Chapter 2

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Xavier's POV

I woke up this morning feeling great and my wolf was excited for some odd reason. I got up and looked and the clock. I thought shit! I'm late for school. I hurriedly got dressed and ran downstairs where my mom was eating breakfast. She looks up to tell me "your gonna be late for school again", as I pass by she hands me a pancake. After that I hurriedly rush to my car and drive to school. As I arrive at school I realize that actually late considering that no one was outside. I grabbed my bag from my car and headed to the office for a late pass. Right as I entered the hell we call school I smelled the best scent in the world. I could feel my wolf getting restless, but I ignored him and headed to the office. I grabbed my late pass and headed to first period,English, where the amazing scent got stronger. I opened the door and looked around the room spotting the most beautiful girl on the planet. As we make eye contact my wolf says the one thing I've been waiting for my whole life "mate". After a couple of minutes of us staring at each other I hear the teacher telling me to sit down, fortunately the last chair open was next to my mate. My wolf kept talking about our mate and how beautiful she was I agreed while staring at her the whole period.Unfortunately the bell rang and I watched her walk out of the classroom. I sighed and got up to goto my next class. My beta Nick, met me in the hall and said "bro, did you just see the new girl she's hot I'd definitely." Before he could continue I punched him in the face growling mine. After punching my beta for saying that about my mate. I couldn't think so I went on a run back to my house. As I'm running I think of how I'm gonna get my beautiful mate to be with me considering she's human. When I make it home all I wanna do is be alone.I storm into the house immediately going to my room. She looks up startled to see me this early, considering school doesn't get out for a while. I tune her worried calls out and run upstairs to destroy my room. After I threw and destroyed everything I went out for another run. Whilst running I smelt the most wonderful thing in the air, the scent of my mate, I followed the smell tell I found her house. I saw her walk into the house and drop her bag. I sit down and admire her thinking "she looks so beautiful", then I saw her hurriedly goto the kitchen and started making something. I tried looking closer without being seen. Then I saw her put a plate of food on a table. I wondered why is she eating dinner so early? Then I saw her put a beer on the table and make sure everything was OK before going upstairs. I stayed there wondering why she made it if she wasn't going to eat it. About half an hour later I hear a door open and slam shut by an older man probably her father. I watch intensely for a minute before hearing him get up and leave his plate there before heading out again. I hear a car starting to pull out when feet come down the stairs. I see Samantha come and pick the plate up to put in the dish washer. I watch for a while until I saw what was on her face a large bruise. I get mad who would hit my mate! After my mate went upstairs I decided to come back later to find out who hurt her.

Samantha's POV

The gorgeous boy sits next to me and I hide my face with my hair. He keeps staring at me for a random reason. Then he smiles, I don't know if it's directed at me or not. After a while the bell finally rings and my father's words ring I'm my head. No talking, making friends or boyfriends. So I did the only thing I could, I rush out of the classroom. Then I rush to next period and favorite class, art. I think, If I get home right after school then I'll be able to do my homework before I had to make dinner. Hopefully if I do this fast enough I won't get beaten. Wow my life is sad praying I don't get abused, a dream come true.
*******Time Lapse********
It's now time to go back to my father. I hurriedly head home. I'm greeted by my father not being home yet, thank the gods he wasn't here yet. I hurriedly make a sandwiche and put some chips with a drink on the table. I then grab my bag, run upstairs and start my homework. In about an hour I hear a car pull up, I knew it was my father's so I run and hide. I find a door leading to the attic and run into it. I then goto the corner and curl up. He never checks up here, I know if I stayed in my room he would find some reason to beat me. After I assume he ate and then left to a bar I got up went to my room. I finish my homework and go downstairs to clean up his dinner.
The next morning

I wake up at 5:30am again, hurriedly I get dressed and make breakfast, never eating anything or I'll get a worse beating. Father comes down and sits down to start eating. He turns to me with a cruel smile and asks "where we're you yesterday?" I say "i went upstairs to do my homework after I made your dinner." He yells "Liar!" Father stalks over to me and smacks me across the face. I fall to the floor and that's when he starts to kick me in the ribs. After he finishes with 25 kicks to my ribs and a satisfying cracking he says "get out of my sight." I hurriedly grab my backpack and walk to school. As I enter the school I rush to the bathroom quickly. When I enter the bathroom I thank the gods no one was here. I quickly rush into a stall and pull my shirt up to see a horrible bruise forming. I quickly wrap up my ribs and apply makeup on my face to cover the bruises. After this I hurry to first period making sure I won't be late. I sit in the back and try not to move, moving hurts my ribs. I look up to see the boy from yesterday enter the room. I immediately look down. English was so boring today that I just sat there trying not to think about this morning. I look up at the clock dreading each minute going forward because I'll have to go back to him. All through class the guy kept staring at me. I thought it was weird, why would he be staring at me. Maybe I didn't cover my bruise all the way or something. Shit! If my bruise isn't covered then someone will go snooping around again. I hear the bell ring and I head out the room and into the bathroom. I look and there's nothing on my face. I then look at the time got to go to second period. After school ended I hurriedly rush home and made a dinner of chicken. I set his plate down and make it perfect for father. Then I grab my bag of homework and go upstairs. Lately father hasn't hit me in a while so I was happy. But I wasn't stupid I knew I was getting hit real soon. I look at the time 4:30 pm. I put a sweater and shoes on before heading out to the woods. After my last walk I get back to my house. As I'm entering I hear the sickest voice ever. My father says "where have you been, you little slut." I say "I was just taking a walk, sir" He says "sure you were or you were off fucking a random guy like the slut you are". Then he stalks towards me and slaps me hard acrossed the face. I fall to the floor from the impact. He then kicks me constantly in the ribs and back. I stay on the floor in a fetal position. He then goes to the kitchen, I hoped he was finished beating me. He came back in with a knife, I was horrified. Father then takes the knife and cuts my stomach, I start to bleed out. He then cuts lines on my stomach and legs before giving up. I lay on the floor while going unconscious. As I fall into unconscious I curl up and wish for death to come and take me away.

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