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juke honked his horn for the 5th time growing annoyed at adeola and her friends as they came rushing out their flat "i told you i was up the block" he said sending her a glare "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have kept you waiting" addie says pouting at him and getting a laugh from the girls, juke rolled his eyes turning up the radio. "guys get in my video!" adeola recorded them in the car jamming out to the music "say hi jukey" juke turned to the camera using his free hand to hide his lower face "we about to get lit tonight"

they arrived at the 'party' and already the girls headed to the pit, juke found an empty couch to sit on, ordering himself a drink until aidan showed up. adeola came over to check on him "hey everything good" she says taking a seat, juke hummed taking a sip from his cup "gimme some" addie took the drink out of his hand, juke said nothing letting it happen "i'll order you another one" adeola says seeing as she finished it.

the girls pulled juke and aidan on the floor with them to help cheer up jukes 'bodyguard' like mood. he wasn't much of a dancer so he just bobbed his head to the music, time to time adeola would pull him in to dance with her when some random guy decided to chat with her. juke was starting to get board of the scenery and was ready to head home, he checked the time seeing it was 3:11 and called over adeola to get her friends ready to go.

he woke up fine as if he didn't waste his time at a club last night going drink after drink but as normal he made it to class on time, adeola on the other hand. she came to class 20 minutes before the lecture was over — thankfully the teacher gave her a pass and she made her way next to juke letting out a groan when her body touched the chair.  "juke remind me not to party mid week" juke chuckled nodding his head "this is so not funny, i feel like absolute shit" she whined "apologies, come on get at least something down" juke handed her a pencil knowing she's soon going to ask.

adeola and juke went to nandos for lunch upon her request, juke got the orders then sat at their saved seat. "did you have fun last night?" she asked unpacking the food he hummed eating his portion "don't lie, it's okay if you didn't" juke didn't respond continuing to eat, adeola took that as a sign to move on "can i come over later ?" juke looked at her confused, this came to a shock because adeola never asks to come over, she just shows up basically inviting herself.

"to help me catch up. i'm failing that class and you know i can't afford that"

"i'll meet you outside your building. don't be late or i'll leave you"

she laughed to herself  "or i'll leave you, you wouldn't dare" she says mocking him, juke nodded getting up to throw away his food. adeola noticed and followed behind "don't leave me !" juke walked out the door flipping her off.

to their surprise oakley was home coming out his room putting on a t-shirt stopping at the sight of his brother "ay wassup man" oakley says walking over to dap up his brother then paused when he saw adeola behind him "long time no see" adeola waved as juke lead them to his room to end the awkward encounter "yo! i'm heading out" oakley announced before closing the front door. juke sighed unpacking his bags "make yourself comfortable" adeola jumped onto his bed kicking off her shoes "okay. what do you need help with" juke took a seat on his desk chair and rolled it closer to the bed, adeola took her laptop out showing juke all her missing assignments. he looked between her and the laptop in shock - how can 1 person have 31 missing assignments - he didn't say anything and just opened one of the documents "let's get this over with" adeola smiled "thank you juke"

7:00pm came and juke got majority of her assignments completed. adeola offered to order him food for his "help" so they sat in his living room waiting. "stop being awkward and talk" adeola says moving closer to juke, he scratched his head thinking of what to say but when juke went to open his mouth, the door bell rang.

so she got up and went to collect the food "come eat" she says looking around the kitchen for any signs of plates, juke came into the kitchen opening one of the cupboards and pulling out two plates "thank you" juke nodded taking out the food for both of them.

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
this chapter has been edited

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong placeWhere stories live. Discover now