Chapter 13

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Samantha's POV

6 months later

I'm happy I've been clean from everything for exactly 6 months and 3 days. I've saved a lot of money up and I got furniture. All I do is work still but that's fine because I love working at two jobs. I'm still a single Pringles. I send letters occasionally to Jonah so he won't worry about me. He sends pictures and letters back to me in return. My life is pretty routine, get up, go to work, lunch,work, sleep, repeat. I've been considering changing apartments. I'm currently going to work at the diner. Work is uneventful except for getting paid which is good. I was doing really well until it happened. I was walking home exhausted from the diner like always when it happened. A man in all black grabbed me and pulled me into an alleyway. I struggled and tried to get away. The man pulled out a switchblade and told me not to struggle so I didn't. I went limp and I couldn't stop crying. He finished with me after a while and ran off. I fell to the ground and just laid on the ground. It will never stop. I got up though and I walked to my apartment. I changed and laid on the floor. The next day I called into work. I need to talk to Jonah he will know what I should do. He can help me. I grab the phone and call the number he gave me in his letters. Someone picks up after the third ring. I mutter the word Jonah and he comes onto the phone. I start to sob when I hear his voice for the first time in almost a year probably. I say one thing before hanging up "come".  I then go and fall asleep crying.

Jonah's POV

I'm in the living room with Lacey when a guy hands me my phone. I pick it up and say hello. All I hear is the word come in a voice I'd haven't heard in months. I hurriedly get up off the couch and head to my room. I grab a suitcase and start to pack some clothes when Lacey comes in. I don't pay attention to her except to say "pack a bag for a while we need to leave and hurry please." Lacey starts to pack and when we finish we get into my car. I put in the address of where I'd always send thing to for Sam. We drove for a while before coming into a town. The GPS take me into a old, crappy looking building. I park my car and go inside to apartment building. I go and find her apartment. I knock on the door and hear a quiet come in. I enter the apartment and see a heartbreaking sight. My sister sitting on the floor in a over sized t-shirt crying her eyes out. I cautiously walk over to her and just hold her until she's all cried out. She falls asleep after a while. I then sigh and put her on the couch before going over to Lacey. I sigh loudly before assessing her apartment. There wasn't much in it but that was the least of my worries. I look around to see a nice small apartment nothing unusual about it. I look over at Lacey before saying "what the hell happened to her she seemed to really like her life here from the letters she sends." Lacey comforts me for a while before we go to bed.

Samantha's POV

I awake really early at 5:30am. I get up and grab my extra clothes for the diner putting them in my bag. I then put on my cashier uniform before heading out. I left a note for Jonah saying I'll be back really late tonight so don't wait up and there's food in the fridge if they needed it. I walk to the police department really agitated and edgy. When I walk in I immediately look around and think about backing out. Before I can a police officer comes over to me. I ask to talk to a police officer about an sexual assault. The police officer tells me to go up the elevator to the third floor. I thank him before following his instructions. As I'm about to enter I think about it. Would they believe me? What if they think I'm lying? What if's keep going through my head. I'm about to just go home when a police officer holds the door open for me. I smile at him as I enter. I stand off to the side for a while. I start to debate why I even came here. I should just leave I thought. As I was about to walk out the door an officer comes over to me. I stop and turn to her. I say quietly "can I ask you something?" The officer nods her head as I say "hypothetically speaking what would you do if someone came in and said they were raped?" The officer replies with "we would file a report and find the rapist possibly." The officer then asks me "what's your name sweetie" as she leads me over to her desk I presume. I say "my name is Samantha and umm I was raped last night. I didn't know what todo so I came here. It's probably a hopeless case so I'll just go work." The officer smiles at me before saying to stay where I am for a moment. I wait in the chair patiently for the officer. The officer who I learned name is Olivia Benson (law&orderSVU). Olivia comes back with a paper and some forms in her hand. She tells me to follow her into a room. I sit on the chair. Olivia tells me to write what happened onto the notepad. I write what happened and then she asks if I have the clothes I was wearing last night. I pull them out of my bag and hand them to her. Olivia then says I'll need to go down to the lab to get evidence and would I like anyone with me. I nod and call Lacey. She said that she would come right away. I thank Olivia for the help before heading to the address she gave me.
***********Skip to her work cause I don't want to write about her getting checked out********

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