| Part Twelve | Mateli |

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I spent most of the night getting my bag together. I didn't have much to take, but it kept me thinking about what I might need to bring. I ended up staying much later than I needed to just reading over my notes to pass the time until I eventually fell asleep. I wouldn't be asleep long before I heard a knock at the door. I groan and turn over in bed. The comfort of my bed drew me in closer, feeding into my exhaustion.

The knocking was persistent and ensured me that it wasn't part of my dream nor would it go away anytime soon. I let out a long, low growl and grabbed hold of my blanket to wrap it around me as I approached the door. My eyes were heavy but I made my way upstairs and managed to answer the door. Once I opened the door I saw Garroth crouched outside holding a slip of paper that he looked to be sliding under my door. 

"What are you doing..?"My voice was a bit groggy but it caught Garroth's attention enough to make him quickly try to get to his feet and crumple the paper in his hand.

"Oh, well you slept in a bit so I was going to leave you a message to not worry about leaving today if you're still tired." He looks over me, which caused me to look over myself further. I'm still dressed in my pajamas with only a blanket to cover myself completely from view. My face flushed a bit and I clutched my blanket a bit more around me.

"I'm sorry... I guess I was a little excited and couldn't sleep." I pull my gaze from Garroth and glance over to my bag that was on my table. "I can be ready to leave here in no time at all. I need to get changed." A sigh came from him. 

"You should take the time to rest. You won't be able to do much research while you're tired. We can push back your trip for another few days. I will need Dale for the afternoon shift and we had a few guards step down due to lingering fear." I quickly turned back to him with wide eyes.

"So if we don't leave soon then I will have to push back my deadline further?" He gave me a small nod. Seeing this, I stepped forward and pushed Garroth, attempting to push Garroth back. "Five minutes! That's all I'll need! Please wait for me. I don't want to miss a chance like this."

He didn't budge under my attempt to move him, just like before. His strength and my lack of strength were ever apparent by me almost slipping on his armor, but I caught myself. He lets out a small sigh and takes a step back. I grip hold of my blanket and stay inside my doorway.

"Dale is currently on patrol and he can't take you."

"Can you take me?" There is a silence that falls between us. He reached a hand across him to hold where his wound is.

"It hasn't been long since I have been on my feet. Honestly, I don't know how the wound will hold up when on horseback." My thoughts go to the book Dr.Doctor had me studying. A page that had caught my eye with information on a local plant.

"If you agree to take me I can make sure that you won't feel any pain during the ride over there." I could see him shift his weight a bit and let his hand drop to his side again. "And it will be a bit of practice as well. I know you probably don't want to be my test dummy, but if it works maybe it can be used while you're at work to alleviate the pain." After a while, his posture relaxes and he steps forward.

"I am putting my faith in you that I'll be alright." I smile and was about to let him in when I realized I still wasn't properly dressed.

"Give me a moment to change. I'll come to get you once I'm ready." He gives me a small nod before stepping away to wait.

I quickly close the door and make my way downstairs to get changed. I tried to make myself look respectable and yet comfortable enough to ride saddle side after helping Garroth. A simple yet long dress in subtle color with a belt on my waist. I quickly do up my hair and make my way back upstairs and greet Garroth once again.

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