Chapter 15

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This will be a serious chapter with her trial and will bring up some hard things. Some things will come back from the past. Just a warning of your sensitive to these kinds of things.

Samantha's POV
The day of the trial

I wake up in the morning to the day that I've dreaded for a week. It's the day of the trial. I sit up on the bed. I untangle myself from Xavier's arms and head to the bathroom. I told Xavier what happened to me while I was away a couple weeks ago and he understood how I felt about it. I even told him about the trial coming up and he's been so sweet about all this. I turn the shower on and hop inside of it. I wash my body and my hair a couple times before coming out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my body before exiting the bathroom. I go into the closet as Xavier and I've have. So I put my clothes in his closet. I've technically moved in here. I look around at my clothes trying to stay calm about all this. Even though the lawyer person and the detectives prepped me for how it was gonna be I was still worried. I pick out a nice blouse with a blazer over it then a pair of slacks for the pants. I go into the bathroom to blow dry and straiten hair. I put on minimal makeup and go downstairs into the kitchen. I made some breakfast for us. I'm going to the trial with Lacey and Jonah for moral support. Xavier wanted to come but I knew that it would upset him to much and his wolf. As I'm finishing breakfast they come running down. I put my finished products on to the table. I hear footsteps coming downstairs. I sit down in one of the chairs and quietly eat my breakfast. Lacey and Jonah come into the kitchen dressed nicely for court. I smile at them as we all eat in silence. When we finish I out all the dishes inside the sink and we got ready to go. I hop into the car and put in the address in the gps. I nervously tap my fingers on the seat. When we arrive at the courthouse, Jonah parks the car and I get out of the car. I walk into the courthouse and go to look for DA who was doing my case. She said to meet her by courthouse 5. I go into the elevator and press level 2. When the elevator arrives I exit it with a bunch of lawyers that were squeezed into this death trap. I look around for Olivia as Jonah and Lacey stand behind me. I locate her next to the DA who's name is Alex Cabot.I walk quickly over to them. I greet them and they tell me that I have to stay outside until I can testify so nothing is influenced. Also I have to wait for someone to call me inside to the stand, when I'm on the stand just try to answer the questions as honestly as I can.i smile at her and thank her. I tell Jonah and Lacey to go inside and sit down I'll be inside soon. I wait in the bench for about an hour before an officer says to go in. I follow him in and go to sit on the witness stand. I keep my breathing steady as I say the oath. I sit down on the chair with my back straight and my hands folded in my lap. I never really liked to be in a court room. Alex gets up from her table thing and walks over to me. I stay quiet as she asks her first question. (A-Alex, S-Samantha, D-defendants lawyer J-judge)
A-hello Mrs.Knight can you tell me what happened the night you were raped.
S- Yes at the time I had two jobs. A cashier job in the morning and then a waitress job at a diner down the street from where I lived at the time. I had just finished my shift around midnight and I was walking home when it happened. I was walking on my normal route when a man dressed in all black grabbed me into an alley. I saw his face when he looked me in the eyes. I'll never forget them.I tried to fight him off but he pulled out a knife and held it to my throat. He told me if I struggled he would cut me with the knife he held to my throat. Then he r-r-raped me and left me in the alley where after a while I got up and walked back into my apartment.
A- is the man who raped you in this courtroom?
S- yes he siting over there{she pointed to the defendant}
A- Let the record known that she has identified the defendant as her rapist. Thank you very much Samantha. No further questions.
D-So Mrs.Knight I'd like to first say that I'm sorry about your attack.
S- Thank you
D-So during the attack did you ever say no or stop.
S-I tried to struggle when he grabbed me but he pulled out a knife and I was petrified. He told me not to struggle or he'd use it on me.
D- no further questions
J- the witness can step down from the stand now and you can call your next witness.

I step down from the witness stand and go to sit by Jonah and Lacey. Jonah immediately wraps his arm around my shoulder as we watch the rest of the trial. A couple other people testify and then the lawyers tell there last statements before everyone in the court room disperses outside the court room. We have to wait an hour for the verdict from the jury. I extremely nervous about it. I call Xavier and tell him about it and how since it went longer than expected we'd be home pretty late so don't wait up for me. But I will text him the verdict of the trial. The man was charged with first degree rape, assault with a deathly weapon and a couple of other charges. We enter the court room again and I sit down with Jonah in my right then Lacey on the opposite side of Jonah. A piece of paper is transferred from the jury to the judge and then the jury again to read the results. The juror says "on the count of first degree rape we find the defendant guilty, and on the count of assault with a deadly weapon we find the defendant guilty." I let out a breath I never knew I was holding. The judge then says "the defendant will be reprimanded until the sentencing trial. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your services. Court dismissed." I smile as we stand up and I go up to the DA to give her a hug/thank her. Then I go outside with Jonah and Lacey. I smile, a real smile, a happy smile. The moment is ruined when Jonah's stomach growls. I laugh before saying "it looks like someone is hungry and it is getting to about dinner time. Oh I know the perfect place to go, the diner I used to work at." The both smile and nod there head. I grab the car keys and we go down to the ground level. I run to the car and unlock it, then put the keys into the ignition. The lovely couple gets into the car and we head out. I drive to the diner and park the car. We all hop out while I grab my phone telling them to head inside whilst I call Xavier. The phone rings two times before he picks up. I smile as I hear his voice that soothes me. The conversation goes like this.
S- hey baby
X-hey honey how'd the trial go
S-great the guy was convicted on all charges so he won't be getting out any time soon.
X- that's great are you on the way home I've missed you.
S- we'll be back late so don't stay up for us. We are just getting some dinner before heading back home.
X- are you okay though. I know it was probably very hard for you.
S- yes I'm fine don't worry about me ok. I love you and I'll be home tonight.
X-ok I love you to. And you know I'll always worry about you. See you goodnight.
S-love you see you soon
**************end of phone call**************

I smile and walk into the diner locating Jonah and Lacey. I sit down across from them in a booth. We order and eat then we're on our way home. On the way I fall asleep in the back of the car. I awake to someone nudge my shoulder trying to wake me up. I smack there hand away from me but they keep poking me. I sit up and rub my eyes to see a grinning Jonah. I get out of the car and walk inside the pack house. I then say goodnight to the couple before looking at the time and heading upstairs. The time was 11:34 pm. I walk into the bedroom and change into just Xavier's oversized t-shirt. I climb into bed after brushing my teeth. Xavier's arms find me in bed immediately pull me against his chest. I turn in his arms and wrap my own arms around his waist. I breath in his scent and start to cry in relief. I tighten my arms around Xavier breathing in his scent. Xavier shifts in his sleep and for a second I'm afraid he will wake up. I readjust my hold and start to fall asleep to Xavier's heartbeat.


Short chapter but thought I should end it here. The story is getting better soon. Samantha's problems are gonna be going away soon so her and Xavier can be a nice happy soul mates.

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