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juke and adeola sat in his car staring straight ahead at the bright lights of london city. they've been sitting here for almost 30 minutes not saying anything, after victorias question from the other day, he really wanted to know what's up with them - adeola was against the whole idea making juke lock them in the car until she talked so she decided to just stay silent. "addie, come on we've been here for a good minute" he complained throwing his head back, she didn't respond instead continuing to look out.

juke sighed letting her be and went on his phone to pass time for when she was ready. "do you like her?" she spoke, juke placed his phone back down giving her his full attention "what are you talking about?" his eyebrows furrowed knowing that question made no sense towards the context of why they were here but adeola continued "i don't know juke these past week have just been a fucking mess so just answer me, do you like her?"

"she's my girlfriend"

adeola nodded not saying anything after that - she got the information she needed - juke opened his mouth to say something but chose against it, he didn't want to make the situation any less worse between his best friend.

it may look as if adeola is mad for no reason but there was something she was hiding. that week victoria was away, she spent the week at jukes flat. everything was perfectly fine they hung out mostly, binge watching all her favorite shows, watching xander, sleeping, staying up after hours. it was great, too great seeing it made her feelings for him grow even more especially when she started crying watching the ending of heartbreak high, he brought her ice cream and listened to her debrief the whole show although it was loads of waffling.

but that wasn't it, he sat and listened with a smile on his face admiring how detailed she felt about these dumb yet interesting shows leading him to kiss her - she didn't object kissing him back. this was all she wanted or so she thought seeing as soon as victoria came back he went about like nothing happened putting the interaction in the back of his mind. couple nights after that her and aidan had a little 'slumber party' because she couldn't deal with her feelings like any normal person and definitely couldn't go to juke about them, since they were literally about him.

"the issue is you anit tell my man you liked him when you had the chance, you let that shit dead for too long" aidan says truthfully to adeola who sat with her head on the table crying "stop addie, you look weird" he picked up her head wiping her tears with a random tissue paper from the table "your supposed to be here to help" adeola softly laughed through her tears.

"speaking of though we should've invited juke not gonna lie anit see him in a minute" adeola sent aidan a side eye for mentioning his name after what she had just told him "or not" adeola smiled at his response getting up to clean her face "let's play just dance" aidan quickly got up to turn on the switch in her bedroom "your speaking my language addie" he said pulling her in for a hug once she entered the room "you can't quit after 2 songs" aidan added knowing adeola gets tired of things quickly "i promise i won't" she got out of his grip grabbing the other controller.

"and you know what, it was never that serious"

"never that serious" aidan says getting a laugh from adeola "your code switch is crazy" she says knowing what he's usually like outside of his friends "being a roadman isn't easy init" adeola playfully rolled her eyes "roadman my ass"

"but back to the topic though, what you gonna do about juke" aidan smacked her thigh to have her focus on what he's saying "lowe it" he sucked his teeth seeing she learned nothing making her laugh as she continued to find them a song.

"do i really have to tell him?" aidan nodded as if he was a therapist listening to adeolas easily solvable problems "yes adeola it's important to get our feeling out in this time of- okay ouch" he was interrupted by her kick to his chest "shut up you sound ridiculous" aidan scoffed letting out a soft "so much for trying to help"

adeola looked over to juke, who gripped the steering wheel as he drove with an unbothered look on his face she realized how childish she was acting and finally feeling ready to talk with her and aidans conversation in her mind for 'emotional support'

"pull over" she says softly tapping his leg to get his attention "everything okay?" juke asked waiting till they were out of traffic to do as she said. "i'm sorry for the way i've been acting lately, there's so much shit that i'm trying to understand but it's so hard and i took it out on you which wasn't fair."

"it's okay, i got you" juke said accepting her apology but also knowing well enough that wasn't the full truth because she never tells the full truth, half assing is her way of life. he pulled adeola in for a hug seeing she was still feeling uneasy and used this time to apology as well because he too is at fault "i'm sorry" she hummed not wanting to let go of him "don't apologize" he released himself from her embrace and took her hands into his "im the reason your feeling this way and it's causing you pain, just give me some time" adeola showed a soft smile happy that he understands her so much she he's self aware of his actions "it's okay, i got you" she repeated his words from earlier. now that was out the way, jude changed the topic "we've been on the road all day, i'm ready to dropping you home"


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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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