Chapter 4

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Samantha's POV

I awake again to be laying on a hospital bed. I remembered what happened and look to see Xavier sleeping so I get off the bed with a quiet grunt of pain. I go into the bathroom and see a window so I push myself off and outside. Freedom I think before going home. At home I see the time is 6pm. I sigh and make dinner for father before cleaning the house. Afterwards I go upstairs to hear my father call me down. I see he's angry at something or should I say someone. I instantly go as close to the wall as I can. Father stalks towards me whole my eyes show fear. He laughs at this and pushes me on the floor. He starts by saying I've been a very bad girl. I've learned years ago to not fight back. I get less if I don't fight. Father punched me everywhere and with my previous injuries I start seeing black spots. But before I go under I feel my pants being taking off. I knew he would do this again, I welcome the darkness as the person who's supposed to love me, raped me.

******The next morning*****

I awake on the floor and remembered the events. I get up before falling back down from the pain all around my body. I grab all my stuff and go walking in the woods. I walk to a cliff and admire the sunset. I look down to see I'm at the edge. I wonder what would happen if I fell or jumped. I mean my father would only miss me being his human punching bag. My mom is dead, and no one will ever love me. I'm interrupted by a wolf stepping on a twig. I look over to see a large wolf. I don't scream or be scared. I just sit there and stare at it waiting for it to eat me. Instead the wolf looked me over and came over to lick my wounds. I giggle at this until the wolf takes my sleeve in his mouth. The mysterious wolf drags me to a clearing and lays down on the wolf and I know you'll think I'm crazy but I start talking to the wolf. I tell him how I'm out here to get away from my dad. I tell him my whole life story, I tell him about my mom dying,my dad abusing me and how I was about to kill myself because no one loves me. I fall asleep on the wolfs soft fur.

*************the next morning**********

I awake in the forest next to the wolf from yesterday. I get up, grab my bag, and kiss the wolf goodbye. When I get into the nearest liquor store. I grab anything and everything I could find. I sit on the sidewalk for a while drinking until I can't remember my own name. I stumble along until I get into the woods. I find myself looking around and walking until I get to the cliff from earlier. I lie down and let the memories go through my head. Every different memory means another drink. When I'm out of a bottle I through it in the woods or over the cliff. I can't stop them and there only getting worse. I pass out on the cliff thinking I can't keep doing this. I wake up totally hung over. I take my liquor and go into the forest. I walk around and drink and drink and drink. I probably look terrible since I have bruises everywhere and I look battered. I run out of alcohol so I go back to the liquor store and buy another couple of bottles. I walk around until I see a very large mansion. I sit down on the grass and drink my troubles away. I fall asleep to the sunset. Wishing for my savior to come fix me.

**********the next morning********

I awake to a major headache/hangover. It's about 9 o'clock in the morning, I squint at the brightness of the sun. I look around to see I'm on the ground with my bottles. I'm in front of a huge mansion. I look around to see people looking down at me. I just stare back, take my full bottle of alcohol and walk into the forest. I stop a couple feet into the forest and look down at what I'm wearing. I should change I thought. I go back to the cliff where I've taken up residence. I change, buy some more alcohol and found a cave. I set down on the cave floor and curled up. I eventually start seeing black spots and enjoy falling into a dreamless sleep.

I awake from a nightmare in the middle of the night. I look around for a bottle but I drank them all. I think I can't do this anymore, the drinking, the memories. I just want everything to end. I can't take being alone anymore. I get up and go to the cliff. The drop is pretty long, so I sit on the edge and think about why I would do this. I want to be with my mom again. Before I jump I hear a voice say 'please don't jump." I look behind me to see Xavier standing there looking so heartbroken. I get up and go away from the drop. I walk over to him but before I fall into his arms I run into the woods. I can't stop running till I trip over a trees root and stumble. I fall and hit my head seeing black spots. I fall unconscious wishing I would never wake up.

