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she spent her weekends mostly cooped up in her room with her discouraging thoughts while juke and victoria went back to being the perfect couple that they are pushing adeola out once again. juke had felt a bit guilty trying to prioritise time for both girls, but the ods were never in his favor with adeola dodging any of his meet ups. she felt he had threw away their time together when victoria was away in the back of his head and started acting like adeola didn't exist only giving her his left over time and not his full.

adeola grabbed her things getting ready to leave for class, normally juke would come pick her up but they haven't fully talked in a couple days — adeola believes she's giving juke time to enjoy his girlfriend return as an explanation for her being distance. she took her seat in the back waiting for juke, who's always here before her but not today or the past couple days.

"hey sorry i'm late" he uttered taking his place next to adeola in the already hectic class "juke, please don't disrupt class" adeola looked over to him as he pulled out his belongings "hey you okay?" adeola hummed quickly turing her focus towards the front, juke on the other hand, took a second trying to read her face, he came to the conclusion something was bothering her because adeola was acting off - she was but he doesn't need to know that.

occasionally, he would look over and see if adeola was okay but she showed no expression, only focused on the lecture, a shocker in his opinion. they were dismissed and adeola along with others quickly packed their things away leaving no room for juke to get a word out to her but he rushed behind her pulling her to the side "hey, you haven't talked to me in so long. L mans for real addie" he tired joking but got a forced smile "i've just been busy, you know?" busy with what? she's the most laid back person ever, adeola is never 'busy' he didn't push for more details and switched the topic. "wanna head back to my place? i miss you" he asked but adeola shook her head making juke groan grabbing her wrist and dragging her across the university anyway "i said no juke" she yelled making a scene trying to ignore the butterflies that formed in her stomach.

"pull out whatever you need help with, i'm gonna change" adeola rolled her eyes after being brought against her will. juke re-entered the living room throwing some shorts at adeola so she can get comfortable and not stay in her school clothes for much longer. ten minutes of silence between the two only the sound of keyboards and pens. he let out a heavy sigh that went unnoticed until done again "is there a problem" adeola said not bothering to take her eyes off the screen "well yeah, you've been ignoring me all day" juke said putting his things down "i'm not ignoring you, i'm in your apartment right now" juke closed her laptop giving her no choice but to look at him.

"you didn't want to come over?"

"you sound like a desperate child, shut up" juke gave her a small shove for her comment to through her off balance "fucking loser"

adeola decided to stay the night after their awkward tension disappeared, they sat on his bed eating leftover pizza and watching peaky blinders. "honestly yeah, i think he's gonna die" adeola says taking a look back at juke "nah i feel like arthur just fucked in the head" she got up making juke let out a scoffed laugh knowing what she's about to do.

"okay but like in the end arthur is reckless as fuck so" adeola got the final word ending their 5 minute debate. she threw herself back onto his bed with a moan "shut up" juke says pushing her over a bit "juke, keep trying me and i'll beat your ass" adeola got herself comfortable next to him wanting to return to their previous activities. "yeah whatever, come closer" juke rested his head in her lap and placed her hand on his hair for her to play with "this is so childish" adeola awkward laughed to ease off the grin forming on her face "but it wasn't childish when you were crying over that one guy and begged for me to let you play with my hair because it reminded you off him?" adeola pulled on jukes hair for what he said making him let out a small scream of pain "i'm sorry i'm sorry" he begged kissing her thighs so she can stop "yeah that's what i thought" adeola smiled going back to playing with his hair.


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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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