Chapter 8

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I need to have an important conversation with Sam about her possible brother and her drinking problem. After a while I fall asleep to Sam's scent and breathing pattern.

-they had graduated out of high school so it's now the summer time.
Authors note

Should I change the cover of this story choices are up above. Comment which ones you like.

Chapter 8

Sam's POV

I awake with a major hangover in Xavier's arms. I get out of his grasp before going down to the kitchen to find some Tylenol. I take a couple and try to stay still. The room keeps spinning. I stay in the kitchen making breakfast for whoever will eventually come downstairs. I groan every time there's a sharp sound. As I finish cooking the buffet I call everyone down. In an instance every teenage male is downstairs shoveling good into their mouths. I smile and take the plates I made for Xavier & I upstairs to our room. I set the plates down to jump onto Xavier's sleeping figure. He awakens immediately looks around for danger which makes me giggle. When he calms down I hand him his plate and start to eat breakfast myself. I finish mine before Xavier so I wait until he's done to take his plate with mine downstairs. Whilst downstairs I clean up the mess from breakfast, the familiar man from yesterday came downstairs. I almost stop breathing as I inhale is scent which was the same as last time I smelt it. I start to walk away but Jonah lightly grabs my arm. He turns me so I'm facing him and he asks just to talk. I think for a second and agree. We walk out into the garden. We sit in silence for a while before he breaks it by saying "I'm so sorry I never came back for you. I couldn't find you because by each time I did you'd guys moved. I should've took you with me from the beginning. Even though in the beginning I was in foster care until I was 16 and could be a legal adult. I emancipated myself and I shifted. I then became introduced to pack life. I've been looking for you and now I've finally found you. I'm so sorry for what that man did to you."By the end of his speech I'm wiping tears off my face. A few tears run down his face to so I wipe them off. I get him to stand up so I can hug him. I take his hand in mine and walk back to the pack house. As I walk in everybody's eyes go to our entwined hands, there are looks of disgust,jealousy,and wonder. I roll my eyes at there wondering faces before I look up at my brother to see him looking at a girl his age. I giggle as I realize he'd just found his mate. I push him forward towards her and whisper in his ear 'I'll talk to you later bro.' I walk away from the happy couple Togo find Xavy, that's my new nickname for him. He's in his office so I quietly stand in the doorway. I admire his features, he's so handsome that I wonder why the moon goddess made me his mate since I'm so worthless. I'm about to leave when I'm spotted. I instantly blush as I got caught staring at my mate. He smiles and starts to tease me. I go and sit on his lap needing comfort from my mate. After a while I get up and go into our room. I grab a box and walk into the room that has my brothers scent all over it. As I walk into the room I immediately turn away and cover my eyes. I scream out 'oh god my innocent eyes oh god.' I hear laughter as clothes are put on. I turn around when's it's safe and hear Jonah whisper to his mate 'her eyes aren't that innocent with her and the alpha.' I instantly blush at his words while I glare at him. I go to the girl and introduce myself as Jonah's sister and I find out her name is Lacey. I smile at them before remembering why I came. 'Oh' I say while picking up the box and going through it looking for something specific. 'Shit' I thought, it's in the other box. I externally groan and grab Jonah's hand making Lacey growl at me. I let go of his hand and out my hands up into a surrender position. I make a face of disgust. I then take Lacey's hand and Jonah's hand putting the box in Jonah's other hand. I then start to pull there hands towards Xavier's and I  room. I open the door and shove them on the bed. I then run into the closet looking for the boxes. I pull all of them out. I start searching thru them when Xavier walks into the door. I let out a frustrated groan as I continuing looking making Xavier laugh. I meanly glare at him before I return to my search. After a while I find the box of old pictures. There are ones of my father and mother before they had us. And ones with us in them. I pull out the photo I'm looking for, it's the last photo we took of all of us. I fist pump in the air making everyone in the laugh at me. I take Jonah's face in my hand examining it. I compare and contrast his features from when he was younger and the present. I smile as I finally believe 100% sure that he's my brother. I then tell Jonah and Lacey good night while putting the boxes away and changing into pj's. My pjs really was just Xavier's extra large t-shirt. I go into bed feeling a sudden wave of exhaustion as I'm wrapped into his arms. I fall asleep instantly into the darkness.
***********couple of nights later************
I awake in Xavier's arm in the middle of the night. I had another nightmare that terrified me. But the most terrifying part was I knew it want just a nightmare it was a part of a memory. I must have woken up Xavier slightly because he wraps his arms around me tightly and buries his face in my neck. I instantly calm down but tears still stream down my face. I get up and go into the bathroom to wash my face. It's like 2am so I go back into bed and Xavier's arm pull me to him immediately. I try to go back to sleep but I can't. I stay up the rest of the night. I can't stop thinking of that nightmare. By the time morning arrives I hadn't slept a wink literally. I stayed in Xavier's arms though. He eventually woke up and I got up out of his hold even though I didn't want to. I stayed in my pajama top but put some short shorts on underneath it.I walk into the kitchen not very hungry but in need of coffee. I can't stop thinking of my nightmare. It was so real I can't eat so I take the coffee in my hand and go to sit on the couch. I sit there for a while until Jonah comes downstairs. Xavier was already going todo alpha business. I sigh escapes my lips as I get up for another cup of coffee. If I fall asleep the nightmares will come back. Even Xavier can't take them away and there getting worse. I'll