| Part Seventeen | Reassurance|

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Lady Aphmau had come back to the village the morning after the attack. Things have been a bit rough around town, but they have been quiet. Quiet apart from the whispers from the ladies about Laurance. 

If only they saw him back in Mateli and knew that he probably enjoyed being fawned over like that.

I grip my basket a bit as I walk the empty streets. There has been a growing sense of dread looking at the state of the village. Sure, the houses are being repaired, and the streets are clear of ash, but the morale of the village is low. People who praised Lady Aphmau for how she oversaw the growth of the village simply abandoned her. Even quite a significant number of guards left as well. It brought back memories of my home. The last thing I wanted was to watch my home wither away again.

Then there is Garroth. I stop in front of the entrance to the mines and stare into my basket. Food, medicine, and a book I loaned from Emmalyn is what I had brought with me. I know it wasn't much, but I had yet to see him or speak to him since that night. Kiki said that his helm wouldn't be repaired for another few days, but I couldn't wait that long to speak with him. I take a deep breath and inch further into the mine, carefully looking around. I could hear the echo of metal against rock further in, but I didn't dare step around the corner. 

"Garroth? It's Y/N, I've brought a gift for you. I know you don't have your helm, and if it makes you more comfortable I do have a scarf I can put over my eyes. Though I'd have to ask you to guide me further into the mines." The clang of the pickaxe would stop the moment I spoke. There was silence for a little while before I heard a soft laugh.

"I trust you not to open your eyes, the scarf isn't necessary." Being in the cave almost replicated the sound of his voice in the helm, but that could also be the distance. I smile and close my eyes, waiting for him to approach me. I called out to him to let him know that my eyes were closed and listened as his footsteps got closer.

"You've been the only person so far who hasn't tried to see my face." His voice is far softer when he is closer. "Aren't you curious as to what I look like?" I feel my free hand being lifted from my side and held by leather. Leather was a bit different from the armor he normally wore, but he also wasn't out on patrol. I grip his hand tightly and allow him to guide me further inside of the mines.

"I am, but you've been rather guarded when it comes to people seeing your face. I figured there must be a reason for that." He would hold my hand a bit tighter and pull me to a stop, spin me around, and have me sit down on something. It was soft and sunk under my weight a bit. I reached a hand out to feel the area around me and was met by a soft rectangle and the end of a blanket that I was sitting on. I frown and set the basket beside me. "You've been sleeping in here?" The bed would sink a bit on the opposite side of me and a small comforting warmth came with the presence.

"I failed to protect everyone. I couldn't even prevent a threat that I created to stop terrorizing the village. If it wasn't for Dale, Logan, and Zoey's magic he would have gotten to Levin... He had almost killed you..." I would lean over and press my shoulder against his. I would touch his forearm and follow it down to his hand to gently hold it.

"But we are all alive thanks to the efforts of you and the others." I squeeze his hand. "I didn't think I would survive, and then you showed up the moment I had given up. Thank you, Garroth. You might not see it, but when I look at you I feel inspired. I see a man who is dedicated to his work and has a heart far too big to keep contained. You're hard on yourself and worry over the little things but when something does happen you are quick to act and do what is necessary to keep those you care for safe. You're the reason why I want to learn medicine. I can't wield a sword, much less keep up with the reaction times to protect myself in the heat of the moment. But I can support you. I can tend to the injuries of those who are protecting and keep the ones who need protection alive when they have been saved."

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