| Part Sixteen | Red |

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Kiki indeed didn't let me live down the moment between Garroth and me. She was being so consistent with it that even Brendan was starting to question if there was something else going on between us. Despite how flustered I was for half the night, it was good to be back home and spend time with them both. I'm sure I would have a much harder time calling this place home if I didn't have both of them. The longer that I lay in bed trying to fall asleep the harder it is for me to think of something else. 

I let out a groan and get out of bed to get my journal to try to distract myself by studying. Thinking of all the fine differences between some of the plants did help for a while to keep me from thinking back to earlier. Just as I got back to the section for the numbing cream I quickly closed the book and was about to let out another groan when I heard a scream. My body froze as I tried to figure out if I was hearing things due to a lack of sleep. Just as I was about to settle back into bed, yelling followed. I threw myself out of bed and quickly wrapped myself in a robe before stepping outside to see what was causing a commotion. 

It was the middle of the night and yet I could see everything in the village. Fires fed off of the newly renovated houses and people were trying their best to escape. From on top of the hill, I could see Lady Aphmau's house on fire. Panic surged through me as I remembered that Zoey and Levin were there. I ran towards the house only to come face to face with the one person I never thought would step back into the village. 

"You. You're the one who ruined my plans." His dark eyes I remembered from before were replaced by glowing red eyes. I didn't need magic to know that there was something different about him, that he was far stronger than the last time we had seen him. His gloved hand grips hold of his sword as I stare at him in fear. 

"Zenix..." My voice was quiet and shaky, but he seemed to hear it perfectly. 

"In the flesh." A smirk formed on his face as he marched my way. "I can't have you undoing all of my hard work. You should have let him die." My feet wouldn't let me move. He would close the gap between us and grab hold of the front of my robe. Heat radiated off of him, I think a single touch might sear my skin. "He can't come back if he doesn't have you." The realization of what he had planned caused my knees to give out.

"Please..." My weight seemed to be nothing to him as he dragged me into a nearby house. The flames had already engulfed most of it and the smoke was thick. I cover my mouth with the sleeve of my robe and flail around to try to break free. His grip on my robe would loosen as it started to rip from his strength. He would adjust the hold of his on me before tossing me against the wall. Flames kiss my neck and back making a pained yell escape from me. 

Zenix would let out a low chuckle and grab a fistful of my hair, forcing me to look up at him and press my back against the wall. His smirk and a crazed look in his eyes brought tears to my eyes. What scared me the most was I didn't know how he planned to do it. He could keep me here to burn alive or use his crimson sword to spill my blood before the smoke or fire could take me. I could feel the uncomfortable warmth start to sink into the skin of my back as he raised his sword to strike. Tears well in my eyes knowing that this will be the end of me. I shut my eyes tight and waited for the pain to follow. Pain that never came.

The air rang with a clash of swords, prompting me to open my eyes. Through my blurred vision, I saw Garroth's sword locked with Zenix's over me. His armor was signed slightly from the fire around us. 

"Garroth..." A sob escapes me, and with it, I take in smoke. 

Garroth would push harder against Zenix and knock him back enough to put himself between the two of us. He raised his shield and took a defensive stance. Zenix would lunge forward, sweeping his sword up to knock away Garroth's shield and pushing him back with his own. Garroth stumbled back a bit, just barely missing my ankle when he caught himself.

"Y/N, you need to run. Now." He wasn't taking his eyes off of Zenix. His movements were fast, and erratic, and had more power behind them than they had in the past. There was something wrong and unnatural about him. Whatever it was shook me to the core. My legs hesitated to move again. The door is behind Zenix, behind the monster that wants to take my life. Zenix pushes forward again, landing hit after hit against Garroth. His movements were slower than usual but he was able to react in time to defend.

My legs would come to life again when a view of Garroth's back started to get far too close. I quickly rolled out of the way and watched as he came crashing into the wall, splitting the burning wood near the collision. He would groan but jump right back into action. With no warning he would launch himself towards me, wrapping his shield around my back to protect me from the debris as we fell.

"Damn it!" Zenix hissed as he began to tug on his sword that was currently lodged into the floor. 

Garroth would firmly grab my chin and make me look up at him.  "I told you to run, I'll keep him back." The sound of wood splintering would catch my attention. I would have turned my head to look but Garroth kept my head still.

"Think again." A chunk of wood attached to the crimson blade would smash directly into the side of Garroth's head, knocking him off of me and sending him rolling in pain.

"Garroth!" I tried to reach out for him but watched Zenix's sword swing in front of me. It would seem with the wood clinging to the blade he couldn't swing it as fast. I would reach back and grab Garroth's shield and bring it up to block the next hit that he brought down onto me. My arms fail under his strength, bringing it down and putting pressure on my head and shoulders. There was a clank of metal behind me and I could feel the pressure of the shield lift off of me.

"Don't worry about me, run. Please, don't look back." There was no echo in his voice, it was clear and strained. His pleas tell me all I need it to. I croak out a quiet 'okay' and help hold up the shield until Garroth gives me an opening. 

Garroth would shift the shield to one side and let the sword scrap along until it hit the floor. He would give me a soft push towards the door and equip his shield. I could see Zenix's hand reach out to try to grab me, but I just kept going. I could hear quickened footsteps behind me followed by the clash of metal. I push open the door with my side and gasp as I get a taste of fresh air. I cough and wheeze a bit as I push myself to search for help. 

"Y/N!" I whip my head around and see Dale coming down the path from Lady Aphmau's house. Tears fill my eyes and I point to the house Garroth and Zenix were in.

"G-Garroth. Help him." His eyes quickly look over me and then to the burning house. 

"Okay, you go to Kiki and Brendan. They should be with a few others by Logan's stand. Find them and stay there. Go." He would draw his sword and rush to Garroth's aid. Knowing that Garroth would have help to take on Zenix put me at ease, but I know that I may cause more problems if Zenix found me. 

I quickly make my way through the two and towards the plaza. Others were running, some were new villagers who swore they would never return. It pained me to know that one man's actions could cause so much trouble and make so many people choose to leave the village for the sake of their safety. These are the people that I wanted to protect and here I am running away. Once I make it to the plaza I spot Brendan holding a bow and quickly pulled it back when I turned the corner. Quickly Kiki would jump up and stop him from firing. 

"That's Y/N! Don't shoot!" She quickly waves me over, and as I approach I wrap my arms around her and hold onto her tightly. The adrenaline was slowly fading and the fear and realization of what happened was finally sinking in. My knees give out, but Kiki doesn't let go of me. She keeps me close to her and lets me cry out my worries and fears to her.

Even as the fires were put out and Dale returned, Zenix had escaped and many of the villagers had left. None of us felt safe and the fear that he might return loomed over us all. I stayed with Kiki that night, feeling some comfort with her and her animals. From the chatter that Brendan had come home with, Garroth hadn't been majorly injured in the fight with Zenix, but his helm had taken some significant damage. He went on to explain how Garroth had set up a place for himself in the mines and had caught a glimpse of Garroth's face. I knew I was interested to know what he looked like, but I couldn't bring myself to listen. Garroth didn't want anyone to know what he looked like. This wouldn't be how I found out.

The night was uneasy, but we all survived thankfully.

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