just have to stay awake at night. When Jonah comes downstairs I get up and make Lacey and him breakfast. After I'm done I put it on the table and drink my third cup of regular coffee. After everyone's done I clean up even though Lacey insisted on helping me. I ignore her pleas but do ask her if I could talk to Jonah later in private. As I clean up I go and get the plate from Xavier. I get it and put it in the dish washer. I take a shower to wake myself up. After I do my shower/bathroom routine I get dressed into a long sleeve shirt from Xavier and some shorts. I go downstairs to talk to Jonah and see him eating mac n' cheese in the kitchen. I smile at him and gesture to follow me outside. I go and walk in the forest till I came to a beautiful waterfall I saw on a run. It's a little more secluded. I sit down and looks at Jonah before saying 'I need you to pick something up for me from a guy. Please and all I ask is to not ask questions or look at what it is.' I silently plead him with my eyes. I gave him an address with an envelope attached to it and told him to ask for Joey because he has the good stuff. I then get up and tell Jonah to hurry up I need that soon. I then hurry back to the pack house and take a shower. I want to party. I put on a to short hooker kind of dress and do my makeup and hair. As I write a note to Xavier and go downstairs avoiding everyone's wondering eyes. I see Jonah came back looking sheepish and came up to me. He looks at what I'm wearing then sighs as he grabs my arm and take me into a secluded part of the woods. He let go of my arm and handed me my bag of extracurricular activities. As I'm about to leave he grabs me again and looks me over and kissed my forehead. I'm surprised at the action but don't question it as I turn and take some money and put it in my bra with my fake id. I go to the nice club in town and with a little flutter of my eyes or my breast I get in. I instantly go to the bathroom and take out my bag and take my extracurricular activities. I snort it and then take the rest to sale. At the end of the night I make almost a thousand bucks on my supply. I'm all out which is nice and I head home but before I do I make myself presentable. I change clothes and head home with my money. As I get to the pack house I as quiet as can be go into the house. I head to Xavier's room to see him sleeping. I smile at that before slipping into just his t-shirt and go into the tv room. I turn the tv on but keep the volume down. I'm can't sleep bc of the cocaine in my system. I love the feeling it gives me. (Attention all readers imma make this clear I have never done drugs or alcohol so this is what I thought it be like) I end of staying up all night not feeling the need to sleep. I do act asleep when I hear someone coming downstairs. I keep my eyes closed and breathe a sigh of release when it was only Jonah. I pop my head up scaring the bejesus out of him. That instantly made me start to laugh but stop as the events of last night come back. I get up and start to make breakfast knowing sooner or later people would come eat. We stayed in silence until Jonah started to talk. I wasn't embarrassed or anything it's just explaining that you sometimes sell drugs on the side is weird. I groan as I remember that I still have to get the money back to Joey before he thinks that I'd run off with it. I finish making breakfast as everyone comes downstairs including Xavier. I smile at him and kiss his cheek. I then go and take a shower and put on shorts and a regular t-shirt. I grab my bag from last night before going but before I could leave Jonah ran into me and did the same thing as last night. I stand there shocked for a couple of minutes before driving to Joeys. He lately has been in an abandoned looking building so I go through the mental check list. No one following me,etc. as I reach the door I pause for a second before looking around watching for anyone. I go inside and go straight to Joey. I take the envelope with the money in it and hand it to him. His smile increases as he counts the money before looking at me and giving me some. He grabs my waist as I'm about to go back to whisper 'come back later and I'll give you more product and a location.' I nod my head instantly before saying yes sir and leaving. I drove back to the pack house and got some breakfast. I was going upstairs before Jonah grabs my hand and pulls me into his room. I sigh as I run my hands through my hand while siting on the bed.  He starts to pace and  mutter the words 'what happened last night? Protect...Protect.' I wait for him to stop before saying 'none of your business ok I'm a big girl I can handle myself. I don't need you to protect me ok we're not little anymore I can deal with a lot and I don't really need you as a protective brother. If you wanted to be a protective brother you would've saved me from that man. Can't you see I don't want or need anyone's help. I wish I was with that man right now.' I murmur the last part before sighing heavily and getting up. I rush into Xavier's room and go into the bathroom looking for anything sharp. I search around to find someone's razor. I look over at my wrist, take the blade, and start to cut. I smile as the blood comes out and the black spots appear. The last thing I hear is Xavier's footsteps coming up the stairs.

Xavier's POV

I'd finally finished all my alpha work so I head upstairs to find my sweet little mate Samantha. I walk into our room and immediately smelt blood. I look around for Samantha before seeing the bathroom door closed. I try to open it but it's locked so I throw everything I have into the door and break it open. What I saw made my heart break. Samantha was laying on the floor with a razor blade in her hand and blood running down both of her arms. I instantly grab her and run into the informatory. I grab a random doctor and hand her over while he puts her on a gurney and starts to work. I try to go after her but some pack members hold me back. I wait in the waiting room for what seems like hours before the doctor comes in. I shoot right up and walk over to him. He starts to speak and say......

Thanks for reading,voting, and commenting. I'm having trouble with ideas that are interesting and original. But go and check out my other book called Saved. It's about a girl that finds her mate while she was kidnapped by rouges . Thanks again for reading my book

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