Chapter 16

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Xavier's POV

I awake in the morning to Samantha laying on my chest with her arms around my waist in a death grasp. I admire her petite frame and how my hands fit perfectly in the small of her back. I love everything about her. I'm never letting her go again. I watch as she wakes up. She groans then opens her bewildered eyes. They become calm as they connect with mine. I peck her lips before getting up to go shower. I quickly shower before putting on some random clothes. I look over at the bed to see that Sam isn't there anymore. I sigh and head downstairs finding her in the kitchen. She's cooking a large breakfast for the pack. I admire her as she works. The way her hips move, the way she mumbles to herself. The things that make me love her even more if that's possible. My drooling is interrupted by a couple pair of footsteps coming downstairs. The pack is coming down in layers. I look at the date. September 26. The children have went back to school by now and it is pretty early in the morning for us to be up. My thoughts are interrupted by my mate putting food on the table. I kiss her cheek and sit down digging into it. When I finish up with my food I kiss Sam on the cheek before going todo paperwork. I walk into my office and sit down in my chair. I redo all the paperwork that I did yesterday and then started on the stack for today. Around noon I mind linked just Jonah, Samantha's brother to come into my office. I have to ask him an important question. He comes in about ten minutes later and sits on a chair. I smile at him before saying "So I know people usually don't ask the brother for permission but I thought I would. So Sam and I seem to be on good terms now and I love her so much. I'm never gonna let her go. I want to ask her to marry me. I got a ring when she left in hopes of her coming back. I want to ask Samantha to marry me but I want your blessing todo so." I nervously bite my inside cheek. I look over at Jonah to see him with a huge smile on his face. I let out a breathe of relief at the pleasant look on his face. Jonah the says "hell yeah man. You guys are mates you technically are already married. I give you my blessing but as her overprotective older brother I have to say this. And when I say this you aren't my alpha or my friend. If you ever hurt my baby sister again I will personally fuck you up." I'm startled by his words and say "I will never." He smiles at me and so show him the ring before he leaves my office. I quiet my wolf down as he doesn't like being disrespected but I remind him that Jonah's just being an overprotective brother. I smile at the thought of Samantha being my wife and then soon we will have a couple pups. I finish up the last of my paperwork exhausted as I head off to bed. Before I head out I look at the ring I picked out before going to find Sam. I find her and a couple of girls with her. They were all watching a movie but Sam had fallen asleep. I said goodnight to the girls before picking Sam up bridal style bringing her up to our room. I quickly strip her out of her clothes putting one of my shirts around her. I then strip and get into bed my arms finding her waist immediately. I put the crook of my nose into her neck breathing in her lovely scent. My wolf sighs in content with our mate. Tomorrow I have to get everything prepared so tomorrow night I'll be able to take my angel on to a date where I'm gonna propose to her. I already know how I want todo it. I'll go to a special spot in the woods and set up a nice dinner. I'll decorate it with lights but I might need some help. I groan inside my head and snuggle my mate closer as I fall asleep.

I awake early in the morning to my arms wrapped around Samantha's waist. I smile at what I've planned todo. I unwrap myself from her arms which was a challenge. I showered, put new clothes on, and wrote a note to her saying to be ready by 6:30 for a date. I set it on my side of the bed knowing she's immediately find it. Then I exited the room going to my office. I handled a couple things before grabbing my supplies and walking into the forest. I hung up lights on the trees making it look nice, I then went to grab a table setting it in the center. I made it all up nice and pretty. When I finish I look at the time to see its 4:30. I looked over my finished product before going back to the pack house. I took another shower since I was all sweaty. Then I dressed in a nice shirt and a pair of khakis. I go into my beta's room and he's sitting on his bed with his mate next to him. I smile at them creepily before coughing interrupting the moment they were having. I show them the ring and they wished me good luck. I go and try to find my mate so we can head out. I knock on our bedroom door only to see Lacey peek her head out. I give her a questionable look before she says "give me a couple more minutes to finish your mate." I sigh before mumbling something along the lines of girls. I walk down the stairs of the pack house then sit on the couch. I wait about five minutes before I hear shoes coming down the stairs. I look up to see the most beautiful creature in the world. I walk over to her,pulling her by her waist against me, I lower myself to her ear where I whisper the word beautiful. I grab her hand laughing at the blush on her cheeks. I lead her out the door before picking her up bridal style. She giggles before placing her arms around my neck. My wolf purrs at the action. I carry her through the forest towards where I set everything up. She's now hanging onto me like a koala bear. I walk on a path that leads to where I set everything up. I set her down on the chair. I grab the food I brought to dish out. I put it in each of our plates before we dig in. We eat in comfortable silence. After we both finish my palms began to sweat and I'm extremely nervous. I grab her hand and get down on one knee. I pull the ring out of my pocket and say "Samantha I've loved you since the day I saw you in school. I will always love you because whether you like it or not we're soul mates. I will never let you go again. Now will you marry me, be my wife for eternity." I look up at Sam to see her tearing up. She nods her head while whispering the word yes. I hug her tightly and swing her around. I kiss her senselessly before slipping the ring on her finger. I then carry her back to the pack house. We went upstairs into our bedroom. You know the rest.

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