Chapter 7

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We completed the mating process.

Chapter 7

Samantha's POV

I wake up to Xavier's arms around my waist and I smile as I remember the events of last night. It takes a while but I finally get out of his tight grasp. I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I smile at my reflection before my smile if possible increases as I think about last nights events. My wolf is grinning inside me from how happy she is. While I'm in the bathroom Xavier comes in and wraps his arms around my waist. I smile at him before pecking him in the lips and hopping in the shower. Xavier hops in with me. As we finish with smiles on our faces. I dress quickly, while Xavier's still in the bathroom, then I go down into the kitchen and make some breakfast for us. When Xavier comes down he smiles at me and takes the place I gave him. I grab a small plate for me and sit next to him. I let out a sigh after a while and think about what I'm going to do today. I have an idea but I can't tell Xavier or he'll be all protective. I'm to much in my thoughts to notice that Xavier is talking/shaking me. I look up to him, mumble a sorry,and pick up our finished plates to wash up. Xavier comes by me and says he'll be gone all day with pack business. I ask him if I could go out for some errands. He says yes and hands me his credit card which I put on the counter. I say thank you and go upstairs take a shower and put on a nice pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I grab the credit card Xavier gave me and a random pair of car keys. The first place I drive to is my old house. I lock the car and go inside. I go inside to see it looks the same as before I ran away. I go up the stairs to see my old room, my fathers room,and the attic door. I go into my old room and see there was still boxes packed up. I then go into my fathers room to see there's nothing in it except a bed and liquor bottles all around the place. I snoop around a little till I see nothing of use to me. I go up to the attic. I see a couple of boxes up here that I'd never seen before. I open one up to see old pictures and things in them. I see some pictures of my mom and brother when we were all little. The whole family before mom died and others of my father and me. Tears are streaming down my face as I remember my mom. I take the box from the attic and a couple from my room in the car. I got a bit hungry so I went into a cute dinner and ordered a couple things Togo. I go back home to Xavier after eating. I park the car and grab the boxes I took. They were kinda heavy so I took a couple of breaks before getting them all upstairs to our room. I set them down in Xavier's room and put the clothes away. I then sit on the floor with the boxes from the attic on my lap. I put all the photos in one box and the misc. stuff in the other box. I wipe my tears away from the memories and put them in the closet. I then go downstairs to the kitchen to start dinner for Xavier. I make a simple meal of a casserole. I put it in the oven and go to watch tv. My wolf is itching to get out so I try to block her out. When the timer on the oven beeps I go and take the casserole out. I put it on the table with silverware and a drink. I then went outside and shifted into my wolf and gave her control. She went and ran around the woods for about an hour until she was tired. I changed back into my human form putting some clothes on from a tree. I went back into the pack house to see Xavier is home eating my casserole. As soon as I came in he turns his head to me and wraps me into his arms. I smile at the Sparks that'll I'll never get used to. I go sit next to him with some casserole on a plate for myself. We eat in silence before he ask me what I did today. I said 'nothing just went out got some lunch. Oh here's your credit card back, I didn't really need it today though.' I ask him what he did today, he said in reply 'pack business, patrol nothing dangerous.' When we finish I wash the plates and put them in the drying tray. I go up to Xavier's room and open the boxes again. All I want todo I look at the my family. The family that could've been together right now at this moment. If only life could've been. I want to find my brother. If only he wanted to find me. I sigh and get up to get ready for bed.

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