| Part Two | The Lord and Her Guard |

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Warmth. An unfamiliar comfort that I didn't care to move away from. Night came shortly after taking off with the amber-eyed woman and my people. She had blankets for a few of us and she made sure that I was one of the people to receive one. Maybe it was to calm my sobbing or possibly due to my constant shivering. Either way, I was thankful.

Before today, I had never been out on the water. The gentle rocking of the boat as we sailed through calm water was quite relaxing. I lay on the floor of the deck and kept my eyes closed. The swaying reminded me of being rocked to sleep as a child. Of my mom singing to me whenever I had a nightmare. Even now it puts me to sleep.


The hardwood of the deck that I remembered sleeping on wasn't there anymore. What I was on was soft, and allowed me to sink into it. It was comforting. I would allow myself to drift further until I heard a door in the room open. My eyes were still heavy but I could hear them enter. Their footsteps were heavy and the ringing of chainmail followed their movement. A guard.

"Ah, Garroth. Coming to check up on her?" A voice from my left spoke. There was someone there that I didn't even realize until they spoke. They didn't make a sound and didn't seem to stand out too much since I'd been awake. 

"Yes, Lady Aphmau has been a bit busy today. She asked that I checked up on her. Do you have an update on her status?" The second voice was low and smooth despite the echo that followed it. He was wearing a helmet. His voice alone drew me in, making me want to hear it again. 

"Well, she was exhausted when she arrived, but with some rest, she should be fine. Once she wakes up we will get her something gentle to eat." A delicate hand touched my skin, running down my hollow cheek. "Some of her people are suffering from malnutrition, apparently they were heavily reliant on agriculture and after their village collapsed the people left didn't have the skills to properly maintain them. She is the most severe case though. Once she has her strength back we will move her out of the farmhouse."

I'm weak. Too weak to even convince the people of this village that I can live on my own just yet. Though they were right to some degree. I did this to myself. Going days without meals just because I was in too fragile of an emotional state. And unfortunately, I guess that became a pattern that I grew accustomed to.

"I see. Thank you for caring for her Kiki. Please do not hesitate to come find me if you need anything for her. I will try my best to pick up a few things around here to lessen the burden on Lady Aphmau." There was a strange but cute laugh that came from beside me.

"I will update you once Brendan comes back from his nap." The answer seemed to be enough for this 'Garroth' guard. With a soft 'farewell' he took his leave.

With the room falling back into silence it was difficult for me to remain awake. My thoughts drifted off to memories of my home before engulfing me once again.


A blazing warmth that touched my face had been what pulled me from the dreamless sleep that I was enjoying. Instinctively I pull the covers over my face to block out the warmth of the sun and a groan escaped my lips. Shortly after the strange laugh followed. 

"Someone must night like being up in the morning." Their voice was soft and higher pitched. A woman. Slowly I pull down the blanket and brave to open my eyes for a glance at her. Her long red hair was braided and swept to the side. Her emerald eyes stood out against her pale skin. Slowly she approached me, taking a seat beside the bed I'm in. Slowly I pushed myself up into a sitting position to meet her gaze. "My name is Kiki."

"Y/N." My voice is soft and shaky, but she didn't seem to mind. Her smile is bright and quite contagious.  I look away from her to get a better look around the room. It is spacious here, though with a single bed with a variety of tools it didn't look like it would be an infirmary. Then again I can't complain. I had a bed to rest in for the night and someone is trying to make sure I'm not the death of myself. 

Seeing this place I couldn't help but wonder what the rest of their village looked like. A woman who goes out to rescue people from broken villages might be interesting. Speaking of curiosity, my eyes would be pulled towards the door as it opened. The woman from before who held me walked in. She was a bit on the shorter side, but she carried herself well. Her raven hair framed her face, letting her smile shine even more than before. Behind her was a tall figure dressed in armor. Chainmail rang in my ear as he followed in this woman's shadow.

"You're awake." It is him. The one who came to check up on me before. He kept his distance by standing at the foot of my bed while the two women waited on either side of my bed. The raven-haired woman leaned over and placed a hand over mine.

"I'm glad that you've rested. I've heard that you can make a full recovery. Please take it easy and try to gain back your strength." Her voice was sweet and laced with concern. She confuses me with her actions. A woman who sailed out brought a small group of people back to a village, and here she was going to check on one of them and express concern.

"I don't want to be rude, but why do you care so much about me? About my people?" My voice cracked from not being used for so long. The woman didn't back away upon hearing my question, in fact, she smiled and sat on the edge of my bed.

"It's my job to worry. I've taken on the job of repairing this village and doing my best to take care of the people."

"You're a lord?" The words came before I could even think. She laughed nervously in response.

"I haven't taken the role of lord officially yet." She admitted.

"The people here have taken a liking to her. They have seen how much our village has changed since she arrived." Garroth spoke. His gaze fell onto her. I didn't need to see his eyes to know that he spoke from his heart, that he wasn't just speaking for the people of the village. "Few of them, including myself have already started to call her Lady Aphmau." Aphmau- Lady Aphmau shook her head and glanced back to Garroth for a brief moment before turning back to me.

"Call me whatever you'd feel comfortable with." Her smile would slowly fade as I'm sure she caught on quickly to the confusion she saw from me. "I know how some lords are. Trust me, I can't sit around like them. I am always moving and helping where I can." She gives my hand a small squeeze. "I'll make sure you are taken care of."

That comforting warmth from last night, her patience now with me. I thought the lord in my village was caring. He was a mere candle when compared to this woman. The people trusted her and support her even if her methods are different. Hell, she doesn't even claim the title that was given to her by the people. She didn't take it. Inherit it.  She is different and I can't help but wonder what life here will be like. I bow my head in respect and look up to meet her gaze. 

"Thank you for bringing me here. I look forward to seeing your village, Lady Aphmau." She let out a soft chuckle and stood from her place on my bed. Her hand slid from mine so she could return to Garroth's side. It looked natural for the two of them to be stood together. A guard and his lord.

"Rest well, Y/N."

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