| Part Ten | Y/N |

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Y/N is quite strange but in a comforting way. After Lady Aphmau told me about the attack on her by Zenix's hands, Y/N showed that she was trying her best to make this whole situation easy on me. She has given me some space to leave me with my thoughts but also given me an opportunity to talk should I need it. 

She seems to be a bit hesitant but mindful. She thinks quite a bit before deciding and tries her best at what she puts her mind to. Take her studies as an example. Over the past few days, she has had her nose in that book at least seventy percent of the time. She would take notes and even read aloud whenever I was awake and bored out of my mind. And when I offered to quiz her on the material she seemed a bit nervous but that was for no reason. She nearly aced all the questions I gave her. There was no doubt in my mind that she would do well as a doctor once adequately trained. I will have to send a thank you gift to Dr.Doctor once she has finished. 

One thing about Y/N that I'm most grateful for is her trust and understanding. Despite me pushing myself too far a few days ago, she has been helping me to get back on my feet, literally. She would walk me through some stretches and act as my crutch as we circled the small room. I can remember her words so clearly at that moment and the response that I gave. 

"It almost feels like we are dancing." She smiled softly and held my shirt a bit tighter. "I never really had time for festivities, which meant that most of my dancing was solo and just to impress my mother." Memories of dance lessons and awful dances that I had in the past plagued my memories.

"If it means anything, this is far better than any dance I've had." She turned to me, her E/C eyes sparkling with joy. The words came without a single moment prior to thinking. "Next time we get the chance, and I'm not limping around, will you allow me a proper dance?"

"A dance? With me? Are you sure? I will probably just step on your toes..." I let out a small laugh and nod my head.

"I'll show you how to properly dance." She gave me a soft smile and nodded her head. "Maybe once I get healed back up and get things settled I'll be able to show you properly."

"I look forward to it. That means you're not allowed to get shot or injure yourself again. At least not until I can get my dance lesson."

Even if had been two days since that conversation it still lingers in my head. It probably doesn't help that any time she passes me she flashes me that same smile and reminds me.

I can see why Kiki and Brendan have both grown quite close with her. She is easy to talk to and brings a bit of life to everyone she talks to. From what Lady Aphmau described when she first saw her, I don't think anyone would have guessed she'd come so far out of her shell.

With our quality time together is cut short by Dale insisting I come back to work, I still make sure to stop by her place at the end of my shift to ensure that she knows I'm okay. I could see the concern on her face when I went off for my first shift, it brought me back to the night before I got shot. She didn't want me to leave and there was fear in her eyes, but I had to. Even if it was a setup by Zenix, I couldn't risk anyone getting hurt.

Each time I see her she seems to be at ease to know that I completed my shift. She plays it off though as her being worried that I'm overworking myself. I reassure her that I'm alright and that I won't push myself unless I absolutely have to.

Part of me still worries that Zenix is out there somewhere and that something has also happened to him. As much as I want to believe that he wouldn't ever lay a hand on Lady Aphmau, she has told me otherwise. I can't be blindsided by a possible threat, even if it hurts to think about it. I know that if Zenix shows up again and targets Lady Aphmau then I will have no choice in what to do. I can't let my feeling be the reason why someone gets hurt. If she gets hurt... No. She won't. I won't let her. I will stay by her side and protect her until my final breath. 

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