sucked her teeth knowing it was nothing like that "i overslept and i didn't see the point in coming late so i went and chilled in the library for a bit" juke rolled his eyes knowing that wasn't true "man fuck off i'm not lying" she says giving him a small punch to the shoulder "alright inna bit."

"soo...what's the word with you and vicky" aidan asked joining the two after all their classes finished. "it's complicated" he answered looking at adeola as she at her wingstop meal uninterested with their conversation, "everything complicated with you" aidan said moving on and tapped the table for adeolas attention "what about you fatty" she flipped aidan off at the nickname "fuck off, this got nothing to do with me" they both chuckled leaving her be back in her own world. to be frank all juke needed was time, he believed he had everything planned out, it just never was the right moment.

back in the flat, juke let out a satisfied moan from the feeling of his body hitting his mattress "you sleeping?" isabel asked coming into the room after knocking, he shook his head sitting up on his elbows "sorry can you watch xander for the night, i'm working late tonight for a show" she says with a pleading look, he sighed but agreed getting up from his comfortable spot and into the living room "oh! victoria came by earlier" isabel says packing up her things to leave, he hummed taking a mental note to call her later to see what's up "alright? by sweetie" she kissed juke cheek grabbing her bag and left.

"what are you going on about" victoria laughed "im just saying though, that's shot was weird" she hummed showing a smile that made him melt "i missed you" victoria said "missed you too" he lied knowing the last thing on his mind was her. she continued talking but juke was again, too in his mind to pay attention, humming every other second to show her he was "listening" in those same seconds he got a message from aidan.


 come home the kids miss you 😔

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come home the kids miss you 😔

stuck babysitting man

chose another woman child over your own
L father

man suck dick
read 17:46

 he laughed at the photo saving it to his phone "hey babe let me call you back" he says with his finger hovering over the facetime button on aidans contact "alright

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he laughed at the photo saving it to his phone "hey babe let me call you back" he says with his finger hovering over the facetime button on aidans contact "alright." the phone rung a few times before connecting, the sound of water running and adeolas laughs made up the background "hold on bro" aidan says putting up his phone so juke can see them better as they have adeolas family cat a bath — it wasn't going so well. "taro stopppp" she whined holding him away from her as he shuffled around in her hands while aidan tried putting on the soap "guys ion think he likes baths" juke says getting a glare from the two, who were trying to not get scratched "hold him still" aidan complained to adeola "what the fuck you think i'm trying to do!" juke laughed watching his best friends struggle with the angry cat, taro.

"wanna be our sugar daddy and order some food for us" adeola asked while aidan played mario cart in the background "you guys keep having sleepovers without me so no" he answered making aidan join in the conversation "you always want to go home after we hang out" juke sucked his teeth knowing he was right opening his uber eats app "what y'all want" adeola squealed kissing the screen "thanks jukey."

@xoxoaddi 47min
[close friends

@xoxoaddi    47min[close friends

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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong placeWhere stories live. Discover now