Chapter 3

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Xavier's POV

I ran around for about an hour before smelling my mate in the woods. I instantly go into the direction of smell her at. The sight I see is horrible. it's my perfect little angel mate. I see my mate with blood surrounding her and bruises all over her body. I feel so stupid for not seeing that she was abused. I saw her father come over to her and start hitting her, killing her even though she was unconscious. This got my wolf and me mad. I ran into the house and pulled her father off of her and then beat him brutally. I mindlink my beta to clean up this mess before looking at my mate. She was unconscious, her stomach and legs were bleeding. All over her body were bruises,cuts and scars. I cried at the sight of my mate, and I wasn't there to protect her. Then I realized she is dieing, I grab her and ran to the pack doctor before she dies. I run as fast as I can, when I got to the pack doctor I tell her with tears in my eye "please save my mate". The pack doctor puts Samantha on a gurney and rolls her away. I sat in the waiting room on edge. A couple hours later the doctor says I can see her. I start running to her room before the doc could finish her sentence. I look at my angel, she looked so pale and hurt. I pulled a chair up and held her hand. Her hand felt so cold. I sat there crying how couldn't I see what was happening to my beloved.

Samantha POV

I wake up to darkness. I realize he finally did it, he killed me. I thought that death other people would come and it wouldn't be so lonely. I sat alone waiting for something or someone. I didn't see anyone so I started to cry. I cried because no one loves me, my mom probably doesn't love me. This thought made me sob even more. I realized that I'm really alone. I then feel a presence behind me, I stay still when the presence obviously a woman, rubs my back. I look behind me with tears in my eyes. I see my mother and I hug the life out of her. She then apologies for leaving me with my father. I sit down and ask the question that was bugging the hell out of me. "Where I'm I and I'm I dead"Mom answers with a smile "no honey your not dead, your in between, you have the choice to go back or leave with me." I sat down and look at her with tears in my eyes, I obviously wanted to go with her. So I say I'll go since there isn't anything left on earth. My mom looks at me with a smile and a laugh. She surprises me by saying "there is a special someone waiting for you back on earth you know". I laugh at that no one on earth even likes me I tell her. She brings me down onto earth to see me in a hospital bed. I look around to see Xavier in a chair with his eyes closed. I then realize there's one person who likes me. the next thing I know I turn to my mother with tears in my eyes I realized that I needed to go back so I said goodbye and she told me she loved me. The next thing I know I open my eyes into a hospital room with Xavier in a chair sleeping besides the bed I laugh at that before realizing that I'm tired so I decide to take a nap.

The Next Morning

I wake up back in the hospital bed I instantly panic but remember what happened which made me smile. Not the whole father wanted to kill me thing but the talk with my mom was very pleasant. I see that Xavier is still asleep in the chair. He was snoring slightly, I take the time to really look at him. Xavier has jet black hair he is extremely handsome, and he has all the perfect features. I'm startled by Xavier's chuckle which instantly made me blush because he caught me checking him out. After a few seconds I'm indulged in a hug that makes me feel tingles everywhere he touched me. I instantly pull back. I say "where I'm I? Oh shit my dads gonna kill me." I start to imagine what he'll do, I think he will definitely kill me this time. The thought made me start to hyperventilating, the next thing I know I feel a pinch in my arm and I'm out cold again.

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