| Part Eleven | Preperations |

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Things have returned to some sort of normal. There were people in the streets once again and the ambient chatter I feel actually helped me in my studies. It reminded me that Garroth is back out there and giving a sense of comfort that he will protect us. 

He has been stopping by before he turns in for the night. I can't help but wonder if it is partly due to the promise that he made before he was shot. If breaking that promise still weighs on him. I let out a loud breath and close the journal.

"My mind is starting to drift, time for some fresh air." I push myself up from my desk and make my way out of the house to wander the streets a bit. "Maybe I should stop by that new merchant. See what kind of food he has brought in. Maybe grab something to make for dinner." I got a few looks from people as I walked past. To be fair I was just talking around talking to myself about food. I would stare too. 

As I turned the corner I see Garroth and Lady Aphmau with a few others surrounding them. I raise a brow and make my way closer only to see why they were gathered. A happy laugh came from a baby that was swaddled up in Lady Aphmau's arms. Garroth stood close to her and was gently playing with the child. I froze for a moment and looked over Lady Aphmau. She didn't look like she had been carrying a child before and her appearance hadn't changed since last night, which left me utterly confused. She must have felt me staring since she lifted her head and spotted me. 

"Ah, Y/N! Don't be shy, come take a closer look." She turned to face me and allowed me to get a better look at the baby as I approached. The child was pale and had soft light blue eyes. Nothing of this child seemed to jump out at me that he was Lady Aphmau's child.

"Congratulations Lady Aphmau, I... Didn't know you were pregnant." Lady Aphmau quickly shook her head and turned to look up at Garroth.

"You two must have very similar mindsets." She lets out a small laugh before turning back to me. "He had been left outside of my house this morning. Garroth has already sent out word to a few messages to other villages in case someone out there is looking for him. And in the meantime." She bounces the baby in her arms with a bright smile. "I will look after him."

I smile and meet her gaze. I can tell that as soon as she saw him, the baby fever hit her quite hard. Though to be so close with a child and still be willing to give them away if their parents end up getting Garroth's message. I really don't think that I would be able to do it. 

"Seeing how you care for the people of your village, I know that he is in the right hands." Kiki would bounce over with a smile tugging at her lips. She was planning something. I could feel it.

"Pardon me! I'm just going to steal Lady Aphmau for a moment. The others want to gush over the little one too!" She let out a small laugh and led her over to a small group of women who proceeded to surround her and the little one. Garroth and I stayed behind and watched them.

"Are you sure you don't want to join them? You barely got a look at him." Garroth spoke as he turned his attention towards me. "As cute as he is, I don't know if I want to get too close. You're looking for his parents and if they are found I don't want that pain of missing the little guy..." I hug myself a bit and pull my gaze away from Lady Aphmau. "Though it seems that he has gained your interest. I saw you playing with him just before I came over, it seems like he quite likes you too."

Garroth looks down at his hand and stares at it for a moment. "Levin... He seems quite familiar... I don't know why but he just does. Though I know that the only couple here that has had a child has been Molly and Dale. I don't know, it might sound crazy." I shake my head and lightly bump my shoulder into his. 

"You're not crazy, just human." His body relaxes a bit and he lets his hand rest on the handle of his sword. "But there is something I wanted to run by you that might make me sound a bit crazy. I want to get some more books to study to make sure I'm ready for Dr.Doctor's test. I heard that the library in Meteli has quite a selection of books. I know that it might not be the best time to go out and travel, but I think it will be something I can benefit from greatly if everything goes well." I know that with everything that has happened recently, it might be quite a risk to leave if Zenix or the archer is still lingering around the village.

Garroth remained silent for a while as he tapped the end of his sword. He wasn't immediately saying no to my request, but it wasn't a yes either. There is always the possibility that I will be needed to take care of someone, but Meteli isn't far so I would be able to come back quickly. 

"Three days." He started. "I can have Dale escort you to Meteli on horseback, but I will send him to get you after three days. Do you think that will be enough time to find the books you need?" I wasn't exactly looking for a long trip, so it seemed reasonable enough.

"I can see what books they will allow me to take with me, and I will try to go through the ones that I can't during my stay." I wasn't sure just how many books I'd be able to find, or if they would be of any use to me, but it was worth a shot. As I start to make a list in my head of what I will need to bring, I could hear a small amused breath come from Garroth.

"I admire your determination to prepare for this test that Dr.Doctor has given you, but if you ask me, you are more than capable." He raises a hand to lightly pat my shoulder. "Don't be too hard on yourself and don't overthink everything."

Even a small amount of encouragement lifted some of my worries. Part of me wants to say that the reason I hold his opinion so high is because I was there taking care of him just a few days ago, that he knows firsthand what I am capable of. Another is just in awe of the person who he is. A top-ranking guard who is sweet and yet skilled. The people he serves care for him and Lady Aphmau even risked her own safety to try to save him. He is just as important to this village as Lady Aphmau, so that may be the reason why my chest fluttered a bit at his compliment. 

"Thank you for this, Garroth. I promise I'll do my best so I can support Phoenix Drop." His gloved hand slipped from my shoulder but his gaze never left mine. Even if I couldn't see his eyes, I could feel them. 

"You should go get ready, I'll have to take you to Meteli tomorrow morning." 

"Oh! That doesn't give very much time at all!" I went to turn away but stopped and looked back to Garroth one more time. "Thank you again Garroth. I won't let you down." I took my leave and made it back to my place to start packing for the trip. 

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