| Part Thirteen | Letters |

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I now know why Dr.Doctor only gave me this one journal to study before he took me in. There is much to learn and more to the primary material he left me. I was a bit overwhelmed at first before I got my thoughts together. I took notes on different conditions that could be treated with the herbs Dr.Doctor wrote about and possible alternatives. I was able to get through four of the herbs before noon. They weren't highly detailed notes at first, but they were good to help gather the first set of notes. I stand up from the desk in the library and stretch my slightly aching bones. 

I think a small break is in order. Maybe I can see if Laurance has that food he promised.

I adjust my clothes before heading out into the ever-busy Mateli. With it being later in the day, there seemed to be far more people on the streets. Compared to Phoenix Drop, it felt far more crowded and almost overwhelming. I make my way through the crowd looking for the bright-haired flirt of a guard that greeted Garroth and me earlier. 

The two of them seem so different. The guards in my home village were pretty average in comparison to both of them. I've heard that Garroth is quite skilled, though I have yet to see his skill with my own eyes. I can't say much about this Laurance, but if Mateli can trust him to be the head guard, he must have quite a bit of skill.  

It took me a while, but I spotted him from afar and approached him. Though as I did I saw a familiar face. Lady Aphmau stood in front of him and by the look on her face he was also flirting with her. She turned a bit and we locked eyes.

"Oh Y/N, thank goodness." She leaves his side and comes up to pull me into a hug. "I heard from Garroth that you were staying here to study. I thought you would be locked into reading like Emmalyn tends to do." She lets out a small laugh and pulls away from me. 

"I admire her commitment to her books, but my stomach has a mind of its own sometimes." From over Lady Aphmau's shoulder, I could see Laurance approaching with what I assume to be his patented smirk. "And a certain someone promised me food, and I haven't seen any of it." Lady Aphmau gave a playful gasp and turned to face Laurance, who raised his hands in defense. 

"I'd be more than willing to get you some food. We can go to a nice little place for a little candle-lit dinner." His confidence and eye contact made my face flush. Even in my home town I never really got the attention of the men. Many didn't want to have to take care of my mother or have her be a third wheel. Even at Phoenix Drop, I tend to keep too busy to be flirted with. "Your silence isn't a no." He chuckles.

I covered my face with my hands to hide my reaction from him. Lady Aphmau placed a hand on my arm and lightly rubbed it. 

"Please don't overload Y/N, or distract her too much. She has goals she needs to complete, I'd hate for her to slack off and regret it." I peek out from behind my fingers to see Lady Aphmau standing up for me. Even if I wasn't entirely against his flirtatious comments, I knew that I couldn't let it distract me too much. Lady Aphmau would rummage around in one of her bags before pulling out a loaf of bread that was all wrapped up. "Take these. It's not much but could be good for a snack for when you need a break from studying." I smile and accept her offer. 

"Well I have some business to attend to and then I have to leave again." Lady Aphmau pulls me in for another quick hug. "You take care, Y/N." I return her hug and smile a bit. 

"You too Lady Aphmau, thank you again."


I have been sitting in front of this paper now for what seems like forever. Garroth told me that Raven would be able to carry a letter between us and here I am not even being able to think of how to start it. I guess sitting here trying to phrase a letter in my head is better than overloading it with research at such a late hour. I pull back my hair and grab hold of my quill. 

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