| Part Three | Surreal |

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It's been a week. Kiki and her brother Brendan have been watching over me in shifts. Kiki somehow would manage to get me to eat weirdly good mixtures of food to help me gain back my strength slowly without any poor reactions. As of late Kiki has been taking more time with me since Brendan has been working with Lady Aphmau at some house just outside the village. I wasn't sure about all of the details, but Brendan would talk a bit about it when he came back to the house. 

Kiki told me that Lady Aphmau was preparing houses for me and the rest of the refugees from my village. It was only then that I grasped the concept that I had been sleeping in Brendan's bed the past week. He never complained about not sleeping at home. Never showed me any hatred for just showing up. He was kind to me and we even shared a few laughs together. Once I get settled into my place I will have to try to pay him back for what he did.

Kiki wanted to be ready when Lady came to get me. She gave me one of her nicer outfits. It is a simple white off-the-shoulder shirt with short flared sleeves. The pale pink trim added a bit of color to the outfit that stood out against the dark pants. It was nice to stand in front of her in the new outfit. So see her so excited over how it looked on me. It reminded me of when I would dress up for my mom when I was a kid. As I slipped on my shoes the door would open to reveal Garroth rather than Lady Aphmau. 

"Pardon the intrusion." His voice was hushed as he kept his gaze away from the both of us. "I didn't come in at the wrong time, have I?" Kiki laughed and grabbed her apron from the table, slipping it back on. 

"Not at all. Little Y/N was just finishing up. I'm assuming that Lady Aphmau is running behind again." Kiki seemed to steal the words right out of my mouth. 

From what I've seen, Lady Aphmau is always doing something. Even if she ends up getting sidetracked a bit she always makes sure that she checks up on everyone even if it is just asking how someone is doing while passing them. It doesn't surprise me that she was running late, but I had faith that she would check up on me later on.

Once I had both my shoes on I made my way over to Garroth and stood just in front of him. Even being up close to him I couldn't see his eyes from behind his helm, but I could feel them on me. Despite the fact that he is taller, more built, and better trained, he shied away from my close proximity. I couldn't blame him for not wanting to be too close to someone he didn't know. 

"I am here to escort you to your new home." His voice rang from behind his helm. Hearing this I turned to look at Kiki once again. 

"Thank you for all of your help Kiki, I really appreciate it." She smiled and came up to my side and hugged me.

"It was good spending time with you. Don't be a stranger, come stop by my place or come spend some time with my animals."

"Of course. Once I get settled and explore the town a bit I will stop by." I pulled away from her hug and looked back up at Garroth. "I'm ready whenever you are." He would nod and lead us outside of the little farmhouse. 

The streets of the village were as busy as they sounded from the inside. No wonder Lady Aphmau always was so busy, she has a considerable about of people to check on. Once we reached the intersection I would find a large rock to stand on just to simply watch as people continued on their way. I was able to spot a few familiar faces in the crowd, but my people were already blending in with the people of this town. Even when my home village was at its peak it still never had this many people. It was amazing to see that Lady Aphmau could manage so many people seemingly without breaking a sweat. 

Garroth wasn't too far from me, though he didn't join me on the rock. Rather than just watching me carefully from the stone path. He didn't say a word, simply letting me do as I please. Something I'm thankful for. It is something I know I will get used to over time. 

After what felt like forever I climbed down from the rock and continued to follow after Garroth. He lead me to a small house that had a tiny kitchen and sitting area on the first floor with a set of stairs leading down to what I assume might be a bedroom. It was tiny in comparison to the farmhouse but was quaint in its own way. 

"It isn't much, but it's a place of your own. Lady Aphmau thought you would want a place to yourself." I made my way further into the room, running my hand along the railing until I stopped to look at one of the kitchen counters. A basket had caught my eye. "Oh, it's a bit of food so that you didn't have to worry too much about trying to feed yourself until you found a job here. Even if you don't you can come by the guard station and I will make sure you get what you need." 

These people can't be real. They were all so kind to someone that they barely know. Even promising to help keep them alive. Without thinking I moved to back to Garroth and poked his arm a few times. Despite what I thought, his armor was cold to the touch.

"What was that for?"

"Everyone here is so kind. I just had to make sure that I am not dreaming and imagining everyone." I could see his chest twitch a bit as if he was holding a laugh. "I'm serious. None of you seem real. I just don't want to get my hopes up for a good life here if it is all a dream." My voice was soft, as I continued to stare down at his arm. I would watch as he raised it up to my side and swiftly pinched it. "What was that fo-"

"I'm real. This is your chance to have a good life here. This village was once named Phoenix Drop. A bird that burns up into ashes when it dies only to be reborn from those same ashes." I could tell by his tone that this wasn't some rehearsed speech he would give. He believed it. He was looking for the same thing as me. "Take your time to spread your wings again if you need it. Lady Aphmau will support you if you need her to. And I," he places a hand on his sword. "I will protect you from anything that might come your way."

I couldn't help but smile at his words. They were pure, from his heart. This is what he wanted, to protect those in his care and he takes pride in it.

"You must be quite popular with the ladies with declarations like that, Garroth." I tease while stepping back from his now tense self. 

"W-what? O-oh. I didn't mean it like that." He turns his gaze away from me for the first time since we arrived here. "It's just that we, the other guards and I, will make sure no harm comes to anyone here. If you plan to stay then we will do everything we can to keep you safe." I let out a small laugh as he tried to explain himself. 

"Thank you Garroth. I really do appreciate it." I turn around and let my hand trace the railing leading downstairs. I stopped before reaching the first step and looked up to catch another glance at the man. "I'm going to look around here for a bit and then I'll explore the village. I'm sure you don't have the time to be my tour guide with a whole village to protect." His body relaxed a bit and he would lightly bow his head in response. 

"The guard station is just next door if you need any help there is usually always someone there. I'll see you later, Y/N." 

Even after he left my smile lingered. Something about his serious yet heartfelt words stuck with me. Once I made it to the end of the stairs I would stop and look up at the ceiling. 

"I can do this. Make the most out of this experience. Turn your life around." I took my golden locket into my hand and let out a soft shaky breath. "For them. Make them proud. You've got this Y/N."

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