Xavier's POV (from when they found her by the mansion)

I'm in my office working on some alpha work when my beta Nick comes in out of breath. I look up to see him trying to say something. Nick says "girl is laying outside,human, from school,your mate." I instantly perk up at that and immediately go outside where she is no where to be found. I follow her scent to a cave. I see she is sleeping so I guard the cave from outside. I awake to her scent being faint which means she has left just a few minutes ago. I follow her in wolf form until I see her. She's sitting on the edge which makes my wolf whimper. I say "please don't jump". She gets up which makes me release a breath I was holding in. She walks over to me and right before she would fall in my arms, she takes off sprinting. I follow her to see her fall and see her hit her head. I rush to her and try to wake her up. She doesn't wake up so I take her back to the pack house and told the doctor what happened. The doctor then took her away and I sat in the waiting room for hours until the doctor came back. He came out with a smile that I wanted to wipe off his face. He came over to me and said " the Luna will be fine she just has a minor concussion but I'd like to talk to you about something else. I noticed when we did her blood work her blood alcohol level was very high." I stare at him until I put the pieces together. She was drunk and in the woods alone. Was my mate living in the woods getting drunk all day? I sigh and go to her room, I walk in and sit down waiting for her to wake up. I drift off thinking about how I love my mate.

Samantha's POV

I awake in a hospital bed and think we can't keep meeting like this I think as I chuckle. I see the guy Xavier I think his name is, is back. I sigh and think what is it this time. I get up and go outside and think what was the last thing I remembered. I knew I was drinking all day, and then I realized that for the first time in days that I'm sober. I'm walking through the forest when think about what if I went back to my dad. I knew he would probably beat me until I die, but if I went back It would be like I'm asking for it. I need to make a decision. Should I stay in Fort Collins, California or leave .(if I said where they lived would someone tell me 'cause I wasn't sure). I arrived at my cave and grab all my stuff. I need to leave, I don't know where but I can't stay anymore. I grab my bags and walk in the forest with a letter for Xavier. It's nothing special just a thank you for saving me from my dad and that I'll never forget his kindness. I put it in between the doors and take off to find something to get me some help. I can't keep living like this. Drinking until I can't remember my name and waking up in a freakin' hospital. But before I could go to far the door opens to reveal Xavier. I smile at him before starting to walk away. Before I go to far Xavier says "come in eat breakfast". I turn around to see the look of desperation on his face. I follow him into his house and into the kitchen. I sit down on a chair and silently stare at my wrist. The scars run deep. Some are from my father and some self-inflicted. I look up when a plate of food is put in front of me. I look up to see Xavier looking at me and I suddenly say "why are you so nice to me, I'm just a problem to everyone. My life is to fucked up for any one to fix." I whisper the last part to myself. I look down ashamed at myself for thinking he liked me in anyway. Before I see him, Xavier is in front of me, he lifts my chin up so I'm looking in his eyes. Xavier takes both my hands and guides me into the woods. I silently follow unsure of where we're going. He sits me down in a beautiful meadow. We sit there for a couple minutes in silence. After a while I lay down to look at the sky. I say "I'm sorry for the last couple of days I needed to escape...and try to forget." Xavier looks at me but thank god doesn't ask. I start to talk again "I know your probably wondering why I've been in the woods just passing out whenever." I see him nod so I continue. "First, thank you so much for nursing me back to health or whatever I I'm. Second so a couple days ago I left my father because I couldn't stand it anymore, I knew I'd probably never survive this another beating or whatever he had in store. I've staying in the woods for the last couple of weeks." I let a couple tears roll down my cheek which Xavier wiped away. After a while I sit up togo when Xavier stops me and said "Wait I have to tell you something very important. I hope it will make you not leave." I sit back down waiting for the rejection or disgust he'll have. But instead Xavier stands up and kisses me on the cheek. I blush and turn around as suddenly he starts taking his clothes off. The next thing I know I hear bones cracking. I'm to scared to turn around but a wet nose on my neck startles me. I turn around to see the wolf from a couple days ago. I look around to see where did Xavier go but he's not anywhere. I then realize that Xavier is the wolf. I back away thinking that he's going to hurt me but that just makes the wolf whine. I put my hand out to pet the wolf and the purrs while I giggle at it. Then he leaves which makes me sad until Xavier comes back and says 'so I'm a werewolf and your my mate." Then I pass out.

I'm sorry this was late but I've been having writers block lately I'll be uploading the next chapter in a couple of days if anyone reads this.

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