| Part Twenty One | The Visitor |

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With everything happening in town I wasn't able to fully think about the kiss. Garroth was acting like nothing happened, and Brendan thinks that I was overreacting. It was more than just a kiss for me. It was a tender moment between the two of us. We made a promise to spend more time with each other despite how busy we both have been. And I can't forget that for the first time I saw a part of Garroth's face. Getting that small glance at him had only made me more curious about the rest of his face.

With Logan's sudden transition to becoming a werewolf, it has some concerns being raised. I had never encountered a werewolf before, not even from my old village. His symptoms were barely managed by some suggestions from Dr. Doctor but mainly Kiki. I wasn't the only one who was surprised to know that Kiki knew quite a bit about werewolves. Without her, I doubt Logan would have had a smooth transformation, and the others here wouldn't be as informed as they are now. Having a werewolf in town will be a new experience, but one we have all chosen to experience together.

I step around the corner to see Lady Aphmau face to face with a tall thin man. Garroth stood behind Lady Aphmau gripping the handle of his sword, but not drawing it. Two guards were positioned on each side of the masked man, each relaxed and held themselves with a great deal of confidence.

"There is no way that I would let my precious daughter get married without a proper priest of Lady Irene." The man takes a step forward and gives her a bow with near-perfect form. When he stood he would adjust his hair, making sure that it properly covered his eye.

"I thank you for entrusting me with such a task. It would be an honor to be the officiant." Lady Aphmau quickly glances between Garroth, Donna, and the man before her.

"High Priest Zane, is it?" He nods his head in response. "I'm sorry, but we were not informed that you would be making an appearance and do not have any accommodations ready for you." He shook his head and stepped towards Lady Aphmau. Garroth took hold of her arm and pulled her back, now having her at his side instead. This, however, didn't stop the man.

Zane walked past the two of them and stood just in front of the well. "I did see other houses further down the path. Me and my men have all we need. I thank you for your hospitality and concern for my well-being. The wedding is soon, for now, we will retire to rest from our long journey." Even with half of his face hidden, I swear I could hear a smirk on his face. He spoke as if he knew that he couldn't be touched, that what he said was an indisputable fact.

Zane waved over his guards and scrolled right past me as if I didn't even exist. Lady Aphmau would turn to Donna and her mother to speak about something. Garroth, on the other hand, was nervously tapping the end of his sword. I cautiously approach Garroth and place a hand on his arm. He tensed and shifted away slightly until he realized it was me.

"You seem jumpy. Is it that priest that has you on edge?" He would look around for a moment, his gaze stopping on Lady Aphmau before falling to the floor.

"We don't get visitors often. And the last few people who have shown up haven't exactly been friendly." Always thinking about those around him. His grip on his sword tightened again as he looked toward where Zane walked off. I would reach out and place a hand on his, giving it a firm, reassuring squeeze.

"You're ready now. If he does cause trouble then at least you are here and you know who was behind it." He relaxes enough for me to remove his hand from his sword. His gaze would shift to meet mine. My mind couldn't help but wonder what color his eyes were beneath that helm.

"You don't have as many people to keep an eye on everyone. I can help you so you don't overwork yourself. The high priest seems like he is used to a pampered life. I can offer my assistance to hi-"

"You will not be around him alone." His stern tone reverberated inside his helm a bit and his free hand would grab hold of my arm, keeping me in place. It seemed his tone had caught the attention of the others as well, seeing how Kiki, Donna, and Lady Aphmau were staring at us.

"Garroth..." My voice was just above a whisper. I wasn't scared of him. I know he has his reasons. He would glance over at the three ladies and let out a breath. He would trail his hand down my arm to hold both of my hands.

"Please, whatever you do, do not approach the high priest alone. He is not someone you should underestimate." I watch as his gloved fingers sweep across mine. "I don't have a good feeling about him being here. No offense to Logan and Donna, but this wedding doesn't seem like one fitting for his status. There has to be some other reason as to why he is here."

"I promise I won't approach him alone." I lean in a bit and peer into the visor of his helm. "You'll have to promise me two things, though. You'll take the time to take care of yourself and lean on others for their assistance. And after the wedding is over, I'd like the chance to dance with you."

Garroth would straighten himself out and meet my gaze. I would raise one of our held hands and place the other on his shoulder. It's been a while since I've danced with someone, but this will be different from any other time. Kiki's laughter made me remember that they are still watching. When I went to step away from Garroth, he would have his free hand hovering behind me, so when I backed up, his hand kept me from pulling too far away.

"I'll take it as a yes." I raise my hand from his shoulder to the side of his helm. "I look forward to sharing a dance with you tomorrow." He would lower his head and lean into my touch. He might not be able to feel it, but he knows it's there. I smiled and let my hands linger there until Lady Aphmau approached.

"So sorry to interpret, but may I have a word with Garroth?" Hearing her voice, Garroth would straighten himself up and turn his attention to Lady Aphmau. I bow my head to her.

"Of course, please excuse me." I turn to leave but stop and look back at Garroth once more. "If you need anything, come find me."

"Thank you, Y/N."

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