| Part Twenty | Together |

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I took some time to convince one of the horses to be comfortable enough to let Kiki and Garroth explain how to put a saddle on one. An older mare was hesitant of me at first but had warmed up to me with enough time and carrots. The buckskin beauty held herself with a grace that the other horses lacked. Kiki went on to explain that the horse probably had some experience with humans before she found them. Garroth had mentioned that before he was stationed at Phoenix Drop, he would have to use wild horses if he lost his horse or needed a fast getaway. 

I held the reigns while walking beside Garroth away from the village. Lady Aphmau seemed to be excited about something since she ran off to Kiki shortly after we had left.

I should ask Kiki about that later.

I turned my attention back to the horse. I couldn't help but be a bit excited at the thought of being able to ride where I'd please on my own. Though I don't see myself leaving to travel the realm, it puts my mind at ease knowing I won't have to rely on Garroth as much.

"If I had known that a lesson would get you to smile so brightly I would have made time sooner." His words caught me off guard but didn't dim my smile.

"You've been quite busy and a bit cooped up lately, so I understand why you couldn't take the time to teach me until now. Honestly, if you never had the time to I would still understand." A memory of riding with Garroth on the way to the Neopolitan villages came to mind. "As much as I don't mind riding saddle side, I don't want to bother you just to travel. I know you-"

"I've never thought you were bothering me when you've asked for something." He has stopped in his tracks. I didn't need to see his expression to know that he was serious or that his words were his truth. "Please don't hesitate to ask something of me. No matter what it is, I want you to know that you can tell me anything."

I offer my hand out to him, drawing him in closer. Once I have a hold on his hand I give it a gentle squeeze. My gaze stayed on our hands as thoughts of all the things I could say to him started to come to me.

"You're one of the best things that have happened to me since I've arrived here. You, Kiki, and Brendan are what makes Phoenix Drop a home for me." I lean in closer to him to have our arms touched. "Just being near you like this puts me at ease." He didn't look at me, or even in my general direction. I know that he wasn't uncomfortable with my words since he didn't move away or even let go of my hand. I smile and continue to walk down the path, leading Garroth now by his hand.

After a few minutes of silent walking, we made our way into a clearing in the woods. The lighting was soft as the light was shining down through the treetops. I turn my attention to the canopy and smile as I take in the warmth of the light.

My attention was grabbed simply by Garroth taking the reigns from my hand. He would move to the side of the horse and grab hold of the saddle. "You can't ride if you can't mount your horse. You could use a stone or even steps to mount your horse, but it's best to learn from nothing so you can always mount them." In one smooth motion, he mounted my horse and circled around me. He would pull the horse to a stop and dismount.

"You make that look so beautiful." I take the reigns from Garroth and run a hand along the mare. "Though you forget one crucial thing." I turn and take a step up to Garroth, looking up to meet his gaze. "You have some height that I don't have. I know what must be done to get on that horse, but it will be far from graceful." I could hear a low chuckle come from him. "And why are you laughing?"

He would raise a hand and ruffle my hair before stepping away. "Your view on tasks at hand is different, is all. But yes, it would seem height is not on your side." He would stand near the front of the mare, holding her steady as I grabbed hold of the saddle. I gave myself a countdown before jumping in an attempt to get my stomach onto the saddle. My aim is terrible. Because of my terrible aim, I learned today that taking a pummel to the chest is not a pleasant experience. I went to side off in defeat as pain throbbed from my chest, but I just hovered. The pain from going full force into the pummel distracted me from the fact that Garroth currently had a hold of my waist.

This is the same thing that happened with Laurence, but it was completely different. The way he held me and set me back onto the ground was gentle and careful. He was being considerate of where his hands were and didn't linger for longer than they needed to be.

"I've got you, though, for your next attempt, you could use the stirrups. Grab hold of the pummel and put your dominant leg into the stirrup. Use your other leg to jump and shift the weight to your leg in the stirrup while pulling yourself forward with the saddle." I was a bit hesitant to send myself towards the saddle again at full force, but I trusted Garroth to catch me again if I failed. The stirrups were a bit high but I could still get my foot into it. I took a breath and lept forward, pulling myself towards the saddle and using the stirrup to keep me up. I let out a triumphant laugh when I realized I had made it belly first. I struggle a bit to pull myself up but I manage and adjust myself to get comfortable.

"You sure you weren't a teacher in a previous life?" He lets out a small chuckle and moves to run a hand along the neck of my horse. 

"I've been riding since I was a child, it comes naturally to me at this point." It wasn't often that Farroth spoke about himself, much less about his childhood. I leaned forward and rested my head on the horse's neck so I was close to his helm. He didn't pull away, but his hand did drop from the horse's neck and to his side. 

"Did you go riding often? Did you travel before becoming a guard?" Garroth shook his head and looked to the side.

"I didn't get to ride as often as I'd like. As for traveling, I didn't travel too far from home before I left to train to be a guard." I frown and reach out for him. I didn't actually touch him, but my hand hovers over his helm where his cheek would be.

"You are so loyal to your village and your lord. I admire that about you, but you've stopped yourself from being able to see the world and its beauty." His hand would reach up and take my hand, holding it gently. 

"There is beauty here too." I turn away from Garroth and look around. The leaves that were slowly changing with the season gave the world color. The wind rustling the leaves and the distant sound of animals scurrying about made it more relaxing than being cooped up inside.

"It is beautiful here." I smiled and turned back to Garroth.

"We should come out here more often, I'd like to enjoy it with you more often."

"We'll see if I can find time, for now, let's focus on teaching you how to ride the horse instead of just sitting on it." I pulled myself up into a sitting position and grabbed hold of the reins.

"I've got this!"


I didn't have it. We didn't spend much time out in the clearing, but most of it was me being either thrown off of the horse or failing miserably to have the horse go in the direction I wanted her to. Here I am, holding onto Garroth and trying to forget about the sharp pain in my back each time the horse moves. He would stop in front of my house and proceed to carry me down to my bed. 

"I hope that you having to carry me to my bed doesn't become a daily thing. I wouldn't want to bother you too much with this..." Garroth would adjust his hold on me when he stopped in front of my bed before setting me down. 

"It doesn't bother me at all. I know you are safe, it does put me at ease." He kneels down at my bedside to be at eye level with me. "Next time I'll make more time to teach you and I'll be sure to catch you if you fall." I smile and reach a hand out to him. He takes my hand and allows me to hold it gently.

"I still won't try to be carried home every day so I'll be counting on you to catch me." Garroth would lift my hand up and use his free hand to lift his helm enough to press a kiss against my hand. I would catch a small glimpse of his fair skin and the thin lips that I had felt before. He had a bit of golden stubble on his chin. The image of him under that helm was slowly being pieced together. I was a bit stunned to see a bit of his face, but that was until I realized that he had just kissed my hand. He had pulled away and said his goodbyes before I had even gotten the chance to react. He just left me there with my thoughts.

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