| Part Eight | Truth Revealed |

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Three days. I had been watching Garroth slip away for three days. He would wake up less and less, and he would barely be able to hold onto my hand like he was before. His breaths were weak and pained with each one, though it seemed that he had gotten more used to the chest pain that came with breathing so his whole body wasn't tensing with each large breath. 

Dr.Doctor didn't think that he was going to make it for much longer if he didn't get the help he needed soon. Dale was even planning for the worst. A large number of people had already left the village and the guards were being discouraged by the people who did remain. If Garroth didn't make it out of this then Dale would have a hard time bringing things back to the level of peace we had not too long ago. 

I held Garroth's hand tightly as I stayed at his side. No one knew anything about his family and he worked for much that he wasn't terribly close to anyone except for Lady Aphmau and Dale. With Lady Aphmau still out and Dale handling things in the town, he didn't have anyone who could be there for him if he passes. If he was going to pass I wasn't going to let him be alone. 

Images of my mother in this same condition just before she passed. Weak, pale, and barely able to keep anything down. Though I stayed by her side through every moment. I held her hand, soothed her when she cried and watched as she gave her last breath. Even if she was the one that was sick my chest ached as I cried. I was hysterical and refused to leave her side even as people pulled me away so they could take her body away. I was responsible for watching after her, and now I am to watch over Garroth. I didn't want him to suffer the same fate as her... He couldn't.

My silent reading would be interrupted by someone coming in. It wasn't rushed or confident, but rather hesitant. Brendan stopped in the doorway with his eyes fixated on Garroth's body. He had been one of the only ones who hadn't visited the past few days. His guilt has placed a heavy weight on his chest and no amount of talking from Kiki or I have been able to change his mind. "Brendan." I softly mutter his name and reach my free hand out to him, trying to invite him inside. His eyes never left Garroth as he slowly made his way inside and stood beside me. 

I let my grip on Garroth's hand slip so I could take Brendan's instead. I wrapped my arm around his and let my head rest against him. Unlike Garroth, Brendan's hands were rough from years of hard labor. He worked with what he could and did what he needed in order to keep the people here safe, even if it differed from how Garroth protected the people of Phoenix Drop. He gave them homes, a place to feel safe and to settle down. He was sturdy yet warm and wore his heart on his sleeve. "It's not your fault..." I gently brush his skin with my thumb while turning my attention down to Garroth. 

"If..." He stopped himself for a moment and I could feel his arm that I leaned on tense. "If I had remembered what happened that night... Maybe I would have been able to stop this all from happening..." I lifted my head from his arm and looked up at him. Since he had gained his strength back his memory of the incident had been hazy. He said that there was a lot for him to try to work through in order to feel like he could give a proper statement on what happened. 

"You remember?"

"I wish I remembered sooner... The archer missed the first shot..." He tightened his fist until his knuckles turned a ghostly white. "I turned... Zenix... He was pulling back his bow... He wasn't a great shot, but he had a clear shot on me the second time... I tried to fight back... But as I rushed in with my pickaxe he shot me point blank..." I stood up from my seat and kept my gaze on Dale. 

"We need to tell Dale! If Zenix shot you that he could have been the one to shoot Garroth as well! He almost killed you! Garroth is barely hanging on! If it was just the archer then we would have been fine, but people trust Zenix. The people of Phoenix Drop could be in danger!" I will admit that my voice was loud. Seeing Garroth shift at the sudden loud voice made me freeze for a moment and take a deep breath. "This is serious Brendan. We need to let the guards know in case Zenix shows up. Someone else delivered Garroth to us injured. If Zenix catches wind that Garroth might be alive then he may come back to finish him off."

For a moment I understood how Lady Aphmau could make decisions on the fly. Why she didn't hesitate. She had people to protect, people that she deeply cared for here. She had to be fast to act or she ran the risk of losing them and in turn possibly losing the trust of her people.

Brendan's hands trembled and yet he didn't say a word. Before I could try again to get him to speak with the guard, the door slammed open. Lady Aphmau stood in the doorway with a glass with a pink substance in her hand. "I've got it!" Dr.Doctor turned and raised a brow.

"Where is Lord Burt?" She was supposed to bring back Lord Burt to heal Garroth, and now all she has is a glass bottle. I can see where his confusion stemmed from. 

"He is fine, I managed to find him before anything bad happened to him." She spoke as she walked past Brendan and me to stand at Garroth's side. "His magic is weak though... He wouldn't have been able to heal Garroth as he may have in the past. So this was the best he could do. It's a healing potion that is infused with his magic.  I just hope that it will be enough." 

She leaned in close and slowly untired his bandages before pouring the contents of the bottle onto his wounds. Garroth hissed and lightly gripped his blanket as the liquid covered his wound. It began to fizz on the surface for a little while until Lady Aphmau wiped away the top layer to reveal a fresh layer of skin, one that looked to be untouched. Even the scars that the liquid had touched as it ran down his chest had healed over completely. 

Garroth let out a small groan and reached a hand up to his chest, letting his hand brush against Lady Aphmau's. The both of us let out a break that we didn't know we were holding. "Oh thank, Irene," I muttered as I took a seat again. His head moved slightly to look up at Lady Aphmau. His hand moved slightly to grip hers much like how he had been holding my hand the past few days. 

Garroth is going to live. Maybe then we will be able to find Zenix, to make sure that he won't be able to hurt anyone else. 

Lady Aphmau gently removed the bandages from around Garroth and covered him with the blanket before moving from his side. "Thank you all for watching over him, I didn't expect to be gone for so long. But it's thanks to you all that he was able to stay alive till now." She gives a gentle smile and turns to Brendan who was fumbling with his hands. "Hey, Brendan, why don't we have a little chat outside? You look like you can use the air." Her voice was gentle and caring, like that night she brought me to Phoenix Drop. The two of them make their way outside and leave the three of us here again. 

"I heard from Brendan that you were looking to learn more about medicine. After seeing your dedication and skill when treating Garroth, I see potential in you. I want you to take this book on herbs. Study it and come find me once you're confident. I'll test you on it, and if you do well then I'll take you on an internship. You will get more experience and it will be faster and more effective than trying to read it all." 

The book he handed me looked more like a journal. As soon as I opened it I could see neat cursive letters paired with drawings and flattened plants that had been added in as a reference. There was a lot to learn, but this is what I wanted. I turn my attention down to Garroth. This book could show me how to help the injured or ill in the future. To prevent near-death experiences like this again. 

"I'll do my best." Dr.Doctor smiled and gathered his belongings. 

"Now that he is healed and resting, I will leave him in your care. I know him, don't let him do too much too fast." He made his way towards the door but stopped and looked back at the both of us. "I look forward to seeing you progress in your studies." With that, he took his leave. A smile tugged at my lips.

I hope you can see me, Mom. I'm going to get better and help the people of Phoenix Drop. Even if it's one person at a time.

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