Chapter 12

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Samantha's POV

I awake in the morning to me being sprawled all over Xavier's chest. I smile before I get up and go into the bathroom. I take a shower and go into our bedroom to find Xavier had already gotten up. I smile at the thought of him before I fall to the ground from an unbearable pain in my chest. It was worse than my fist shift. I whimper as it wore off to a dull ache. I ask my wolf what that was and she says "out mates cheating on us." I get up and sigh before going into the closet and grabbing a couple pairs of clothes with some of the personal things I got from my fathers house. I get dressed quickly before going into Jonah and Lacey's room. I put all the things into a back pack. I enter there room quietly before tapping Jonah's shoulder. He wakes after a while of poking and prodding him. He's still half asleep but it's like 7:30 am. I smile at him as I try to soak all I can of my brother up. I tell him goodbye and kiss his cheek before I exit his room. I exit the pack house and shift into my wolf. I carry the bag in my mouth before running off his territory. I can't take this anymore. I run till the end of the day I presume before I'm a couple of states over. I rent a cheap motel with the money that I had tucked away. I take a shower and put on fresh clothes before going to the local liquor store. I don't care anymore I just need to forget for a while. I don't want to give one single fuck about anything or anyone ever again. I drink myself to unconsciousness welcoming the familiarness like an old friend.

I awake with a hangover in a motel. I grab my shit and head out with my trusty friend alcohol. I walk around a bit drinking before hitching a ride with a nice girl. The girl takes me a couple more states over before dropping me off. I say thank you as I walk around the town looking for a liquor store. I hate bars guys always try to hit on you or get into your pants. I don't need someone. As I get to the liquor store I stumble in a bit tipsy. I go and get whiskey,vodka and some rum. I pay for them and stumble out of the store. This life is made for me and there's nothing wrong with it despite what the others say. I drink all of it and go back to get more after a couple of hours. This time I grab as much as I can before paying and heading out. I go under a bridge or an alleyway I'm to drunk to comprehend. I slump down on the ground and drink the rest of the alcohol before trying to stand up. I get up but everything is spinning I try to walk a couple of feet but I only succeed in going onto the sidewalk. The next thing I know I start to see black spots but I push it away. I can't stop the unconsciousness from creeping up on me. I can't stop myself and the concrete of the sidewalk from meeting. I drift away into unconsciousness wishing never to wake up again.

Third persons POV

A girl stumbles out of the alleyway clearly drunk. The girl stumbles a lot before falling onto the ground unconscious. No ones around to care that a girl, who's probably not even drinking age, is probably dead. A man coming out of an apartment looks around. He spots the mysterious girl lying on the sidewalk. He rushes over to her. The girl still unconscious grasped an empty bottle of alcohol. There's a faint pulse so she's still alive. The man pulls out a cellular device. He calls an ambulance and waits with the women. The ambulance comes quickly sirens blaring towards them. The man waves his arms to catch there attention. The ambulance pulls over and the two paramedics comes over to the girl. The paramedics load her into the ambulance on a stretchers the man stays and doesn't come with them. The ambulance races to the hospital. One of them driving whilst the other tries to get the girl to stay alive. The time reads 9:45pm . The ambulance reaches the hospital. They bring her in and the doctors start to help her. They bring her back to life and keep her alive. The girl stays asleep for hours after being admitted. The doctors labeled her Jane Doe finding no ID or anything to who she is. They leave her waiting to wake her up. Her BAC was .20. This girl should be dead from alcohol poisoning.

Samantha's POV

I awake with a massive hangover. The worst one I've ever felt. What The Fuck happened. I must not have drank myself to death. I'm in a hospital bed with wires prodding and needles poking me. I detach myself from the wires and needles before standing up. The pain in my chest is still there from the cheating. I go to leave the hospital, I know how to escape hospitals for the practice from fathers. I shudder and shake the thoughts out of my head. I look around to see the clothes I was wearing were folded on the chair along with my backpack. I quickly change into them and grab my back pack. As I'm about to leave a nurse/Doctor lady comes in. I lay on the bed until they leave. I go to leave but the Doctor comes in a few minutes after the nurse leaves. The doctor comes near me and says "little lady you were found on the sidewalk passed out from to much alcohol consumption." I interrupt him by grabbing my backpack and saying 'So it's fine I've got to run.' The doctor gives me a look before saying I have to sigh a couple of things. I walk out to the desk and sign a couple papers before deciding to leave this town. The pain is still there from leaving Xavier. A nice man gives me a ride to somewhere. I don't even care anymore. The town he drops me in is ok. I look around a bit before spotting a liquor store. I buy some vodka and hit the streets. I search around looking for some drugs since the incident I have to lay off the alcohol. I walk around for a while before sitting on the sidewalk. I sit on it for a while sipping the vodka. A guy sits next to me as I finish the bottle. I throw the bottle to the side as the guy starts talking. He says "Hello there madam what's got you troubled today." I sigh before saying "I want some drugs I don't care what it is and how I get it." The man smiles before getting up and holding his hand out. I look at him cautiously before grabbing his hand. He leads me into a building. I follow him as he leads me through people to a room. He takes me in to it and leads me to a man. I wait as the man, should've got his name, talks to another man before calling me over to them. I walk over to them nervously. The man who didn't lead me here holds his hand out. I take it as he pulls me onto his lap. I'm very nervous as this man isn't like my other dealer. He wraps his arm around me so I wouldn't fall off his lap. He continues talking to the other men but then he dismisses them. He dismisses everyone except me. I stay on his lap as he turns me around so I'm straddling him. I try not think about how I would sit like this with Xavier. We stay in this position as the man introduces himself as Mad Twatter. I introduce myself and Mad Twatter ask what I want. I say "anything you got but I don't have a lot of money on me." Mad Twatter smiles at me before going over to a cabinet and pulling out some ecstasy. I smile at it as he hands it to me. Mad Twatter then whispers in my ear "this time I won't charge you but next time bring some cash or something else as payment." I smile before exiting with my treasures in my hands. It came in a prescription pill bottle. I stash it in my bag and continue to walk around the town grabbing some alcohol on the way. I walk until I find some woods, I walk inside them trying to find someplace to sleep. After a while I find a cliff to sit on. It's a nice night out I think as I pull out some things. I set out my dinner or breakfast I presume since the suns coming up. It includes a couple bottle of alcohol and three pills. I take the pills first then drink about half the bottle before it kicks in. I set the bottle down as I start to move about. I love the feeling I'm getting as I drink the rest of the bottle. I watch the sunrise as I spin around and around. I'm very dizzy by the time I stop spinning. I put the pills in my backpack and start to drink another bottle of alcohol. When the dizziness passes I leave my shit there but take off into the woods. I run through the woods giggling. I feel very happy for once. Everything feel like it'll be okay. I like to be by myself because then I won't feel like I'm unloading my problems on other people. I'm not a pity party or a charity case. I circle back to the cliff and I drink the rest of the bottle before I pack the rest of the pills away in my bag. But not before taking one. I start to walk or stumble a little through the forest when a man comes out of the shadows. I cower away immediately considering he radiates power.  He's a werewolf. Possibly a beta I presume. My wolf has been dormant due to us basically rejecting our mate. The beta harshly says "rouge why are you on my territory." I look around but my vision is becoming hazy. I try to fight it for once but it comes quicker than the last times. I mumble out the name Xavier before passing out.

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