| Part Twenty Four | The Truth |

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Zane. Why now of all times?

I pull back from Y/N and pull her behind me once again. He had already pushed his luck with her earlier. He wasn't about to do so again in my presence.

"Come now, here I thought our reunion would be a joyous one." He approached the two of us and began to circle, examining us from every angle. Y/N would grip my arm and step closer to me the moment that I was no longer between her and Zane.

"Stop this." I step in front of Y/N once more and meet Zane's gaze. His piercing gaze always reminded me of Father, but there was something far colder hidden behind his eyes. "Why are you here?" He would chuckle and fold his hands behind him, keeping his posture straight.

Just like we were told to. Though he retained an elegant posture in a more social setting, mine far better suits combat.

"Now, now. I believe the formalities can wait. I've had the honor of speaking with Y/N recently. She seems quite protective of you, and given the fact that you won't let me even see her clearly, I assume you're just as protective of her." He steps off to the side and peers around to see Y/N. "Unfortunately, I can only assume that there might be feelings shared between the both of you."

"Zane, if you've come to ramble about conclusions you've come to, then I'd appreciate it if you -" he raised a hand to me and stepped closer to Y/N. I was about to step up to him when I heard the click of a crossbow behind us. My body froze for a moment before pulling Y/N in front of me.

If they plan to hurt her, they will have to kill me first. Knowing Zane, he might have considered it as an option. Right now, she is safest where I can see her, where I can best protect her.

"Tell me, Y/N, do you often enjoy messing around with betrothed men?" Zane's words made Y/N stiffen. Slowly, she would turn to look up at me. A mix of slight pain and concern swirled in her eyes.

"Y/N, let me explain. I-"

"Oh? I assume you haven't told her the whole story yet? Maybe not anything about your past?" Zane creeps closer and stops before the both of us, though his eye is fixed on Y/N. "The next lord of O'khasis who disappeared before his wedding. He claimed he didn't love her and fled. If it wasn't for the fact that Garroth is the firstborn, he wouldn't have any right to become Lord after that stunt he pulled. Regardless, Father sent me to find you."

Y/N gripped my arm. Even as Zane spoke, she never looked away from me. Though I can tell that his words were affecting her.

"Is it true? A lord-to-be and a fiancé?" Her voice was so soft I could barely hear it. I place a hand on her cheek in an attempt to reassure her.

"I promise I will explain everything to you."

"Let's hope you don't take too long. We have a trip back to O'khasis to make." The both of us tensed and turned towards Zane. His eye was narrow as he met mine. No doubt he was smirking beneath that mask.

"No..." Zane let out a small chuckle at Y/N's attempt to speak up for me. He would raise a hand, and one of the armed guards would come from the bush. Phoenix would start to growl beside me, but I didn't give him any orders.

"I assume you must not have come from a big village or learned much about O'khasis. As long as Garroth lives, a treaty between O'khasis and Scaleswind remains on the table. This is an opportunity O'khasis cannot afford to lose. Not to mention there is a great deal you have missed, you will need to be trained before taking over for Father."

O'khasis and Scaleswind haven't been on bad terms with one another in the past, though many people consider them rivals. They are the two largest towns in the region and hold the greatest power. If the two were to officially be joined by the marriage, then even Tu'la may have a considerable contender for strength.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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