| Part Six | Déjà Vu |

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Silence. Something about it confused me. It meant that no one had been injured and needed help. But there also weren't cheers that the archer had been caught. I ended up tossing and turning all night, but never ended up getting to sleep. I got up and went to the guard station with little to no rest. It was early so there weren't too many people out and about yet. It was almost peaceful to talk the streets and watch the sun tint the buildings with a beautiful orange color.

I took my time making my way over just to enjoy the sight. Though the moment I heard the door to the guard station opening I couldn't help but fasten my pace in hopes that it was Garroth planning to meet me.

"Garro-" I cut myself off the moment I saw Dale leaving the station. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else." I could feel my face heating a bit out of embarrassment.

"I take it you haven't seen Garroth either." The heat that once was in my cheeks quickly drained.

"He isn't here..?" My voice came as soft and shaky. He was supposed to be here, he said he would meet me at the station in the morning.

"Garroth and Zenix left last night to look for the archer, and neither has shown up. Garroth usually gives us all our assignments in the morning and makes sure that the shift changes run smoothly. I had to step up this morning just to make sure that all the morning shifts were covered." Dale let out a frustrated sigh as he raked a hand through his hair.

"And have you gotten together a search party for them?" Dale raised a brow and turned to me, obviously confused by what I said.

"Garroth and Zenix are two of our best. I am the second in command and I have to make sure that the people of Phoenix Drop are safe." He would slowly approach me and place a hand on my shoulder. "Look. Garroth is the strongest guard I've seen come out of the guard academy in years. I'm sure he is just following up on a lead. If he doesn't show by nightfall then I will send a party out to search for both of them."

"It doesn't feel right Dale. Something is just off. Are you sure you can't try to find him sooner?" Dale's hand would slip from my shoulder and he would put some distance between the two of us.

"Don't make yourself too worried about them. They will be fine. If you're that worried then you can wait at the station until he has returned." He turns back towards the door and holds it open for me. I shake my head and walk past Dale completely.

"Brendan still needs me. If you see Garroth tell him that I will be at the farmhouse." I grab hold of my necklace and continue on my way to take over for Kiki.

Have faith in Garroth. Trust him.

Even as I entered the farmhouse I remained in my thoughts. The memory of Brendan laying in his bed in pain faded to the sight of Garroth and Zenix in his place. They clutched their bleeding chest until letting out one final breath. Their blood oozed down the sides of the bed as their bodies remained motionless.

"Y/N!" Kiki yelled as she grabbed my shoulders and gave me a hard shake to pull me away from my thoughts. I couldn't help but shudder at the sudden yell.

"I-I'm sorry. Just lost in thought." Kiki lifted her hand from my shoulder and lifted my chin so I could meet her gaze.

"Something is on your mind. Did you want to share?" There she goes again, taking care of me. Poor health, mental or physical, she seemed to always be there to take care of me.

"Garroth and Zenix aren't back yet. I just..." I glance up at Brendan who was sitting up on his bed. "I worry about this archer... I was able to help Brendan, but what if I can't do it again?" My concern was only met by Brendan's laugh, which caught both Kiki and myself by surprise.

"Y/N, those guys are guards. They do this for a living. Plus if they do encounter the archer then he will have to try to make two quick shots at armored guards. There are only a few spots where an arrow could pierce with an arrow and both Zenix and Garroth are quick. Even if one goes down they won't let him get away." His methods of trying to get through to me were a bit strange, but to some degree, it worked.

"When you put it like that it seems like quite the challenge," I muttered.

"They will be fine. Now, have some breakfast with us before I leave?" Kiki would place a hand on my back and gesture for me to join the both of them at their makeshift table. I would nod my head and join for the simple breakfast. It was simple, but the company was well worth it.

Seeing both of them made me wish that I had siblings growing up. They both have each other's backs, they support each other in a way that a parent can't even do. I don't know anything about their parents or even what they had gone through in life, but they were in a good place now. They were happy.

Breakfast with the siblings helped calm my nerves a bit, and even when Kiki left Brendan remained cheerful and even distracted me from my thoughts. He even gave me a fairly good suggestion. I helped Brendan by taking care of his bandages, and by administering the herbs that Dr.Doctor gave. The village didn't have a well-trained doctor. At most, they had a few volunteers who could tend to sick individuals. He suggested that I try to learn. Maybe I should try to find some books, maybe see if Dr.Doctor will be willing to teach me himself. The idea didn't seem like a bad one. I had a pretty good step into the door, and if it means that fewer people could be hurt without proper treatment then it is an option that is hard to pass up.

I sat on the idea until Kiki came back to take over for me. Even when Brendan mentioned the idea of me learning more about the medicine she practically forced me out the door and pointed me in the direction of the library. However, she gave me a bit of a warning from Lady Aphmau that if you damage any of her books she might be a bit annoyed. I gave her a small nod and made my way toward the building.

Even though it was late afternoon, it was less crowded on the street. It made it quite easy to spot Lady Aphmau up ahead. A much-needed smile tugged at my lips as I hurried up to her. I wanted to share that I was going to be learning more about medicine. That she won't have to send for a doctor every time someone is hurt.

I wouldn't get that chance. Before I could reach her, she bolted down the street and shouted a name that me tense.

"Garroth!" Hearing their Lord's screams, guards rushed over to see Lady Aphmau Kneeling beside Garroth while trying to look around. "He went into the woods. Three of you, go! And try to find Zenix as well! He might be hurt!" Her orders come quickly and without hesitation. I, however, freeze in place. I watch as two guards grab hold of Garroth and lead him down the path toward the farmhouse. Everything drowned out except for the pained gasps from Garroth with every step that they took. An arrow, perfectly shot on the edge of his chainmail by his arm. They had snapped off the end so it wasn't digging into the side of the guard as they moved him. Blood stained the white cloth that decorated his armor. As they passed me I could tell that it wasn't recent. The blood looked like it pooled under him and stained his entire back.

"Y/N!" Her words make me rip my eyes away from him. "Garroth! He needs your help! I have to sail over to Brightport to get Dr.Doctor. I need you to take care of him until I get back." Her hands held my shoulders tightly, desperately. This wasn't like the orders she had given the guards. She was asking me to do this, begging me to do this. It pulls me back to my senses.

Lady Aphmau needs you to do this for her. Garroth needs you.

I nod my head and quickly run after Garroth with Lady Aphmau not far behind. When I stopped at the door she continued on to her boat. Inside, Kiki was helping Brendan from his bed and into a nearby chair while the two guards carefully lowered Garroth down in Brendan's place. I gave the guards their room until he was in place and I was given the go-ahead to do what I needed.

Once again I was getting my hands bloody, though I worried that Garroth's was more severe. Even knowing that he was at least still flinching at my touch, I couldn't help but be fearful that he may not make it... It was very similar to what happened to Brendan but deeper, closer to his heart.

Garroth needed to recover from this. The people of Phoenix Drop were already on edge due to this archer. The death of their head guard would send the village into a panic. He needs to get back up on his feet, even if it is just to show the people that he can't be defeated so easily. I can't let that happen.

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