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"alright inna bit" juke and aidan did their handshake goodbye venturing back home. his phone pinged announcing his girlfriends caller id making him smile, it's been a few days since they hung out from her being away with family back home in bath.

Vicky 💋

just got back, you busy?

finally, nah i'm not

| finally, nah i'm not
lol okay wanna meet me?

right now?

yes right now juke

say no more

i'll send you the address

juke rushed to his car seeing victoria re-shared her location with him

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juke rushed to his car seeing victoria re-shared her location with him. he played some music looking around for any signs of speed cameras to make his trip quicker. still in the car juke received a call from adeola "juke, what are you up to right now?" she says with excitement

"uh i'm on my way to meet with victoria, why?"

"oh then um nevermind" juke looked at his phone confused "everything okay?" addie hummed "all goods, talk later" she hung up the phone leaving him no room to respond, juke didn't think to much and brushed it off as 'just addie being addie'

"juke" victoria squealed jumping into her boyfriends arm "hey baby" he picked her up giving her a long kiss for how long she's been away "i wanna pick up a few thing first, yeah?" he hummed putting her down interlocking their hands while she led the way to whatever store she wanted to be in.

adeola watched cheesy american romcom while indulging in some crisps to forget about the fact that her and jukes time has come to an end. she always thought about outing herself to juke but held back, believing it would only make matters worse and effect their 3 years of friendship in ways addie didn't want to know. the thought of them together crossed her mind a few times even before him and victoria got together, maybe they would've worked out she told herself still focused on the tv. she rolled her eyes removing the thoughts out her head before they go any further putting her in a unpleasant spiral of her emotions. juke and victoria are perfect for each other, she made the right decision introducing the two, especially seeing them going on 2 months strong, she's doing the right thing - hopefully.

adeolas phone buzzed seeing it was aidan, she put her snack to the side answering "your alive?" he chuckled "good to see you too addie" she smiled from hearing back from an old friend "so what's up fucker"... she jumped out of her couch and went to get dressed. aidan invited her to another party and of course she was gonna go. she followed the 'live in the moment' rule and party's were her best friend along side juke of course but also she had big fmo (fear of missing out)

juke and victoria sat in the wingstop bussing down some good wings while victoria talked about her familys semi vacation back home. victorias phone buzzed interrupting what she was about to say, she looked up at him with a smile  "wanna go to a party?" juke looked at her with an annoyed face immediately catching on "it's addie" he says pulling out his phone "give me a second"

adeola immediately answered jukes call "hey, are you guys coming?" she asked "no, we're not coming and your not going either" adeola rolled her eyes not wanting to hear any of this "addie , we just went to a party. you don't need another one, stop being sad and stay inside for once" she didn't say anything instead hung up pissing juke off even more. he went back to victoria with an annoyed look "i'm gonna go check on adeola" victoria nodded grabbing her things "i'm taking that as a no we're not going?" he chuckled placing a kiss on her hand "no babe we're not going to no party"

𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong place x 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜
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𝐉𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫. the wrong placeWhere stories live. Discover now