| Part Nineteen | Getting Closer |

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I had been in Brightport for nearly 2 weeks. My initial test was rather hectic. He had asked if I had read through all of my notes properly, and when I did, he downed a mysterious bottle. I observed his symptoms and what remained of the liquid to identify what he drank and to treat him afterward. It wasn't going to kill him, though it did leave him uncomfortable for 2 days. Since I had passed his little test, he agreed to take me on as an apprentice, learning what I could from him during my stay in Brightport.

I was mainly watching Dr. Doctor make his medicinal remedies and taking notes as he tended to patients. However, I was able to assist him in patching one of the guards. While this wound was far more stable than Brendan or Garroth's wounds, it was still insightful to see the man in action.

When Dr. Doctor had received word from Garroth that Laurence had allegedly been spotted with Lady Aphmau and Levin alone, a bit of relief washed over me briefly. Levin had begun to act strange the moment Laurence showed up, only to collapse when Lady Aphmau tried to reach out for Laurence.

None of us knew if it was the real Laurence or not, but if it was, there was something different about him. With these concerns in mind, the two of us left Brightport immediately to go check on Levin and Lady Aphmau.

I wasn't particularly close with Laurence, but word of him staying behind in the Nether did make me worry. As far as I knew, getting to the Nether in the first place was no simple feat. But to come back to this realm without a portal being opened from this end first seemed to be nearly impossible.

We quickly sailed over and met Lady Aphmau at her house. Garroth and Brian stood outside, Brian looking a bit shaken up. I would turn to Dr. Doctor to signal him to head inside without me. He wasted no time to get to Levin's side.

I make my way up to Garroth and watch as Dr. Doctor slips inside Lady Aphmau's house. Garroth seemed to be contemplating going inside or not, but seeing me approach, he might have made up his mind.

"I'm glad the two of you made it here so quickly. I'm certain that it is nothing, but I'd rather know there is nothing wrong than not know there is." His hand gripped the handle of his sword, and his pointer finger quickly tapped the end of it. In a short period, there had been two incidents now where it seemed that Lady Aphmau and Levin were the targets. That has to be why he is on edge. I adjust the strap of my bag on my shoulder and slowly approach Garroth, standing at his side and facing the door to Lady Aphmau's house. 

"I know that there aren't many guards here, so your patrols are spread thin." I watched him shift his weight and turn to watch over her door as well. "I could offer Lady Aphmau for me to stay here to look after Levin at least for the night. I don't think it would be a good idea for Lady Aphmau to push herself, and Zoey takes care of Levin all day. I can watch over him while the ladies rest." 

"If they are going after the two of them, you'd be putting yourself in harm's way." He pauses. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't know if I'd be able to maintain any ability to remain calm and relaxed. I might not be able to sleep..." I smile hearing this and lean over to bump my arm into his.

"It's good to know that you worry so much about my safety that you wouldn't be able to sleep." He would shift away from me, and when I turned to look up at him, he was already looking down at me. He was silent, but he stopped fidgeting with his sword.

He is far too tense. We need him at his best.

"I'm sorry, I was just teasing." I pull my bag in front of me and glance back to the door. "I'll be safe here. Zoey has her magic, and I have seen Lady Aphmau with her sword walking through the town. I don't think her skills with the sword hold up to yours, but they can buy us time until you arrive." I smile to myself and turn to Garroth. "If anything happens, I know you'll be there to keep us safe, just like you did that night with Zenix."

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