Chapter 6

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'he came back the other night, I was outside smoking and he wants me back. He won't stop but I can't noo won't go back. I can't endanger anyone just for me, I'm not worth it. All I I'm is a worthless nothing, a price of trash that could be taken out any second.' Sam says

Chapter six

Xavier's POV

After breakfast my wolf talked to me, he said 'we need our mate to eat more she's way to skinny.' I agreed with him before going into the living room where Sam wanted to talk. I sit down and immediately Sam puts her head on my lap which makes my wolf purr in content. I stroke her hair as she let out a sigh and mumbles something. Then she says 'he came back the other night, I was outside smoking and he wants me back. He won't stop but I can't noo won't go back. I can't endanger anyone just for me, I'm not worth it. All I I'm is a worthless nothing, a price of trash that could be taken out any second'. I sit there while I stroke her hair and I hear her breathes even out as she fell asleep. I take her upstairs and set her on the bed. I then go to my office be start on paperwork for the pack. I hate what has happened to her but it only makes her stronger. I know that Sam has to be protected because I will not let her be taken by that man. She's my mate, mine and I will stop at nothing to keep her safe. After a couple hours of pack work I'm exhausted and just want togo to bed. As I go into my room I see there's no one in bed. I'm instantly alert. I look in the bathroom and the closet and see no Sam. I look around until I see a note but this time it's not from Sam. It says

Dear Alpha,

Hey Alpha, I took back what's mine. Samantha is my daughter and I'm going to kill her slowly and painfully.

Her father

I'm instantly angered but I have an idea about who took her. I instantly mind link my pack 'the Luna's been taken every warrior outside now. ' I shift into my wolf when everybody gets here and shifts I look for her scent. When I find it I follow it but it stops. I growl and try to find it again. I can't so I go back into the pack house and throw a few chairs around to let my anger out. I go into my office and look around where my mate could be. I think about the note and so far I know it was her father, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to bring her back to his house right. I remembered where she lived so I go to his house to see all the lights out. I ring the doorbell but no one came so I was gonna leave but then the door opened. A women opened it barely wearing anything. I push her aside and follow her fathers scent to a hidden door leading to a basement. The door was locked so I broke it down. The basement door leads to a set of stairs and downstairs I see the most horrifying sight ever. There were cells down here and the place reeked of blood, no Sam's blood. But right in the middle was Sam, she was bleeding heavily and had bruises forming in her body. I was so worried about her I didn't look around. In the shadows was her father. I turned just in time for him to knock me down. I quickly turn into my wolf form protecting my mate. He doesn't seem fazed by my transformation. He surprises me by turning into his wolf which was smaller than me because I'm an alpha, more like a third in command. We circle each other and try to kill each other when I here the door open and a couple of wolves from my pack come in wolf form. I keep watching my opponent and in when he looks away from me for a second to look at my pack members I go in for the kill. I bite his neck and hold on till the life drains from his eyes. I go and rip the cage doors off. I pick up my princess who has bruises and cuts all over her naked body. I listen for a heartbeat and if I didn't have advanced hearing I wouldn't have heard her faint heartbeat. I hold her in my arms and she's so cold. I look and see that's she's completely naked. I take the shirt a pack member have to me and put it on her.
I hurry out of the house and run back to the pack house. I immediately go to the hospital wing. I set my mate down and doctors/nurses came rushing out. They took her away much to my displeasure. While I sat in the waiting room for what seems like hours. When the doctor finally comes back I look at him with tears in my eyes. The doctor says 'she'll be alright', but I'm already halfway down the hall running to her room. She was hooked up to so many machines and had tubes all over her looking so broken. I sat on the side of her bed and held her hand. I said 'baby, I'm so sorry I didn't protect you, it'll never happen again I swear. Just come back to me. I love you so much. I'll do anything for you to come back.' As I said that she squeezed my hand which had me ecstatic until that's all she did. If she did that it means it's a sign she's waking up. I still sat in the chair but this time I talked to her. I said 'Hey Sam I miss you please come back to me. Don't worry your father will never hurt you again. I promise that if you come back you'll be my princess. Well your already my everything. But please come back please your my everything.' Nothing happened so I let out a sigh of exhaustion with tears in my eyes. I get up to use the restroom. When I come back I hear noises outside the room. I walk in to see see Sam awake, she's sitting upright looking around while nurses and doctors were trying to calm her down. She kept looking around as if she was trying to find someone or me to be exact. Then she looks directly at me and gets off the bed, to come running to me. The next thing I know she's hugging me, which makes me stumble back from the force.I smile/chuckle at how excited she was to see me. I hug her back and she keeps muttering I'm so sorry I'm so sorry.We stay in this position for a while until she yawns. I laugh at how cute she is, then go and lay her on the bed. I stay with her but on the chair. I rub her back but right before she goes to sleep she whispers shyly 'come in,lay with me. That chair looks uncomfortable, and there's enough room. And I see you haven't slept in days.'I happily agree, I take my pants and shirt off leaving me in my boxers. I get in and wrap my arms around Sam's waist. She's so small I feel like I'm going to lose her.I fall asleep right after Sam to have the most wonderful night of sleep.

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