Touch Me Like You Touch Nobody

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Jennie grabbed the back of Jisoo's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Their lips locked together and Jisoo wasn't gentle.

She held the brunette's hips and pulled her closer as if she wanted to be inside her. Her kisses trailed off her mouth and across Jennie's jawline down her neck.

Her grip on her hips tightened and Jennie closed her eyes in bliss as she gripped Jisoo's shoulders.

Jisoo lifted her head and kissed her hard again. Their lips molded together and Jennie felt her heart beat pick up pace as she felt anticipation for what's to come.

When Jisoo pulled away, Jennie felt her dress sag against her and she clutched it to her chest. She didn't even realize Jisoo had taken off the zipper.

"Drop it." The raven's eyes were filled with heat as she ordered Jennie to drop her dress. "I want to see you."

The white sequin dress crumpled to a heap in the floor and the brunette stood there with her hair circling her shoulders in a white bra and panties.

Jisoo dragged her eyes across her and Jennie smiled at how flushed her cheeks became. Then suddenly Jisoo grabbed her face and kissed her in a long and hard kiss.

She pulled away panting and said, "You could make me come just from looking like this..."

Jennie's breath caught at Jisoo's comment. That was the hottest thing she had ever heard.

She smiled seductively and traced a finger across her jaw.

Then she laughed with mirth as she went and sat on the edge of the bed. She leaned back on her palms and waited for Jisoo.

The raven slowly took off her shirt till she was standing in a black bra and her tight fitting jeans. She walked over and stood between Jennie's legs.

The raven leaned down with her hair falling on both sides of her face, and kissed Jennie's forehead. The brunette closed her eyes and sighed.

Jisoo then placed a kiss on her nose and Jennie giggled, which elicited a smile from the other girl.

Then she kissed Jennie's smiling lips in an achingly sweet kiss. It was slow and delicious as she swept her tongue into her mouth. Jennie moaned and Jisoo pulled away with her dark brown eyes almost turning black.

She leaned forward until Jennie's arms gave out and Jisoo was hovering over her.

Jennie held her face and asked in a soft voice, "What happened?"

Jisoo pushed an errand strand of hair from Jennie's face and said, "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. You're beautiful here..."She placed a quick peck on Jennie's lips and placed a slow kiss over Jennie's heart. "And here..."

Jennie felt her heart swell at her words. As if she couldn't be more in love with Jisoo.

She shook her head and playfully hit her. "Don't make me blush."

Jisoo smiled lightly as her eyes roamed over Jennie's face. "I...I don't—"

"Don't finish that sentence." Jennie said firmly.

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