Chapter 5

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Then he leaves which makes me sad until Xavier comes back and says 'so I'm a werewolf and your my mate." Then I pass out.

Chapter five

Xavier's POV

I watch her fall to the ground and I pick her up. She just fainted I think so I put her on my bed. I take my pants and shirt off, then slide in next to her. I fall asleep and have the best nights sleep I've had in a long time.

Samantha's POV

I awake in Xavier's arms. I start to remember what happened yesterday. I unwrap his arms from my waist. I'm instantly terrified, this guy could kill me. I know from experience that hiding will only postpone the inevitable. I still hide in the closet with my knees up to my chest. I stay here until he wakes up, but start hyperventilating when he comes near me. I start playing memories of what my father would do to me when I thought I could hide. Xavier finds me and say 'oh baby, I will never hurt you.' I sit there and after a while I come out of my hiding place. I think I need a drink. Xavier leads me to the kitchen where he makes breakfast for the both of us but I just stare at it. I can eat all that? I smile at eat about half of it before being full. Xavier looks at me weird but doesn't say anything. I smile at him before asking him what's been on my mind all morning. "So your a werewolf and what does that have todo with me." Xavier puts his fork down and sighs. He says "so we're mates or soul mates. That means we were made for each other, destined even. And your mine." I sit there for a couple minutes taking it all in until I gasp as tears well in my eyes. I keep muttering the same thing "your the one, your the one." I remember a couple days ago I asked for a savior to come fix me. I get up from my chair and say I have togo. I have to think about all the new information. I go and steal one of his cars to drive a couple of towns over I need to talk to someone. As I arrive I stop to get fresh flowers I arrive at my destination to see my mom I sit down at her grave. I change her flowers and tidy up before sitting down and talking to her. "Hi mom I loved your visit the other day. I know you won't answer back but I know your listening. I met someone, I think he's the special someone you were talking about. He told me his secret which I presume you may have heard to, but if you hadn't I'll tell you. He's a werewolf and I'm apparently his mate. But if he knew how fucked up I really was then he'd never want me. I'm trying though I really want to get my life together. I know I should find him, but I'm so mad at him to. He was supposed to protect me. He promised you he would but he didn't." I get up to go back I have tears streaming down my eyes. I get in the car but instead of driving back to Xavier's I return the car to the garage. When I get into the house Xavier comes running to me and gives me a hug. Xavier lays me on the couch and after I finish crying he asks me what happened. I sigh and say "I'm sorry I left but it was all to much so I took your car and I went to talk to my mother. I just needed to process what you told me, and I thought since you told me your secret I'd tell you why I was in the forest alone. So I was eight when my mom died, my family was as normal as could be. My father was happy and kind but that all changed, my mother died in a car accident. A couple weeks after she died he started to hit me but my brother by then disappeared cause he couldn't handle her death. See even though he was only 12 he left me there. I will never forgive him because he knew what my father did and he still left. I couldn't take him anymore he used to beat me and then when I was old enough he started to rape me... And now you won't want me to be your mate because I'm to broken." I keep sobbing and I couldn't stop. Xavier just sits next to me rubbing soothing circles into my back. When I finish crying he says 'hey I love you and your not broken, your amazing, and if I ever meet your brother I will kill him for leaving you." I wipe a couple tears away. I giggle at his protectiveness. Xavier says 'let's eat some dinner baby girl.' I smile at the nickname as we walk into the kitchen. I start to pull things out to cook but Xavier takes them from me and tells me to sit down. I sit down and watch him cook thinking he's so cute. As he sets the plate down I immediately start to eat because I hadn't had a good meal in forever. When I finish we start talking about our lives I tell him how it was before mom died and he tells me about werewolves more. After a while I yawn so Xavier brings me into his room and sets me on the bed. As he walks away to sleep on the coach I grab his hand and whisper 'will you sleep with me I get nightmares.' Xavier smiles at me, turns the lights off and gets into bed. Xavier wraps his arms around me and he drifts off to sleep. I fell asleep a little while afterwards but awaken again later that night. I'm restless so I went outside to get fresh air. I take a cigarette out and start to smoke it before I heard a noise. I shrug it off as a animal or wind. Next thing I know I'm face to face with the man who I call fathers. I look at him then away still smoking my cigarette. I put it out then go to leave but he grabs my arm. I look over him and try to get my arm out of his grasp. I feel his breath on my neck before he whispers 'where do you think your going?' I elbow him in the stomach and run inside. I goto the room which has Xavier still sleeping. I pack my bags I'm not safe here. I have to leave far away so no one will find me. I can't go back to him willingly or forcefully. As I pack my bag tears silently go down my face. I write a note to Xavier going like this.

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