| Part Seven | Hang In There |

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All I had on hand was a pathetic amount of the citrus herbs that Dr.Doctor had given me for Brendan left. I glanced up at Brendan when I emptied the last of it into my hand. Unlike me, guilt washed over him. The herbs that helped him recover so quickly had mostly been used up per Dr.Doctor's orders. "Oh no..." He muttered under his breath though I'm sure everyone heard him. Silence filled the room as everyone was on edge, the only noise was Garroth's gasps at my every touch.

"The doctor is on the way. I can make this work." I would carefully remove my bandages and begin to pack the wound with citrus herbs. His back arched in pain at the sudden sharp sensation that shot into his side. I covered his wound with the bandages once again and raised one of my hands to let it rest on his bare chest. Despite his condition, he refused to let anyone remove his helmet. It made it uncomfortable to remove his chainmail and a bit awkward of sight, but it's what he wants. He had a strong frame and toned figure. His general frame was easy to see under his armor, but the efforts he has put into becoming as strong as he has remained hidden under metal and cloth. "I know it hurts, but we will get you patched up. Just hang in there a little longer." Slowly his back relaxed to rest on the bed again, but that didn't keep the rest of his body from remaining tense. 

Without saying a word he would reach up and take my hand into his own. His hands were warm and rough. I remember the touch of his armor from before, the cold and smooth touch that it had. It was different and almost comforting. He would pull my hand away from his chest so that it was by his side instead while he clutched it tightly. His pain could be felt through his firm grip, and the added groan after taking in too big of a breath. 

We all stood around Garroth waiting anxiously for Lady Aphmau's return. His breathing was only getting heavier with time. We all grew to be more worried as time ticked away and after what felt like an eternity, Lady Aphmau pushed open the door, her eyes falling onto Garroth's figure. "I've got the doctor!" She hastily made her way into the room with an older man dressed in a suit just behind her.

The man wasted no time for conversation. He cleaned his hands off and took a look at the wound himself and at the arrow I had removed earlier. His face grew dark as I explained how the arrow was positioned and how long ago I thought that he was shot based on the amount of blood he could have lost.

"This shot could have been deadly, but it seems very similar to the one Garroth himself wrote to me about. He is lucky that the arrow seemed to nick his armor otherwise I think this arrow could have punctured his lung and his death much quicker than it is." I could feel my body grow stiff at his words. 

Quicker than it is.

"Quicker? So you mean that he may be on his way there?" Lady Aphmau's words came before mine could before I could even manage to get even think about trying to make a sound.

The doctor sighed and turned to look at me. "I gave you the last of my citrus herbs and making more would take longer than what he has left. The best I can do is keep the wound from becoming infected." It was my turn now. My hand tightened around Garroth's. He drew in a shaky breath that only instilled fear in us more.

"This is my fault..." Brendan murmured quietly. He placed a hand onto his own wound and never let his eyes leave Garroth's. "Those herbs should have been saved for Garroth..." The doctor frowned and glanced around the room before stopping on Lady Aphmau. 

"There could be a way to help him, but it may be a stretch. My lord, Lord Burt, does possess some healing magic. He could help Garroth." Lady Aphmau shifted and stepped closer to the doctor. 

"Then what are we waiting for? I can sail back over to Brightport and get him." She was already heading towards the door when the doctor reached out and caught her hand. 

"Lord Burt has been missing for a few days now... We have all grown to worry for him, but with no signs of him yet, I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up... But it seems that maybe he may prove to be the last hope for Garroth... If you can find him and bring him home, I am sure that he would have nothing against coming to your aid." Lady Aphmau looked back to Garroth for a long while before turning her attention back to the doctor.

"I'll find your lord. Until my return, I ask that you watch over Garroth and try to keep him stable for as long as you can." She turns to me. "I need you to keep him safe, Y/N. I will owe you majorly for all of your help. Phoenix Drop needs Garroth, and right now he needs both of you to help keep him alive. Can you do that for me?" I let my gaze fall down to Garroth. He had lost consciousness and fell into a fitful sleep. His grasp on my hand had loosened to where it was just me clinging to him now. 

"I will be by his side doing all I can." My voice was barely above a whisper, but everyone in the room seemed to understand what I said. 

"I'll leave him in both of your hands. I will be back as soon as I can." Lady Aphmau said her final goodbyes to everyone before rushing off to the docks to start her search for Lord Burt. 


I spent time with Dr.Doctor like I had hoped to, to learn from him, but this isn't how I hoped I would get the opportunity. I was getting hands-on practice with someone who had shown me kindness, someone who I could have stopped from getting hurt if I just pushed more for him to stay. Dr.Doctor didn't give me much time to dwell on my worries.  Every time I started to look remotely distressed he would have me tend to his wound, go to the plaza, and purchase food or supplies for us all.

It's been a day and a half now. Garroth has woken up a few times since Lady Aphmau left. Most of the time he was left crying in pain, it only got worse with each gasp. On the rare occasion that he woke up without tears, he was too weak to do very much. I have been making hearty soups for the past few days. It's easy for Garroth to eat and gets him the fluids and nutrients that he needs. Even if we can't heal his wounds right now the least we could do was make sure that he wouldn't wither away here from malnutrition.  

Between my own breaks and making sure that Garroth was in the best condition he could be in, I was by his side. I wanted to say that it was the guilt that was slowly eating away at me. I could have stopped this from happening. Maybe if I had pushed Dale to go find him sooner then he might be in better condition, not to mention we haven't had any word on Vincent's whereabouts. We fear that the archer may have captured him.

People stop by during the day to leave small flowers or gifts for Garroth in hopes that he will recover soon. And from the rumors that I've heard, there are quite a few people who are planning on leaving. A singular man has injured an innocent person and critically injured a guard with his partner disappearing altogether. It wasn't exactly the best for morale. The best we could hope for is this man making a mistake that leads to his capture or he leaves Phoenix Drop alone entirely. 

I sat at Garroth's bedside and read through one of the books that the bookworm, Emmalyn had lent to me in hopes to learn more and speak with Dr.Doctor about any questions I may have. A familiar groan pulled me away from my book and instinctively I reached a hand out and take his. He winced and slightly tightened his grip on my hand. This was normal for some time. He doesn't always wake up fully, sometimes he just shifts slightly and reacts to pain. His breathing would slow to a ragged pace but it was steady for now. 

"L..." His voice was soft and hoarse. He hasn't actually spoken at all since he was shot, so it's fair that he could barely get a word out. I lifted his hand off the bed and leaned in closer in hopes to hear what he was trying to say.

"Take your time." I made sure that my voice was soft and caring. To make sure to let him know that someone was there with him and that he didn't have to push himself more than he needed to. 

"L... ady... A... Aph... mau..." My breath staggered momentarily. 

Lady Aphmau. He is muttering her name in his sleep. Part of me wondered what was going through his mind. Then again why wouldn't she be. The two seemed to be quite close, not to mention Lady Aphmau was going out of her way to ensure that they found someone to heal him. Someone who can actually save him. And what was I doing? Twiddling my thumbs and changed bandages while Lady Aphmau was actually doing something useful. 

My hand loosened, letting Garroth's fall back to his side. Just as I thought, sleep talking. Soon after muttering Lady Aphmau's name, he allowed himself to fall back into his troublesome sleep. He was comforted by the thought of her, and as long as he was hanging onto his life that was all that mattered. However long it took for Lady Aphmau to find Lord Burt. Just a little bit longer.

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