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Laurance was no help to me for the rest of my stay in Mateli. Garroth, let me continue my visit to Mateli to make up for the time spent traveling to get Aphmqu out of jail. I tried to take advantage of it as much as possible.

I had used some of my free time and tried to figure out ways to help Garroth loosen up a bit. Laurance didn't really know Garroth all that well and joked around my question. So I was back to the drawing board when it came to that subject. My studies, however, had been quite successful. Not only did I feel more prepared than ever to take the test with Dr.Doctor, but I had even started a journal of my own to keep tabs on everything I was learning. Once I fill it I will go through and write it all out so that it can be used more like the guidebook I was given. Maybe it could be of use when I'm not around.

While I was gone, I had offered Garroth to share some of the medicine I had made with people who needed it. Garroth said that the people there were thankful for it, and would look into buying it from me on a more regular basis when I was back and settled. I didn't think I was going to possibly make any money from this, but it is nice to know that I won't be so heavily reliant on Brendan and Kiki to support me.

I collect my thoughts as Phoenix Drop comes into view. Dale wasn't much of a talker, but I didn't blame him. I've been stuck in my little world the entire ride here. I'm just glad that he didn't stink of his drinking problem right now. The silence with him seemed so different from riding with Garroth, this was awkward and tense. I can tell that he didn't really want to be doing this right now. Maybe part of the reason for that is Molly, they aren't obvious, but I can see how they look at each other. It's the same way my parents used to look at each other. I could only hope for that one day.

The village was busy when we came riding in. With Lady Aphmau out of town, it seemed that everyone was pulling their weight to make sure that things stayed afloat. Brendan was leading a small group to help clear out some of the land around the village for future expansion. Without hesitation, he would make his way over to us and offer out a hand to me.

"Welcome back Y/N, how was Mateli?" I let out a small sigh and took his hand to get off of Dale's horse. I grab my bag and sling it across my shoulders so Dale can take his leave. He would give a small wave and make his way back to his post I assume. 

"Too short to get everything I wanted to know, but I think I am ready for the test. I was thinking about asking Garroth to go take it soon. I'd like to take it as soon as possible to make sure I don't forget anything." He held my hand a bit tighter.

"Are you sure you want to leave so soon? Kiki has started to worry a bit about you. Maybe spend the day with her if you plan to leave so soon. I don't know how long you are going to be gone, but I think a little girl's night together would be good for both of you." I give him a small smile and pull him in for a hug. There was no hesitation from him to wrap one of his arms around me. 

"I'm glad to have the both of you. As much as I'd love a girl's night, I want to spend some time with you too. How about the both of you come to my place and I can make some food for all of us?" I pull away from Brendon and look up to see a gentle smile. 

"I'd love that, thank you for including me. I'll let Kiki know, so you go get settled in. And make sure to go see Garroth sometime. I'm sure it would put him at ease to know you made it here safely." He would ruffle my hair a little and grab up one of the nearby tools. "Once I finish things here then I'll go let Kiki know. Maybe you'll hear her squeal from across the village." We both share a small laugh. 

"I'll see you later tonight then." I give him a quick wave and make my way to my house. With some of the woods around the village being cleared out, it opens up the space a bit more. It gives me hope that the village will continue to grow and puts my mind at ease that there are fewer places to hide. A shiver runs down my spine as I imagine the watchful eyes that could be hiding out there.

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