Chapter 11

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Sam's POV

I awake in the morning laying all over Xavier's chest. I smile at the memories of yesterday come flooding back. I get up and go to make breakfast. I pick up Xavier's shirt and put it on. I go to the kitchen with a smile on my face. I take my pills and go upstairs into the shower. I grabbed some clothes and some scissors. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I hate the length of my hair it's to long. I look in the mirror and decide the length of it being my shoulder. I take the scissors and cut it all off. I smile at my work before throwing the excess hair in the trash. I go into the shower and do my shower thing. When I go into the bedroom Xavier's not in bed anymore which I'm thankful for. I go and put on some leggings with one of Xavier's sweatshirt. I go to look at my hair and I like the way I cut it. I'm truly happy this morning. I dry my hair and head downstairs. In the kitchen is Xavier shirtless making breakfast. I smile and wrap my arms around his waist. I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh. Xavier kisses me on the cheek as I sneak a piece of bacon into my mouth. Xavier looks shocked before I giggle and set up plates,napkins,forks,and drinks at the table. Xavier comes over a few minutes later with the food to set it on the table. I smile before sitting on Xavier's lap. We feeds each other until it's all gone. I giggle pecking Xavier lips as I clean up. Xavier says goodbye to me before I clean up. I smile and he goes to work. After I clean up I smile at myself before going to hang out with Lacey and Jonah. I find them in the media room making out. I cough a couple of times getting there attention before fake gagging. This action made the couple jump back in surprise making me start laughing. After I finish I lay down on the couch before explaining my predicament to them. We decide to watch a movie. All three of us or should I say two against one decided we should watch a horror movie. They decide on poltergeist. I hate horror movies but they love them apparently. By the end of the movie I've decided I'm never watching a scary movie again. As the credits roll I've decided to never go into a closet again. I turn the movie off and clean up before going to find Xavier. That movie really freaked me out. Before I do that I make some lunch for the pack. It was simple a bunch of sandwiches which I placed on the table but not before snagging a few for myself and Xavier. I take them into his office, as I enter Xavier seems very tense. I go over to him and kiss his cheek before straddling him forcing him to eat. We eat in silence. After we both finish I pick up the dirty dishes and give a goodbye kiss to Xavier. I go into kitchen,seeing that there are a bunch of dishes in the sink, I quickly unload and load the dishwasher up. I smile before going outside to explore the woods. I walk around a bit before I decide to run in my wolf form. I run enjoying the wind in my fur and I let my wolf take over. She makes us run faster. After a while I presume I change back and enter the pack house. Multiple scents invade my nose as I enter. I go immediately upstairs to take a nap. I yawn but can't go to sleep because Xavier not in here with me like he usually is. I instead lay on the bed resting my eyes wishing sleep would invade my body. (That sounds right 😉)

Authors note
Really short chapter just trying to think of what todo probably just a couple short chapters before a huge secret will be revealed. I also rewrote this chapter because I wasn't into the alternate one so you might want to reread it. Remember like and comment on this story thanks for reading it

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