| Part Twenty Two | Conditions |

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The wedding has almost everyone in the village busy. My set of skills wasn't really needed, but I had free hands to help where I could. Lady Aphmau had taken me up on that offer to help set up the docks for the wedding for tonight. We had worked through the night to set up, trying to make sure to get everything set perfectly. The arch was positioned perfectly for when the sun set. Lady Aphmau and I sat at the bottom of the stairs and looked down at our masterpiece.

"I don't know about you, but I need a bath and a nap." Lady Aphmau lets out a small laugh and stands up. She would offer her hand out to me, which I agreed to take.

"Zoey may have breakfast ready for the boys, come join us. I think Zoey may be making blueberry pancakes." I let out a small groan and smile. 

"That sounds heavenly." Lady Aphmau waves me over and offers me help up the stairs since there was some soreness from working all night. The both of us would suddenly stop when we spotted the two O'Khasis guards with their swords drawn at Garroth. He held his sword but took a defensive stance. 

"Garroth!" Hearing my voice, High Priest Zane would turn and wave his hand. Seeing how the two guards stepped back and put away their swords I would hurry past them to Garroth's side. He hesitantly put away his sword as I reached his side, putting myself slightly in front of him. Zane's eyes felt like the sun had concentrated all its light onto me. His eyes trailed over me, seemingly trying to understand who or what I was. I can only assume that Garroth saw my discomfort and put himself completely between me and Zane. Lady Aphmau joined him at his side.

"What is the meaning of this? The last thing I expected to see was a fight between guards." Lady Aphmau had plenty of reason to be concerned. The number of guards we have is severely lacking, if they had attacked Garroth and left him badly injured we would be sitting ducks.

"It would seem that the customs for addressing those of power here are different from what we are accustomed to in O'khasis. Forgive my guards, they were trying to insist on a level of respect that should be given." I doubt that was the first his guards had demanded respect from someone, and not all of them might be other guards. His stare alone made me uneasy, and that was knowing I wasn't alone. I couldn't imagine what might be done to an unarmed villager who was cornered alone.

"I'm sorry, we are not accustomed to many visitors being in such a position as you." It was clear that Lady Aphmau was simply trying to keep the peace, but she was not happy.

"I expected as much coming all the way out here. Regardless, now that you are here, maybe you will have some luck with," he paused for a moment. "Garroth." The way he paused to say Garroth's name and the reaction it got from him told me that something about Zane made Garroth uncomfortable as well. "I have a strict policy when working far from major cities. I try my best to avoid thieves showing up unexpectedly. Usually, armored guards tell a person that there is something that needs to be protected, and a wedding with armored guards usually means a high-profile wedding. This wedding is not something of that standard, so for my safety, all guards must be out of uniform."

Lady Aphmau turns to Garroth. I know she has already seen his face, the look in her eye tells me that she isn't willing to make him do something he won't do. She would nod to him and turn back to Zane.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot force him to remove his armor." A dramatic sigh would come from Zane followed by the sound of footsteps.

"I didn't want to do this, but the two of you left me no choice. Either all of your guards change into formal attire for the wedding, or I will refuse to perform the ceremony and leave for O'khasis." Garroth's body would tense hearing this. He is being forced to pick between his preference to keep his face hidden, or letting Donna and Logan get married.

I take a step forward, placing a hand on Garroth's back. "I need to speak with you, now." I barely spoke above a whisper, not wanting Zane or his guards to hear anything I had to say. He seemed hesitant for a moment but turned to Lady Aphmau.

"Please excuse me for just a moment." He would turn and place one of his hands on my back to usher me to the side of Lady Aphmau's house. He would keep me in front of him so I was out of view of Zane, which I couldn't thank him enough for. He would have me stand against the wall so he could keep an eye on Lady Aphmau in case something happened in his absence.

"I have an idea. He said no guards in uniform could attend the wedding. That doesn't mean you have to be there, maybe just within earshot. Maybe we can have some sort of signal, or I can carry a whistle, so the moment something does happen you will be alerted." I looked up at Garroth and tried to gauge what he was thinking as he stayed silent. I waited for a little while before placing a hand on his arm. "Garroth?" He would lean in a bit so that there was less space between the both of us. 

"No matter the situation you are always looking out for me." His voice was softer than mine was, but there was the slightest bit of pain. "I don't want to leave any of you alone with him, with those guards." He glances back at Lady Aphmau and Zane before turning back to me. "I'll have the others join the party and I will be close by. I'll find a whistle for you, but you'll need to keep it hidden."

I raise a hand and place it on the side of his helm. Even if he can't feel it, he knows it's there. "We help each other, you can count on me." He would lean into my hand and I could feel his gaze on me. "We can't linger here. Let them know that you won't be attending. I'll stay here." He stays for a moment before pulling away.

"I'll be back." He whispered before pulling away to join Lady Aphmau and Zane. I didn't peer around the corner, not wanting to be stared down again. I can only assume that the conversation went well since soon after Lady Aphmau peered around the corner and smiled at me. 

"Look at you with the quick thinking." I step out from around the corner and join the two of them. "Come, let's get some food and then a nap before the ceremony tonight." I let out a small groan and followed Lady Aphmau. 

"That sounds heavenly."

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