Chapter 14

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Samantha's POV

I instantly cower away. I don't like a lot of people touching me. It freaks me out. I stand up and offer my hand to Xavier helping him up. I then walk back to Jonah's room. I open the door and glare at Jonah. I start by yelling "Jonah don't you ever freak me out like that again or I swear I'll." I trail off not thinking of a good enough way to kill him. He laughs at me and I smile at him. I then return Lacey's keys to her with a smile. Jonah stops laughing and says "what the hell happened to your face." I nervously look away looking for an out to this predicament. I sigh loudly before saying "uh um there's nothing wrong with my face. That's a pretty rude things to say to someone." Jonah sighs before dropping it but not before giving me a look saying we will talk about this later. I give Jonah a huge hug before kissing his cheek. I call out on my way out "Call me if you need anything. I love you I hope you always remember that." I exit the room and let out a breath. I go outside and light up a cigarette. Nick jogs over to me. I stay where I am smoking. Nick stands beside me for a while before saying "Are you alright you know after yesterday." I kindly smile at him before nodding my head. "Jonah's pissed. He saw the bruises on my face. I don't know if I should tell him what happened. It was nothing really I've had much worse but still he'll freak. He's just over protective." Nick puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye. I try not to flinch away saying to myself he won't hurt me. Nick says "no one should ever hit you." I wrap my arms around his waist pulling him into a hug before whispering in his ear "thank you." I wipe a tear that accidentally fell from my eye. Nick smiles at me before asking me in for a cup of tea. I accept knowing I don't really have an option. I follow Nick into the kitchen. I go and sit on the counter watching Nick as he makes a cup of tea for me. I was going to do it myself but Nick insisted on not making me do anything. I sip the tea as me and Nick make conversation. After I finish some people come into the kitchen to make dinner. I hug Nick really tight and say "well that's my cue to go but I'll see you tomorrow when I come back to visit Jonah." He nods and I start to walk home but he grabs my arm. I turn and face him with a questionable look on my face. Nick lets go and says "let me give you a ride home ok. I'm not taking no for an answer." I sigh and nod my head as Nick goes and grabs his keys. He drives me home in comfortable silence. I get out at my house thank him for the ride and watch him drive off. I take my keys out and open the door. I instantly get an off putting feeling inside my stomach. I shrug it off and close the door. I set my stuff down and take my shoes off. A hand grabs my shoulder and a voice whispers in my ear "hey there doll face. You told someone about the other day and now I have to make sure you never tell anyone ever again." I'm petrified with fear and I had a feeling I was going to die tonight. He throws me roughly on the ground then starts to kick me until I can't breathe anymore. Mad Twatter than pulls out a knife. I try to move away or protect myself in any way. My efforts are short lived as he keeps carving things into me. The last thing I'm aware of before falling into unconsciousness is his voice in my ear saying "you'll never tell anyone ever again." I welcome death like an old friend as it consumes me.

Xavier's POV

Im walking down the halls to go see Jonah. He was hurt on patrol and I want to make sure he's ok. As I'm walking something or should I say someone ran into me. I was about to yell at them to watch where there going but I'm stopped by the tingles that dance in my skin. There's only one person in the whole world that could give me those are Samantha. I look at her to see her almost cowering away. I'm interrupted by a hand ready to help me get up. I take it and then she walks to Jonah's room. I'm astonished at seeing her in so long. I'm still very hurt as she left us. I shake the thought off and laugh as she yelled quite loudly "Jonah don't you ever freak me out like that or I swear I'll." I decide to come back later to check on him so that I don't freak her out. I head back to my office and start to think. I quietly stop with the many possibilities that go through my head. Each one worse than the one before.

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