Chapter 10

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Sam's POV

I awake in the same hospital I've been in since trying to kill myself. I sigh and get up. I look around to see a suitcases and a note beside it. The note said

Dear beautiful,

I'm glad you've woken up I've packed your suitcase and I'm making you breakfast. We'll leave at 10 am after breakfast. Take a shower and I left an outfit out in the bathroom. I'll be up soon.

Love, Xavier

I get up and take a shower. When I come out in the clothes that were laid out breakfast was on the bed. I ate a little of it before Xavier comes to take me. When we get there Xavi checks me in and a nurse come to check me in. I have to change into these scrubs and I'm checked for anything sharp. I then have to say goodbye to Xavier which is the hardest thing I've ever had todo. The nurse shows me around the facility. I was exhausted by the end of everything. I fell asleep as soon as we got back into the room.

Xavier's POV

It broke my heart having to admit Sam into the hospital but I knew it was for the better. After I checked her in I drove back to the pack house and into our room where I was engulfed with her mouthwatering scent. Instead of dwelling on Sam I go into my office. Lately I've been neglecting my alpha duties because of Sam. I catch up on all my work but I can't fall asleep with out Sam. So I go and grab a shirt that's still here. Her scent instantly calms me. I soon fall asleep thinking about in a week I'll see Sam again and hoping she's doing ok.

Sam's POV (a week after Xavier left)

I'm starting to get better but I miss Xavier so much. The only thing keeping me sane is knowing that when I get better I'd be with Xavier. I have a schedule here, I wake up at 7 then you get ready and goto eat breakfast. Then you have group therapy, lunch, then individual therapy. They really helped me with everything. From the abuse, to the drinking, to the drugs, and lastly the whole being loved by someone. I'm starting to feel better and there talking about possibly sending me home. I can't wait until Xavier comes in a few days. The only thing I'd have todo would be take a couple of prescription pills when I get out. I can only sleep a couple of hours without Xavier physically being here which is pretty sad. The people here are very nice and I know when I go home that I'd be ready for what waits for me.

*********Skip to visit*********

I get up earlier than usual and get dressed in a pair of scrubs with a sweater from Xavier. I'm excited because today is the day I go home and Xavier comes to visit. It's been harder with him not being here but it was for the best. I've packed and I'm just waiting for a nurse to come in to say Xavier is here. Me and my wolf are going crazy w/o him. I'm better know I don't think of the past anymore I've started to think about the future. I realized that I want to start a real honest relationship with Xavier and Jonah. I don't want to be such a screw up. I want to get even better and eventually marry Xavier. I'm ready to be truly 100% happy. A nurse comes in a few minutes later. So I grab my stuff and hurry after her. I follow her through the hall to the waiting room. We get to the waiting rooms to which my wolf and I are very excited to see our mate. I see the back of Xavier so I run up to him, dropping my bags in the process, to jump on his back. Xavier stumbles a little before pulling me to the front side of him. I'm now straddling him but he's standing up. I look over his features before smashing my lips to his. He immediately responds as I put my hands in his hair tugging on it a little. We hear a throat being cleared making me blush. Xavier whispers in my ear 'will finish that later without being interrupted baby girl.' That makes me blush even harder if possible. The nurse seems oblivious,or is used to the happiness people see when they get out, hands us my pills. Xavier then picks up my bags even after my much protesting. We stroll out hand in hand to his car. I hop in when he does and we're off to the pack house. I'm very happy to be going home healthy physically and mentally.
*************skip drive**********

When we arrive at the pack house. I grab my bags making Xavier pout. Which makes me giggle. Xavier opens the door to the pack house as I take my bags to our bedroom. I then go down into the kitchen to make us some lunch. I get into the kitchen and I see Jonah. I run up and hug him like the world depended on it. I giggle when Jonah says "can't breath" over exaggerating a bit. I then go and make myself a sandwich. I get out the bread, turkey, lettuce,and tomatoes. I put it together and start to eat it. Xavier comes down and steals me away. He bring me upstairs to our room. As soon as the doors close Xavier slams me into the wall attacking my lips.

*************sexual scene**************

Xavier sucks and nips at my lips. Xavier trails kisses down my neck stopping at my mark to suck/teasingly bite at it. I bite my lip hard to suppress the moan begging to escape. His mouths returns to mine and our tongues battle for dominant him winning of course. I wrap my legs around his waist continuing the kiss whilst unbuttoning his shirt. Xavier continuously kisses my mouth as he moves us over to his bed. He puts my hand above my head telling me not to move them. Xavier removes my pants and shirt. He looks me over before mumbling the word beautiful. I blush at this so he kisses both my cheeks. He then removes my bra chucking it across the room and the panties he slowly removes making me buck my hips up. I flip us over so I'm on top straddling him. I remove his shirt and pants quickly but not his boxers. I kiss the corner of his mouth and trail kisses down his neck sucking on his mark as I pass it.  I continues kissing down his neck as he moans. When I reach his boxers I remove them carefully with my teeth. His member instantly shooting up. Xavier then takes the time to flips us over so now I'm on the bottom. Xavier kisses down my chest sucking on my breast in the process. He then positions himself to enter me. I moan as he enters me making me buck my hips us. That night we go for many rounds before falling exhausted onto the bed to fall asleep in each other's arms.

End of sexual scene


🦃Happy thanksgiving everyone🦃
I've finally updated sorry I've been working on my other book. Comment what you think that was my first time writing a sex scene. I'm not really sure what todo next in the book maybe a few filler chapters or something.

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