| Part Eighteen | From Her Eyes |

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The time it took for Garroth's helm to be fixed flew by, but watching the two of them made me wonder if time had moved at the same pace as the rest of us thought. Garroth wasn't keen on walking around in the village with his face on full display, which I don't quite understand since he has fair and quite attractive features. There have only been a few people to enter the mines: Lady Aphmau and Y/N being two.

Lady Aphmau checks up on everyone and does her rounds in the village, which includes checking up on Garroth. Y/N, however, goes to visit him a few times a day and for quite a bit of time. Since I spend most of my time in the plaza looking after my animals, I can catch a glimpse of the two of them. Y/N would always close her eyes, and Garroth would lead her to and from. The way she holds his arm and how they both end up with smiles on their faces when they part warms my heart.

Seeing Y/N come to our village and hearing her story was something that broke my heart. Seeing her become more comfortable with the people of the village other than Brendan or myself put my mind at ease.

I was hunting down a loose hamster when I spotted Garroth and Y/N walking towards the docks together. Garroth was carrying a bag with him and Y/N was at his side. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to follow after them. Their walk there was silent, but something was coming from the both of them that I couldn't put my finger on.

They would stop at the top of the stairs that overlooked the docks. Lady Aphmau was on her ship and seemed ready to travel. Garroth turned to Y/N and offered her bag to her.

"Thank you, Garroth. I know it isn't the best time, but I don't want any more surprises. If there is another attack, I want to be able to help. I'm confident I will pass this test and I'll return with more knowledge than what I left with." She places a hand over her heart and gently grips her blouse.

Garroth would reach a handout and hover just under her chin. He didn't touch her, but seeing his hand there drew her attention up to meet his gaze.

Smooth move. I wonder what it looks like up close...

I shake my head to rid my thoughts of my curiosity. I glance up and see that Lady Aphmau is watching them with just as much curiosity as I was, though her presence is already known.

"It puts me at ease to know that I have someone I can trust who will be able to assist me in keeping the people of Phoenix Drop safe. Please be safe during your stay in Brightport, and if you need to send a letter or travel back, find Azura." Y/N would smile and give Garroth a quick nod.

"Ready to head out, Y/N?" She turned her attention from Garroth to Lady Aphmau for a brief moment.

"Be right there." She glances at Garroth. "Send for me if you need me, no matter how small or the time of day. I'll come back." She would give a quick wave to Garroth and carry her items onto the ship. She seemed to be speaking with Lady Aphmau as they parted from the docks, but they were out of range for me to hear.

I stayed there for a while until the ship disappeared from view. I was about to turn away when I saw Garroth start to make his way back up, but pause near a tree and kept his head down. With Lady Aphmau nor Y/N, I built up a bit of courage and stepped out from my hiding spot. My quiet reveal didn't seem to go as planned, seeing how I had a sword drawn on me.

"My Irene, I'm so sorry Kiki." He quickly retracted his sword and looked over my neck where his blade was hovering moments ago.

I didn't realize I had stopped breathing until he stepped closer. I let out a heavy breath and tried to calm my heart.

Too many close calls nowadays. Everyone is on edge, even Garroth can't seem to find peace.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to pick your brain a bit." The slight tilt of his helm was all I had to go on. "It's about Y/N." He tensed a bit and shifted his weight to his other leg.

"Go on."

"I couldn't help but notice how close you two have gotten. There is something different between the two of you." He would tense a bit and walk past me. Finding his silence to confirm my suspension, I follow after him.

"She is constantly worried about you, and when the two of you do spend time together, you seem relaxed. Not to mention, when she does make any physical contact with you, you don't shy away from it." A hand would rest on his sword, and his head would tilt back.

"Y/N has been consistently helping not only me but the people of the village. I have been there to support her." I move in front of him and place both of my hands on my hips.

"Laurence had asked around if she was single." His grip tightened on his sword. I let out a small breath and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Y/N told me of that day you found her about to sneak out with Laurence. She is far more comfortable with you than Laurence. She may be trying to help, but don't let that be the only thing you see."

I can't spell it out for him. I may see the look in her eyes as she starts at him, but she has yet to admit it out loud, either. This is something the two of them have to piece together, I'll just be here to give hints for the time being.

"I can't stay for much longer, I have a hamster to find. However, you should speak with Y/N. Maybe when she returns." I go to leave when one thought crosses my mind. "If want to spend time with her, teach her to ride a horse. She seemed hesitant to try on her own, and both me and Brendan haven't had much time either."

I could tell that he was working things out in his mind. I give a small wave and turn to leave. "Thank you, Kiki for the advice. May I borrow a horse after her return?" I smile and nod.

"Of course. Bring her with, and we can find her a good horse."

Y/N has spent so much time with Garroth and it seems to make her happy. Between getting to find her place in this village and building relationships with the people here, I'm glad to see how far she has come. It feels like she was meant to be here, to have touched the lives of so many people.

I smile and turn my head to the sky as I walk along the path. "I'm glad you've found your way to us, Y/N." Even if she can't hear me, I know she can feel how much I care for her. How much Brendan, Lady Aphmau, and Garroth care.

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