| Part One | Rescue |

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Hunger. Fear. Anxiety. Sorrow.

For all my life that is all I've ever known. She must have seen it when she saw our tiny little village. She pitied us, but she did seem to be oddly excited to find a few of us were still alive. 

Between the death of our lord many years ago and our guards deserting us, there wasn't much to cling to. People left at an alarming rate. Most of the people who stayed were stubborn and planned to die there before even thinking of running away, others had some attachment that kept them tethered to the ghost of our home. 

For me, it was my mother. She had always been weak and sickly, but she was strong in her own ways. Time and time again I had helped her overcome her illnesses and made sure she could smile another day. Another day I could stand the awful life we were living. 

They used to tell me to have hope, even in the darkest moments. To hold my head up high even when I could barely pick myself up. Her death broke me. All I can remember from the days that followed were people telling me that there was nothing I could do. People begging me to leave. Begging me to eat. How could I? There was nothing left for me here.

That's when she showed up. She offered safety amongst her people and help with anything we would need. A generous offer that some couldn't pass up. She guided those who wished to join her to her boat. It was tiny, but there weren't exactly many of us to crowd a boat of that size. I wasn't among them, nor did I plan to be at first. I wanted to wither away in this place like my mother. To be buried near my parent's graves. To see my family again.

That woman. She is persistent. A woman had told her my story, of my pain. She understood and turned that pity to me. Her burned amber eyes met mine as she tried to convince me one last time. Her words were muffled as she spoke, but her touch is what made it to me first.

Her skin was slightly coarse from what I assume is hard labor, but they still looked quite delicate. The warmth of her touch spread from my wrist up my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. She was gentle and patient with me, something that reminded me of how my mother was on her good days.

Tears welled in my eyes as memories of my mother came back to me. Memories that I know would die with me. Her warm embrace, her sweet voice, her kind smile. It was all gone.

I don't know how long I cried for, but this woman, this woman I had never met before today sat with me until I had calmed down again. She wrapped her small arms around me and simply let my emotions flood out of me. Between inaudible muttering and hysterical crys, I'sure any sane person wouldn'want to deal with a stranger like this. Even now her words are clear to me.

"Your friends told me what happened. Your other fought everyday to pull through to make you happy. Don't let yourself go because of grief. She wanted your happiness." Her hand would gently stroke my head as she continued in her soft voice.

"I don't know if that pain will ever truly fade, but I know you can still be happy. You can use that pain to fuel your actions to bettering yourself. Maybe a new start will be a good first step."

The comfort that she had brought in such a short time had left me shaking when she pulled away.

I can get better... I can smile again for my mom...

Through blurry vision I took the woman's hand and let me lead her away to her boat. To the start of a new beginning. I could to the side and watched as my small village shrunk as more and more distance were put between us. There was no turning back now.

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